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When I come across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so, I find the article on the   26    side is much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to   27    in good health, or   28    about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. If I cut the front article, the opposite one is likely to   29    damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text   30   the title. Therefore, the scissors would   31   before they start,   32    halfway done when I find out the   33    result.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both worth your   34   . You can only take up one of them; the other has to wait or be   35    up. But you know the future is unpredictable-the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left   36   . Thus you are   37    in a difficult position and feel sad. How   38    that nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life   39    greatly on your preference of one choice to the other.

In fact that is what   40    is like: we are often   41    with the two opposite sides of the thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only   42    we get into another. The   43    may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind. I   44    remember a philosopher’s remarks: “When one door shuts, another opens in life.” So a casual   45    may not be a had one.

26.  A. front           B. same         C. either           D. opposite

27.  A. get         B. keep         C. lead         D. bring

28.  A. advice      B. news         C. a theory     D. a report

29.  A. suffer          B. reduce           C. prevent      D. cause

30.  A. on          B. for          C. without      D. off

31.  A. use         B. handle           C. prepare      D. stay

32.  A. or          B. but          C. so           D. for

33.  A. satisfying      B. regretful        C. surprising       D. impossible

34.  A. courage     B. strength     C. attention        D. patience

35.  A. given           B. held         C. made         D. picked

36.  A. near            B. alone            C. about            D. behind

37.  A. filled          B. attracted        C. caught           D. struck[来源:学

38.  A. dares           B. comes            C. does         D. dare

39.  A. improves        B. changes      C. progresses       D. goes

40.  A. study           B. society          C. nature           D. life

41.  A. faced           B. supplied     C. connected        D. fixed

42.  A. before      B. after            C. until            D. as

43.  A. following       B. next         C. above            D. former

A. still            B. also         C. once         D. almost

45.  A. treatment       B. action           C. choice           D. remark


I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand.All my clothes were new: the black shoes, the green school uniform, and the red cap.They did not make me happy, however, as tins was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time.I tried in vain lo convince him that I did nothing wrong all the way, but it didn’t help.
When we.arrived at the sate we could see the courtyard, vast and full of boys and girls.I hesitated and clung to his hand, but he gently pushed me from him."Be a man, "he said."today you truly begin your life.You will find me waiting for you when it’s time to leave."
I took a few steps.Then the faces of the boys and girls came into view.I did not know a single one of them, and none of them knew me.I felt I was a stranger who had lost his way.But then some boys began to glance at me in curiosity, and one of them came over and asked, " Who brought you? "
"My father," I whispered.
’’My father’s dead, " he said simply.
I did not know what to say.The gate was now closed.Some of the children burst into tears.The bell rang.A lady came along, followed by a group of men.The men began soiling us into ranks.We were formed into an intricate pattern in the great courtyard surrounded by high buildings.
Well, it seemed that my misgivings had had no basis.From the first moments I made many friends and fell in love with many girls.I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experiences.
We played all sorts, of games.In the music room we sang our first songs.We also had our first introduction to language.We saw a globe of Earth, which revolved and showed the various continents and countries.We started lean-line numbers, and we were told the story of the Creator of the universe.We ate delicious food, took a little nap, and woke up to go on with friendship and love, playing and learning.
Our path, however, was not totally sweet and unclouded.We had to be observant and patient.It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around. Rivalries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.And while the lady would sometimes smile, she would often yell and scold.Even more frequently
she would resort to physical punishment.
The bell rang, announcing the passing of the day and the end of work.The children rushed toward the gate, which was opened again.I said goodbye to friends and sweethearts and passed through the gate.I looked around but found no trace of my father, who had promised to be there.I stepped aside to wait.
【小题1】The writer hesitated and clung to his father’s hand when they got to the school gate because ____.

A.he loved his father and didn’t want to leave his father
B.he had thought attending school meant being punished
C.he was afraid of the punishment given by teachers
D.he did not want to leave his mother and his rather alone at home
【小题2】What happened to him first during his first day at school?
A.He was moved to tears by a sad story told by a girl.
B.He together without other students was grouped.
C.He learnt music and other courses and had a good time.
D.He got punished by die woman teacher because of his impatience.
【小题3】Which of the following subjects did he not probably have?
【小题4】From the last but one paragraph we can learn that ______.
A.they got on well with one another all the time
B.they had a good time at school without being scolded
C.their teacher was more kind to them than strict with them
D.more often than not they experienced physical punishment
【小题5】The writer stepped aside after he got out of the school gate because           .
A.he was polite to let other students go before him
B.he left something behind in his classroom
C.he wanted to say goodbye to his teacher
D.his father has promised to wait for him


Stepfamilies are commonplace in the United States and their number continues to grow.While stepfamilies differ widely in their make-up, they all consist of a parenting couple and children, one or more of whom is of a previous union.Such combinations of his kids, her kids, and then, possibly, kids of the new union make for complicated and often trying difficulties, more challenging than those of traditional families.

