operate on sb. 给某人做手术 operation n. come/ go into operation开始运转put/bring sth. into operation 使-投产,运转 查看更多




Dear Sirs,

I’m glad to learn part-time tutors are wanted in your training

school and I’d like to have a try. I’m a student who is     (毕业)

from high school soon. I do     in my English lessons, especially

in oral and       (书面) English. Besides, I’m a monitor and often

help      (其他人) with their English. Before going to a university,

I’ll have a long holiday, during       I’m determined to do a part-

time job like this to make the best of it. What’s more, I can e     

some money for my future studies. Finally, I can get some v     

social experience. I’ll work hard      my job and I can also be a

head teacher. I wish I could have an o    to co-operate with you.

Looking forward to r      your early reply.


Li Hua



I was caught in the war and put to prison.I was sure that I was to be killed,I became  terribly nervous.I reached in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes(香烟),which had   36__ their search.I found one and because of my  37  hands,I could only get it to my lips.But I had no  38 .
I looked   39  the bars(铁栏)at my jailer(狱警).He did not make eye contact with me.I called out to him,“Have you got a light?” He looked at me,and came over to  40  my cigarette.
As he came close and lit the match,his eyes met with mine.At that moment,I smiled I don't know  41  I did that,Perhaps it was  42 ,perhaps it was because,when you get very close,one to another,it is very hard not to  43 .In any case,I smiled.It was   44   a spark(火花)jumped across the distance between our two hearts.I know he didn't want to,but my smile jumped through the bars and caused a smile on his lips.He lit my cigarette but stayed near,looking at me  45_ in the eyes and continuing to smile.
I kept smiling at him,now   46  of him as a person and not just a jailer.And his looking at me seemed to have a new   47 ,too.“Do you have kids?” he asked.
“Yes,here,here.”I took out my wallet and nervously searched for the pictures of my family.He, too,took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his  48  and hopes for them.My eyes were filled with   49 .w*w^w.k&s#5@u.c~o*mI said that I feared that I'd never see my family again,never have the chance to see them grow up.Tears came to his eyes,too.
Suddenly,  50  ,he unlocked my cell(牢房)and silently led me out.Out of the prison,quietly and by   51  routes,out of the town.There,at the edge of town,he set me   52 .And without another word,he turned back toward the town.
My life was  53  by a smile.
Yes, the smile—the unaffected,unplanned,natural connection between people.I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could   54  each other,we wouldn’t be enemies.We couldn’t have  55 or envy or fear.
(   )36.A. avoided       B.escaped              C.followed             D.prevented
(   )37.A.interacting         B.trying                C.shaking             D.upsetting
(   )38.A.energy              B.strength       C.daylight            D.matches
(   )39.A.over                  B.through          C.below               D.above
(   )40.A.1ight                 B.smoke              C.accept            D.operate
(   )41.A.when                B.where              C.why                D.how
(   )42.A.embarrassment   B.confidence    C.disappointment    D.nervousness
(   )43.A.smile                 B.smoke              C.call            D.glare
(   )44.A.as though          B.even though        C.if only             D.what if
(   )45.A.deliberately     B.thankfully           C.directly              D.immediately
(   )46.A.certain      B.aware              C.tired               D.careful
(   )47.A.motivation       B.belief          C.response            D.meaning
(   )48.A.plans             B.procedure            C.accomplishment   D.concern
(   )49.A.admiration       B.shame                C.tears              D.ambition
(   )50.A.without difficulty  B.without another word C.with reason       D.with safety
(   )51.A.1eft             B.front                   C.back               D.right
(   )52.A.out                 B.up                C.off                   D.free
(   )53.A.saved        B.inspired       C.delivered            D.approached
(   )54.A.realise       B.adapt               C.comfort         D.recognize
(   )55.A.love                B.sympathy             C.hatred           D.worry


— Can you come to my birthday party tonight?

  — I’d love to, but I______ on a patient at 6 o’clock.

