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请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。
When I get off the bus, I’m usually greeted by the sounds of news on CNN. My father welcomes me, and I help him with the usual things—changing the channel and some other tasks. My father has a disease that makes him unable to walk. Despite his disability, my father has always been my role model.
In my first year at middle school, my grades slipped greatly. My father told me I could improve. I currently maintain a B plus average, and he confidently supports me in all my academic efforts. He is against violence to the best of his ability. Love is his most important tool,and he makes sure we know that violence is never the answer.
He urges me not to fear,but to believe in what I think is right.“No matter what anyone tells me,”he says,“I believe what I choose. If someone is discriminating against you for who you are, they don’t deserve your time.”My friends are the most caring people I’ve met, because I realize that they don’t judge me, and they like me as I am.
I’ve always found it strange that people pity me because of my father’s condition. He’s not inferior(次于) to anyone. His disease doesn’t hold him back. He’s normal person.
When I see disabled people out in public, I consider them equal to any other individual. No one is superior to anyone for any physical reason. I’ve known that from that day on, thanks to my dad.
“Anything else?”I’ll ask.
“No, that’s fine.”
As I walk to my room, I think my dad who teaches me the most important things I’ll ever need to know. My father is in no way inferior to anyone else. If anything, he’s even better.
According to the passage,we learn that the author’s father is_________.

A.kind but sort of strictB.disabled but optimistic
C.independent but violentD.full of love but lacks confidence
It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that the author’s father gives him some advice on
_________. to make to help the disabled to learn from to improve his studies
.When the author sees disabled people in public,he feels_________.
What can we learn from the passage?
A.The author is proud of his father.
B.The author is likely to be taken in by his friends.
C.The author encourages his father to do things himself.
D.The author is looked down upon because of him disabled father.





请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。

When I get off the bus, I’m usually greeted by the sounds of news on CNN. My father welcomes me, and I help him with the usual things—changing the channel and some other tasks. My father has a disease that makes him unable to walk. Despite his disability, my father has always been my role model.

In my first year at middle school, my grades slipped greatly. My father told me I could improve. I currently maintain a B plus average, and he confidently supports me in all my academic efforts. He is against violence to the best of his ability. Love is his most important tool,and he makes sure we know that violence is never the answer.

He urges me not to fear,but to believe in what I think is right.“No matter what anyone tells me,”he says,“I believe what I choose. If someone is discriminating against you for who you are, they don’t deserve your time.”My friends are the most caring people I’ve met, because I realize that they don’t judge me, and they like me as I am.

I’ve always found it strange that people pity me because of my father’s condition. He’s not inferior(次于) to anyone. His disease doesn’t hold him back. He’s normal person.

When I see disabled people out in public, I consider them equal to any other individual. No one is superior to anyone for any physical reason. I’ve known that from that day on, thanks to my dad.

“Anything else?”I’ll ask.

“No, that’s fine.”

As I walk to my room, I think my dad who teaches me the most important things I’ll ever need to know. My father is in no way inferior to anyone else. If anything, he’s even better.


According to the passage,we learn that the author’s father is_________.

  A.kind but sort of strict                    B.disabled but optimistic

  C.independent but violent                  D.full of love but lacks confidence


It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that the author’s father gives him some advice on

   _________. to make friends           to help the disabled to learn from failure       to improve his studies


.When the author sees disabled people in public,he feels_________.

  A.embarrassed            B.sorry        C.natural        D.uncomfortable


What can we learn from the passage?

  A.The author is proud of his father.

  B.The author is likely to be taken in by his friends.

  C.The author encourages his father to do things himself.

  D.The author is looked down upon because of him disabled father.




请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。

When I get off the bus, I’m usually greeted by the sounds of news on CNN. My father welcomes me, and I help him with the usual things—changing the channel and some other tasks. My father has a disease that makes him unable to walk. Despite his disability, my father has always been my role model.

In my first year at middle school, my grades slipped greatly. My father told me I could improve. I currently maintain a B plus average, and he confidently supports me in all my academic efforts. He is against violence to the best of his ability. Love is his most important tool,and he makes sure we know that violence is never the answer.

He urges me not to fear,but to believe in what I think is right.“No matter what anyone tells me,”he says,“I believe what I choose. If someone is discriminating against you for who you are, they don’t deserve your time.”My friends are the most caring people I’ve met, because I realize that they don’t judge me, and they like me as I am.

I’ve always found it strange that people pity me because of my father’s condition. He’s not inferior(次于) to anyone. His disease doesn’t hold him back. He’s normal person.

When I see disabled people out in public, I consider them equal to any other individual. No one is superior to anyone for any physical reason. I’ve known that from that day on, thanks to my dad.

“Anything else?”I’ll ask.

“No, that’s fine.”

As I walk to my room, I think my dad who teaches me the most important things I’ll ever need to know. My father is in no way inferior to anyone else. If anything, he’s even better.

According to the passage,we learn that the author’s father is_________.

