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Below is some advice on how to prevent colds and flu.

8 Ways to Avoid Colds and Flu

1. Wash your hands and wash them often

The US Naval Health Research Center conducted a study of 40,000 volunteers who were ordered to wash their hands five times a day. The volunteers cut their incidence of flu by 45 percent.

2. Wash your hands twice every time you wash them

Researchers at Columbia University found one hand washing had little effect, even when using antibacterial soap. So wash twice if you’re serious about preventing colds.

3. Change your toothbrush every three months

You think your toothbrush gets your teeth clean — and it does. But once you’ve finished brushing, it can be a breeding ground for germs. Most dentists recommend you change your brush every two or three months. It’s also a good idea to replace it after you’ve had a cold or flu.

4. Sneeze and cough into your arm or tissue (纸巾)

Whoever taught us to cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze got it wrong. That just puts the germs right on our hands, where you can spread them to objects — and other people. Instead, put your arm over your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough if a tissue isn’t handy. It’s pretty rare that you shake someone’s arm, after all.

5. Stop blaming yourself when things go wrong

Believe it or not, blaming yourself makes you more likely to catch a cold! Researchers found that even those who had control over their work were more likely to begin sneezing if they lacked confidence or tended to blame themselves when things went wrong. Such attitudes make people more stressed on the job, and stress, as you know, can challenge your immune system.

6. Once a day, sit in a quiet, dim room, close your eyes, and focus on one word

Meditate (冥想). It is a proven way to reduce stress. Studies have shown that stress weakens your immune system. In fact, people with high stress levels have up to twice the number of colds as non-stressed people.

7. Get moving

Ride a bike, join a dance class, or go for a walk. A study found that older women who did 45 minutes of gentle exercise, five times a week for a year, were up to three times less likely to get a cold than women who took little exercise. The researchers found that the exercisers’ immune system was strongest in the last three months of the study.

8. Leave the windows in your house open a crack

You don’t have to keep all of them open, but one or two in the rooms in which you spend the most time. This is particularly important if you live in a newer home, where fresh circulating air has been the victim of energy efficiency. A bit of fresh air will do wonders for chasing out germs.


1.To prevent yourself from getting colds, you should wash your hands____.

  A. twice every hour                                        B. twice every time

  C. five times every hour                                  D. five times every time

2.When you cough or sneeze, you should ____.

A. put your hands over your mouth

B. avoid shaking hands with other people

C. cover your mouth with your arm or a tissue

D. keep away from other people

3.Your immune system will be weakened if ____.

  A. your stress level is high

  B. your room is not bright

C. you have control over your work

  D. you do not exercise for 45 minutes every day

4.If you live in a new house, it is particularly important to ____.

  A. leave all the windows open a crack

  B. leave only one or two windows open to save energy

  C. keep one or two windows open in the rooms where you spend the most time

  D. keep all the doors and windows open to let in more fresh air when you are at home



“You know, these cups bring to mind a tea quote(说法) I heard.” Mary’s aunt said.

She poured tea. There were four of them and there were four totally different cups on the table.

They took their tea cups.

“What quote?” Mary asked.

“Well, maybe I should rather say it is a story,” aunt said, “I heard that there was a wise teacher who took all his students for tea. They were surprised that all the cups on the table were different. Each of them took a cup and started drinking their tea, each looking at the cups of others. The teacher let them do that for a while and then said,‘ Do you notice your behavior? You are all looking at each other’s tea cup and I can see some of you with the broken ones are even envious(羡慕的) of the finer cups of others. Is this not so?’ ”

The students agreed, amused by their own behavior.

“You may have wondered why you all had different cups, but I put them here on purpose. You see they represent (代表) life itself. Life is like that tea and the cups are like the physical circumstances(状况) of your life. You all got the same thing in your cups — tea. And yet you can not truly enjoy it in your envy of another’s cup. It’s just the same with life. You forget to enjoy your own life when you concentrate on envying the circumstances of someone else’s life.

So now, close your eyes, and taste your own tea. Really taste it. And tell me — did it matter from which cup it came from?”

Aunt finished telling her short tea story and they all sat in silence for a while, tasting their tea. A sleepy fly buzzed(嗡嗡作响) past, a bird sang in the tree. And it really did not matter one bit from which tea cup they drank.

1. When the students found they had different tea cups, they_____________.

A.were satisfied with their own cup

B.were angry about the broken cups they had been given

C.asked the teacher to get new cups for them

D.were curious about the difference between the cups

2.From the text, we know that _____________.

A.the teacher prepared different tea cups for each student

B.the teacher should have given the students the same cups

C.the teacher made the tea cups different by mistake.

D.each student took their time to choose a cup they liked

3. According to the passage, by comparing the cups to the physical circumstances of people’s life, the teacher meant that people_______.

A.should try different ways of life

B.shouldn’t focus on envy others’ physical circumstances

C.can never change their physical circumstances

D.should work hard for a better life

4. In the passage the teacher’s message to the students was that _______. is hard and boring for everyone is strange to be envious of the lives of others

C.everyone should learn to enjoy his own life

D.people act differently in different circumstances

5. What can be the best title for the passage?

A.More than tea in a cup

B.The value of tea

C.Tea vs cup

D.Enjoying tea with a broken cup



Most people hate change, which is sad since we often go through intense changes in life. And for some of us, even the smallest changes can upset our day. So the question is: Why do most of us find making adjustments to our lives so hard?

