be(get) out of practice 荒疏,不熟练 查看更多



A; How do you think about friends?

B: Friends?  You 76 m_____ the character of friends?        

A: Exactly. We always choose friends with much trouble.

B: I agree with you. First, I think friends should 77 c_____ for others  

A: Yes. We should know 78 e_____ other very well.                

B: Then, I do not think people with many weaknesses can be a proper friend of us.

A: All right. Because we can be 79 e_____ influenced by them at this age.

B: But that won’t mean we should 80 m____ friends with the same background.

A: You mean friends can be absolutely 81 d___________ characters?  

B: yeah…Don’t you think you can get different 82 e______ from different friends?

A: Of course. But only if we have something common.   

B: On the other hand, people are always different between what he 83 a____ and what he really should be

A: I can’t understand you completely.

B: Well. People who looks very friendly may be 84 o_______ in some occasions.

A: But how can we know the truth?   

B: Just chat with him without prejudice.

A: When we are 85 f______ with each other, we will find one’s heart.


 阅读下面短文, 根据汉语或首字母提示以及文章内容, 在每条横线上填入一个适当的英语单词, 使短文意思完整。

School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn

everything from school. A teacher, no m        how much he knows, can’t               1. _________

teach his          everything they want to know. The teacher’s job is to show      2. _________

his students          to learn. He teaches them how to read and think.              3. __________

So much more is to be learned o         (之外) school by the students                     4._________

         (自己). It is always more important to know how to study by                    5._________

oneself ________ to learn some facts by heart. Great scientists, such as Einstein,                6._________

Newton and Galileo, didn’t get everything from school. ________ they were                  7._________

all so s         and invented so many things for mankind. They worked hard                     8._________

all their lives, ________(浪费) not a single moment. They would ask                            9._________        

as many questions as they read and they did thousands of ________(实验).                   10.________



School _______  (教育)is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn 72.            

everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he k     __ ,        73.           

can't teach his students everything  t      want to know. The             74.           

teacher's job is to show his students       to learn. He teaches them        75.           

how to read and think. So much more is to be learned o     school by       76           

the students       (自己). It is always more important to know how to  77.           

study by oneself than to remember some facts. Great scientists,     as     78.           

Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didn't get everything from school. B           79           

they were all so     (成功). They worked hard all their lives,            80.           

wasting not a single moment. They would ask _____many questions as       81           

they read and they did thousands of experiments (实验).             


请从would; used to; be/get/become used to中选择合适的词语用适当的形式填空。

1)My father ________ work in the factory, but not any longer now.

2)This machine ________ make farm tools.

3)Don't worry!You'll soon ________ the custom here in short time.

4)I ________ getting early these days and I get up at 5 o'clock every morning.

5)Sometimes I came home late and I ________ bring ready-made food back.



  The door bell rang and Mrs Carson opened the front door. Her heart sank when she saw Mrs Burbidge. Whenever Mrs Bur-bidge called, she stayed for hours and hours.

  “Good afternoon, Mrs Carson, ” Mrs Burbidge said, “I was just passing and I thought I'd drop in to say hello. ”

  “How thoughtful of you! ” Mrs Carson replied. “Do come in. ”

  Just as Mrs Carson had feared, Mrs Bur-bidge stayed for several hours. It was nearly six o'clock and Mr Carson would come home from work soon. He couldn't stand Mrs Bur-bidge. Mrs Carson kept wondering how she could persuade Mrs Burbidge to leave with-out making her unhappy.

  “Has your husband got home yet? ” Mrs Carson asked.

  “Oh, yes. ” Mrs Burbidge answered, “He always gets home about five o'clock. ”

  “It's nearly six o'clock. Won't he be get-ting worried about you? ”

  “I thought of that, ”Mrs Burbidge said, “but it's so pleasant here. We've had such a lovely afternoon. You know what I'll do. I'll ring up my husband and tell him to come round, too. May I use your phone, please? ”

2. 根据故事,用Mrs Carson第一人称的口吻写一篇短文。短文包含下列内容:

(1)短文的标题为:An Unwe1come Visitor

(2)我为什么害怕Mrs Burbidge来访?





1. 要求意思连贯,表达清楚;

2. 短文的开头已写在下面,不计入总词数。

My heart sank when I opened the front door after the bell and saw Mrs Burbidge.