  A.kind but sort of strict                    B.disabled but optimistic

  C.independent but violent                  D.full of love but lacks confidence

It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that the author’s father gives him some advice on

   _________. to make friends           to help the disabled to learn from failure       to improve his studies

.When the author sees disabled people in public,he feels_________.

  A.embarrassed            B.sorry        C.natural        D.uncomfortable

What can we learn from the passage?

  A.The author is proud of his father.

  B.The author is likely to be taken in by his friends.

  C.The author encourages his father to do things himself.

  D.The author is looked down upon because of him disabled father.


When I get off the bus, I’m usually greeted by the sounds of news on CNN. My father welcomes me, and I help him with the usual things—changing the channel and some other tasks. My father has a disease that makes him unable to walk. Despite his disability, my father has always been my role model.
In my first year at middle school, my grades slipped greatly. My father told me I could improve. I currently maintain a B plus average, and he confidently supports me in all my academic efforts. He is against violence to the best of his ability. Love is his most important tool,and he makes sure we know that violence is never the answer.
He urges me not to fear,but to believe in what I think is right.“No matter what anyone tells me,”he says,“I believe what I choose. If someone is discriminating against you for who you are, they don’t deserve your time.”My friends are the most caring people I’ve met, because I realize that they don’t judge me, and they like me as I am.
I’ve always found it strange that people pity me because of my father’s condition. He’s not inferior(次于) to anyone. His disease doesn’t hold him back. He’s normal person.
When I see disabled people out in public, I consider them equal to any other individual. No one is superior to anyone for any physical reason. I’ve known that from that day on, thanks to my dad.
“Anything else?”I’ll ask.
“No, that’s fine.”
As I walk to my room, I think my dad who teaches me the most important things I’ll ever need to know. My father is in no way inferior to anyone else. If anything, he’s even better.

  1. 1.

    According to the passage,we learn that the author’s father is_________.A.kind but sort of strictB.disabled but optimisticC.independent but violentD.full of love but lacks confidence

  2. 2.

    It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that the author’s father gives him some advice on to make to help the to learn from to improve his studies

  3. 3.

    .When the author sees disabled people in public,he feels_________.A.embarrassedB.sorryC.naturalD.uncomfortable

  4. 4.

    What can we learn from the passage?A.The author is proud of his father.B.The author is likely to be taken in by his friends.C.The author encourages his father to do things himself.D.The author is looked down upon because of him disabled father.


  In 1947 Angela Mortimer was captain of the team which won the Plymouth Interschools’ Championship.From the moment she stepped forward to receive the silver cup, she was determined to become a Wimbledon Champion.

  Encouraged by her school championship success, Angela decided that she should have proper coaching.She heard that there was a good tennis coach at Torquay, a Mr.Roberts, who was prepared to give free tennis lessons to promising youngsters under twelve years of age and living in the Torquay area.The fact that Angela was over fifteen did not stop her.One Saturday, she made the forty-mile journey from Plymouth to Torquay and introduced herself to Mr.Roberts.Arthur Roberts was not impressed.He played a few shots to Angela and then told her directly that she knew nothing about the game and was too old to learn.He also reminded her that she lived in Plymouth, which could hardly be considered in the Torquay area.

  If Arthur Roberts thought he had got rid of Angela, he was very much mistaken.For her part Angela had been greatly impressed by Mr.Roberts.She made up her mind that she was not too old to learn tennis and that Arthur Roberts was the man to teach her.However, her school certificate examination was appearing ahead and she was determined to work hard.Although the headmaster wanted her to stay on at school for another year before taking her examination, Angela begged to be allowed to sit.She surprised everyone by passing with credit in five subjects.

  Angela then had a stroke of luck.She managed to persuade her family to move nearer to Torquay.Despite what had taken place at their last meeting, Angela properly presented herself to Arthur Roberts and asked him for free coaching.Arthur’s welcome was not a warm one.His time was fully occupied in coaching some promising young players.However, he had to admire Angela.Whatever else she lacked, she was obviously a girl of courage and determination.Arthur liked these qualities in a pupil.“You can play against the wall,” he said, “and if you improve I might help you.”

  Angela’s heart leapt with joy.“I’ll show him,” she said to herself.“I will certainly show him.”


According to the passage, Arthur Roberts ________.

[  ]


was a good tennis coach from Plymouth


taught tennis to anybody who could pay


promised to give free tennis lessons to all school children in Torquay


gave free lessons to young children who he thought would one day be good players


What is TRUE about Angela’s first meeting with Mr.Roberts?

[  ]


Roberts told Angela the he couldn’t help her unless she moved to Torquay.


Mr.Roberts refused to coach Angela for three reasons.


Angela was told to come and see Mr.Roberts when she graduated from school.


Angela was unimpressed by Mr.Roberts when she first met him.


According to the passage, Angela’s headmaster ________.

[  ]


wanted Angela to take her examination early


allowed Angela to take her examination a year earlier


forced Angela to take her examination a year later


wanted Angela to stay on at school after her examination


What can we infer from this passage about Mr.Roberts?

[  ]


He believed Angela could improve by playing against the wall.


He thought Angela lacked courage and determination.


He would possibly help Angela later.


He was too busy to coach Angela.

