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It’s that unbelievable fantasy that all of us in the music business are pursuing. While we think that few of us will ever win the “ jackpot”(最高奖赏)of music fame and fortune, emotionally we still hope that one day we will be included in that small group.

   As long as the music business has existed, people have been trying to discover the basic ingredients for success. Opinions range from having post-graduate degrees in composition on the one hand, to having an uncle who drives the bus for Reba McIntype, a famous country music singer, on the other hand. (Probably both would be helpful!) In my opinion, however, there are two doors that are absolutely essential in order to enter credibility. They are available to anyone, but they do require a key, and the key to both of them is perseverance.

There is nothing that can replace excellence! It is the first door we must open in order to have any hope of achieving our musical goals. And, unfortunately, there is no shortcut to excellence. The only way to achieve it is through dedication, discipline and lots of blood, sweat and tears… in other words, perseverance.

Every day I received emails from promising songwriters and musicians all around the world who mistakenly think that natural talent is the magic ingredient for success. While talent is certainly a plus, it is by no means the miraculous elixir(神奇的灵丹妙药)that will turn you into a famous person. Think about it for a moment: How many very talented people do you know personally who are much better songwriters and musicians than those you hear on TV and on the radio? I’ll bet you can say that you know quite a few. And yet, most of these gifted artists will never be known outside their own family or community. Why? Because natural talent—by itself—is not enough.

Next time we will explore the other door to the world of music achievement—the door of credibility—and how the perseverance key works to unlock it as well.

68. In the author’s opinion, the key to success in music achievement is __________.

A. talent        B. dedication C. perseverance      D. discipline

69. Which paragraph will end with “Whether you’re very talented, or just average,   perseverance in practicing makes a difference in your music career.”?

A. One    B. Two    C. Three  D. Four

70. What is the author most probably?

A. A psychologist              B. A teacher  C.A well-known musician   D. A talented writer

71. From the passage, the author wants to tell us_________.

A. difficulties in the music business

B. the key to success in the music field

C. the jackpot of music fame and fortune

D. the basic ingredients for success


It’s that unbelievable fantasy that all of us in the music business are pursuing. While we think that few of us will ever win the “ jackpot”(最高奖赏)of music fame and fortune, emotionally we still hope that one day we will be included in that small group.

    As long as the music business has existed, people have been trying to discover the basic ingredients for success. Opinions range from having post-graduate degrees in composition on the one hand, to having an uncle who drives the bus for Reba McIntype, a famous country music singer, on the other hand. (Probably both would be helpful!) In my opinion, however, there are two doors that are absolutely essential in order to enter credibility.They are available to anyone, but they do require a key, and the key to both of them is perseverance.

There is nothing that can replace excellence! It is the first door we must open in order to have any hope of achieving our musical goals.And, unfortunately, there is no shortcut to excellence.The only way to achieve it is through dedication, discipline and lots of blood, sweat and tears… in other words, perseverance.

Every day I received emails from promising songwriters and musicians all around the world who mistakenly think that natural talent is the magic ingredient for success.While talent is certainly a plus, it is by no means the miraculous elixir(神奇的灵丹妙药)that will turn you into a famous person. Think about it for a moment: How many very talented people do you know personally who are much better songwriters and musicians than those you hear on TV and on the radio? I’ll bet you can say that you know quite a few.And yet, most of these gifted artists will never be known outside their own family or community.Why? Because natural talent—by itself—is not enough.

Next time we will explore the other door to the world of music achievement—the door of credibility—and how the perseverance key works to unlock it as well.

1.In the author’s opinion, the key to success in music achievement is __________.

      A.talent                     B.dedication              C.perseverance      D.discipline

2.Which paragraph will end with “Whether you’re very talented, or just average,

   perseverance in practicing makes a difference in your music career.”?

      A.One                       B.Two                       C.Three                 D.Four

3.What is the author most probably?

      A.A psychologist                                           B.A teacher

      C.A well-known musician                              D.A talented writer

4.From the passage, the author wants to tell us_________.

      A.difficulties in the music business                  B.the key to success in the music field

      C.the jackpot of music fame and fortune         D.the basic ingredients for success


Australia should be your first choice for a holiday.We have clean white beaches in abundance, modem cosmopolitan cities(国际大都市),unspoiled rainforests and national parks,the world’s greatest marine attraction and an unequalled number of marine parks,as well as huge land of inland for you to explore Not to mention our weather!

      Whatever your travel needs.we have it.Welcome to Journey Australia. com! Our aims are simple:we want you to holiday in Australia,and we want you to recognize our website as the best independent information resource about Australian Holidays on the net.This site is a work in progress-it will never be finished-we will constantly update it with the latest information and resources about a wide range of Australian holidays.

      If you are planning to see it all,you’d better plan to stay for a year or even two! Folks who can’t stay for two years at a time,can still have the chance to see it all.by finding timeshares for sale in Australia.This secures people a week of lodging(住宿)each year so there’s no need to rush your exploring.There are also timeshare rentals available online for a relaxing stay with no commitment.Wherever you stay,make sure you will be comfortable.When planning an Australian vacation,your best bet is to pick out three or four main things that you want to see,and then sit back, enjoy the local culture,mad have a good day!