A. will operate                 B. am operating

C. will be operating    D. will have operated



Item 78431   The Video Camera Pen

$129.95; Available for Immediate Shipment; Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

This is the pen that has a built-in video camera, capturing (拍摄,录制) videos or still images with a click of its button.Ideal for use while secured in a pocket, it can capture up to five hours of video. Its battery provides up to two hours of power before requiring a recharge.

Item 78098   The Wristwatch Camcorder

$149.95; Available for 3-day shipment; Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

This is the men’s watch with an unnoticeable camera located at the two-o’clock position, yet the watch’s hands never make it covered.So you’ll be always ready to capture a famous person or a pet’s ridiculous actions. The camera’s rechargeable battery provides up to two hours of use from a four-hour charge.

Item 77918  The only 55 Inch Widescreen Personal Movie Theater

$249.95;  Available for Immediate Shipment; Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

This is the only personal media viewer that provides a private viewing experience just like watching a widescreen 55 inch television from 10 meters away.It connects to a video iPod, iPhone, portable DVD player with two AA batteries providing up to six hours of continuous operation.

Item 77281  The Digital Phone Album Watch

$99.95   Available for Immediate Shipment; Order by Phone: 1-800-321-1484

This is the watch that vividly displays 120 of your favorite digital photographs.You can download digital photographs to the watch.The watch can be viewed in the Photo Album mode (模式) or digital mode (time and date view).A six-hour charge provides up to 10 days of use.

1.What’s the purpose of this passage?

A.To advertise some goods.                B.To compare some goods.

C.To teach how to operate the items.         D.To show how fashionable the items are.

2.What do Item 78431 and Item 78098 have in common according to this passage?

A.They both sell well.                    B.They both can take photos.

C.They both have unusual appearances.      D.They are both cheap.

3.If you’re a movie fan, you probably show strong interest in ________.

A.Item78098        B.Item78431         C.Item77281        D.Item77918

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.In fact, Item 78098 cannot tell time.    B.Item 77918 works as a DVD player.

C.In a way, Item 77281 is user-friendly.

D All the items include rechargeable batteries.



One night, a little before nine o’clock, Dr Johnson was answering a telephone call. He was asked to go and give an operation to a very sick boy at once. The boy was in a small hospital in Glens Falls, sixty miles away from Dr Johnson’s city – Albany. The boy had hurt himself in a traffic accident. His wife was in danger, but his family was so poor that they could not pay the doctor anything. After he heard all this, Dr Johnson was driving carefully. He thought that he could get to the hospital before 12 o’clock. A few minutes later, the doctor’s car had to stop for a red light at a crossing. Suddenly a man in an old black coat opened the door of the car and got in.

“Drive on”, he said. “I’ve got a gun (枪).”

“I’m a doctor,” said Johnson, “I’m on my way to a hospital to operate on a very sick…”

“Don’t talk,” said the man in the old black coat, “Just drive.”

A mile out of the town he ordered the doctor to stop the car and get out. Then the man drove on down the road. The doctor stood for a moment in the snow. After half an hour, Dr Johnson found a telephone and called a taxi. At the railway station he learned that the next train to Glens Falls would not leave until 12 o’clock.

It was after two o’clock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Glens Falls. Miss Clarke, a nurse, was waiting for him.

“I did my best,” said Dr Johnson. Miss Clarke said, “The boy died an hour ago.”

They walked into the waiting room. There sat the man in the old black coat, with his head in his hands.

“Mr. Shute,” said Miss Clarke to the man, “this is Dr Johnson. He had come all the way from Albany to try to save your boy.”

1. From the story we know it took Dr Johnson _________ to get to the hospital.

A.12 hours          B.7 hours           C.only 1 hour        D.about 5 hours

2.Dr Johnson was late because __________.

A.there was something wrong with his car

B.a strange man made it hard to drive

C.a strange man drove his car away

D.the train to Glens Falls was late

3. The man in a black coat __________.

A.hit the boy and ran away

B.took the boy to the hospital

C.was the boy’s father

D.was the real doctor

4.The man in black would feel __________ in the end.

A.happy and pleased                      B.regretful(悔恨) and sad

C.worried and angry                       D.tired and hungry