    Fear of change is nothing new. Over a century ago, the Parisians were unhappy over a particular addition to their city: the Eiffel Tower. In fact, the citizens were so angry about the plans for the tower that they protested its construction. As strange as it may seem, their anger was completely natural. They were given no choice about the huge change that was going to be made, so they became angry.

    But we get upset over changes even when we do have a say in the matter and think about them carefully. Changes are brought about every day by the decisions we make: which school to attend, which job to take, whom to marry. Voluntary changes also make most of us uneasy because we don’t know how those changes will affect our future.

    People have discovered that the key to overcoming the fear and anger associated with change is to be flexible. When they are flexible, people can adapt to new situations more easily. Being flexible is especially important in the 21st century as technology makes change occur faster than ever before. Those who oppose change, especially with technology in the workplace, may find themselves out of a job.

    When change comes, and you have no choice but to face it, embrace it. A positive attitude helps a lot. In fact, the change may turn out to be the best thing for you. That new job you got may end up being much better than your old one. You may make the best friends of your life in the new city you moved to. Don’t merely focus on how you feel about change; instead decide to accept the change. The change is the reality, and it’s up to you whether the change will be a success or a failure. You never know your next change may be your lifes Eiffel Tower!

1.Why did the building of the Eiffel Tower make the Parisians unhappy?

A. Because they didn’t like the design of the Eiffel Tower.

B. Because they couldn’t avoid accepting the Eiffel Tower.

C. Because it was no use building the Eiffel Tower.

D. Because the Eiffel Tower seemed strange.

2.According to the passage, it can be inferred that what won’t disturb us are _____________.

A. the changes that have agreement with one’s will

B. the small changes we meet in our daily life

C. the changes whose effect we can predict and control

D. the changes that we discuss or consider thoroughly

3.How should we overcome negative emotions that the changes bring?

A. We are not supposed to face the changes and let them alone.

B. We should actively accustom ourselves to the new circumstance.

C. We should not take the changes seriously and avoid them as much as possible.

D. We should know that the changes merely bring us bad influence.

4.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A. The change will probably make you fail like the Eiffel Tower.

B. The change is like the Eiffel Tower which is not good for our future life.

C. Your future life is never known just like the Eiffel Tower unknown to the Parisians.

D. Your future life is likely to be a great achievement due to the change.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

    A. The Psychology of Change            B. The ways to Overcome the Fear

    C. Changes That Disturb Us             D. The Bad Effect of Changes



The high-anxiety focus on reading score may have narrowed student________to knowledge about the world that can improve their reading.







Visitors were still paying 20 yuan to hug Lele and have their photos taken yesterday despite a ban that forbids any such sontact with a wild animal. The ban was introduced more than a week ago.

“The city zoo broke the law and should be prohibited,” said an official at the State Forestry Administration.

The administration notice last Monday clearly bans contact with wild or captive animals, the abuse of wild or captive animals for performance purposes and any improper business related to wild animal products.

“Close contact with the chimp is the only bit that breaks the ban and we will end that soon,” said Beijing Zoo spokeswoman Ye Minxia yesterday.

“The chimpanzee performance can’t stopped overnight as we have a contract with a company scheduled to terminate at the end of this year,” she said.

“The zoo is negotiating with the company in the hope of terminating it sooner,” Ye said. She refused to answer directly whether the chimp photo sessions were still ongoing yesterday, instead, saying. “It’s very likely we will cancel it tomorrow.”

Zoo staff confirmed photos were taken yesterday, one employee saying 2-year-old Lele “works” form 10am to 3pm daily, according to the Leagl Mirror.

Such activities not only damage the mental and physical health of the animals, but also risk the safety of visitors, according to the official website of the State Forestry Administration where the notice was released.

“A pet male chimpanzee bit and attacked 55-year-old Chala Nash, causing serious injuries to her face, neck and hands at her friend’s home in Stamfor, Connecticut on February 16th last year,” CNN reported. The friend, Sandra Herold, called the police, who shot 14-year-old Travis many times after he also attacked an officer.”

“Putting a blue T-shirt on a wild animal and training it to bare its teeth and parade for visitors might not enhance that already-troubled image of Chinese animal protection,” the State Forestry official warned. “Some zoos even hit animals and promote themselves with commercials involving animal abuse, ” he said.

“Too much focus on the profits too often results in improper treatment of animals, contributing to their early and unnatural deaths,” the notice stated.

1.Where can people most probably find the article?

         A.In research reports.  B.In newspapers.

         C.In science fictions.     D.In book reviews. 

2.What do we learn about Lele?

         A.It’s used to make money.  B.It is hit by the people.

         C.It attacked its owners.      D.It died unnaturally.

3.What would be the best title of the article?

         A.Zoos Disobey National Ban        B.Profit-making Zoos

         C.Animals in Danger             D.Animal Abuse