Coming soon:

·  Australia by Location-a comprehensive overview of all of the major Australian Tourist Centres

·  Australia by Journey-a series of luxurious and unique ways to see Australia

·  Specialty Australian Holidays-got a special need like families and pets we will bring it to you here

1.What’s the aim of the passage?

      A.an introduction to Australian natural resources

      B.a report for the local news of Australia

      C.a scientific Australian research report

      D.all advertisement of Australia

2.The best title for this passage is“_______”?

      A.Australia:Your First Choice Holiday Destination

      B.Marine Park in Australia

      C.The preparations for Australian Vacation

      D.The Abundant resources of Australia

3.From the passage,we know that _______.

      A.When planning an Australian vacation,you should choose as many tourist attractions as possible to visit.

      B.Australia is a charming destination combined with the beauty of nature and attraction of modem civilization.

      C.The weather of Australia is not comfortable for tourists.

      D.The website Journey Australia. com is the best independent information resource about Australian Holidays on the net

4.According to the third paragraph,we can know _________.

      A.only if you stay in Australia for a year or even two,you can see all of Australia.

      B.if people couldn’t afford to stay for two years.you can enjoy the timeshares for sale in Australia

      C.timeshare rentals are only available online

      D.Timeshare rentals secure people a week of accommodation but you have to book ahead of time.


     John "Mad Jack" Mytton (1796-1834) was a carefree English aristocrat who was born into
immense wealth. However, he died a poor man after a life that was once described as "a series of
suicide attempts
". So, what went wrong?
     As a young boy, Jack went to Westminster School, but after only one year he was expelled for
fighting with a teacher. He was then sent to Harrow School but only lasted three days before he was
also thrown out. He was eventually educated by private tutors.
     After school, Jack went to Cambridge University. He arrived with 2,000 bottles of port, but left
without graduating - he found university life boring. Later, he joined the army, enlisting with the 7th
Hussars. As a young officer, he spent a year with the regiment in France as part of the occupation
force after Napoleon's defeat in 1815. Jack passed the time gambling and drinking before resigning
his commission. At the age of 21, he returned to his country house just in time to receive his inheritance.
     With an annual income of over £800,000 in today's money, Jack was extremely rich… but it didn't
take him long to spend it all. In 1819, he became an MP. In order to secure his seat, he offered voters
£10 notes to vote for him, spending more than £10,000 in total. However, he found politics dull and
went to parliament only once. Back at home, he would often drop bank notes in the gardens of his
estate, and gave his servants vast amounts of spending money. Once he lost his racetrack winnings
(several thousand pounds) when the wind blew all the money away.
     One of Jack's favorite pastimes was hunting. He would go in any kind of weather, occasionally
with no clothes on. Sometimes, he would get up in the middle of the night, take off with a gun to look
for something to shoot.
     Jack also kept a large number of pets. These included about 2,000 dogs. Some were fed on steak
and Champagne and even wore livery. A favorite horse had free range inside Halston Hall and would
often lie with Jack in front of the fire.
     Jack was a bit of a practical joker, too. He once left a horse in the bedroom of a guest. Another
visitor fell asleep and woke up to find a live bear and two bulldogs in his bed. In 1826, as a result of a
bet, Jack rode his horse into the Bedford Hotel, up the grand staircase and onto the balcony. Then,
still sitting on the horse, he jumped off the balcony, landing among the diners in the restaurant below.
     Another time, he invited a local doctor to dine at Halston Hall. As soon as the doctor had left,
Jack put on a highwayman's costume and raced ahead to rob the unsuspecting man. On another
occasion, a passenger in Jack's carriage admitted that he'd never been in an accident, so Jack drove
the carriage up a hill and turned it over. He would also slip red-hot coals into people's pockets as a
     Eventually, Jack ran out of money and fell into debt. In 1830, he fled to France to avoid his
creditors(债主), but returned a couple of years later, ending up in prison in Southwark, London. Jack
died there in 1834, a poor, lonely man.
1. It can be inferred in the passage that ________.
A. Jack was first educated by private tutors and eventually graduated from Cambridge University.
B. Jack joined the army and succeeded in defeating Napoleon's army in 1815.
C. Jack bribed the voters in order to gain a position of MP.
D. Jack fed his favorite horse with meat and wine and often lay with it in front of the fire.
2. Once Jack rode his horse into a grand hotel and jumped off the balcony in order to pay for his _____.
A. bet        
B. debt        
C. joke        
D. gambling
3. The examples in paragraph 7 tell us that _______.
A. Jack was always ready to help people experience what they hadn't experienced.
B. Jack always punished people by all means to let out his hatred.
C. Jack always played tricks on people to have fun.
D. Jack went mad and treated people unfriendly and even cruelly.
4. The word _________ would be more proper to describe Jack's life.
A. ridiculous    
B. luxurious      
C. tricky    
D. greedy
5. By writing "a series of suicide attempts" in paragraph 1, the author probably means that ________.
A. Jack attempted to kill himself because he was too poor.
B. Jack pretended to suicide to avoid his creditors.
C. Jack lost his life in fighting with poverty.
D. All that Jack had did in his life contributed to his own failure and poverty.