       Since stepfamilies involve more people and, consequently, more potential problems from the start than do childless new marriage, it is wise for the couple to do some careful planning prior to (=before) marriage.Not only do the prospective(预期的) marital partners need agreement about their own carriers, life goals, finance and special interests, they must also prepare for new relationship with their children and attempt to accommodate their individual needs and feelings.Furthermore, there are often the rights of other relatives to consider.

       As for any family, the basic ingredient(成分) of a successful stepfamily are affection, kindness and mutual(相互的) respect.However, love alone is not enough.Certainly love is the cornerstone upon which the foundation of any family is built, but there are also many other important ingredients involved in building a successful stepfamily.

       Surveys reveal that successful families regard the ability to communicate openly as the most important factor in their success.Communication is what keeps families on track and functioning as a unit.Although healthy communication is easier for some people than for others, this skill can be learned and improved.Healthy communication involves speaking clearly and listening carefully.

       By their very nature, stepfamilies often are complicated by past events that give rise to ambivalent(矛盾的) loyalties, lingering(持久的) hurts, fears, feelings of guilt and unrealistic dreams.The difficulties that arise within the stepfamilies are human and understandable.However, there are ways to confront(面临) and resolve them.For example, support groups and professional counselors(法律顾问) are available in most communities to provide help and guidance when communications stopped and problems seem overwhelming(压倒性的).

       Planning and building a stepfamily is not a responsibility to take lightly.It can be a very trying and, at times, seemingly impossible effort.Many potential troubles can arise and threaten to destroy the stepfamily.Nevertheless, meeting and mastering these special challenges can bring unexpected satisfactions and rewarding depths of family closeness and affection.

According to the passage, there are      in the United States. stepfamilies

       B.more stepfamilies than ever before

       C.fewer stepfamilies than ever before

       D.fewer stepfamilies than traditional ones

Which of the following can help avoid the potential problems arising in a stepfamily?

       A.The pursuit of the same careers.

       B.Professional interventions(干涉).

       C.The development of special interests.

       D.Careful planning before the marriage.

Many people believe that      contributes most to the building of a successful stepfamily.

       A.everlasting loyalties communication

       C.kindness and mutual respect

       D.persistent(持久稳固的) affection

It is natural for a stepfamily to be     .





According to the author, planning and building a stepfamily is     .


       B.satisfying and rewarding

       C.discouraging and frustrating

       D.a difficult and trying experience


As the quality of the city’s air continues to give rise to ______, the residents are encouraged to set off fewer fireworks.

A.descriptions       B.comparison        C.concerns          D.emergency



Most earthquakes occur within the upper 15 miles of the earth’s surface, but earthquakes can and do occur at all depths to about 460 miles. Their number decreases as the depth increases. At about 460 miles one earthquake occurs only every few years. Near the surface earthquakes may run as high as 100 in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much.
The extent of the disaster in an earthquake depends on many factors. If you carefully build a toy house with an erect set (坚立架), it will still stand no matter how much you shake the table. But if you build a toy house with a pack of cards, a slight shake of the table will make it fall. An earthquake in Agadir was not strong, but it completely destroyed the city. Many stronger earthquakes have done comparatively little damage. If a building is well constructed and built on solid ground, it will resist an earthquake. Most deaths in earthquakes have been due to faulty building construction or poor building sites. A third and very serious factor is panic. When people rush out into narrow streets, more deaths will result.
There is one type of earthquake disaster that little can be done about. This is the disaster caused by seismic (地震的) sea waves, or tsunamis (海啸). These are often called tidal waves, but the name is incorrect. They had nothing to do with tides. In certain areas, earthquakes take place beneath the sea. These submarine earthquakes sometimes give rise to seismic sea waves. The waves are not noticeable out at sea because of their long wave length. But when they roll into harbors, they pile up into walls of water 6 to 60 feet high. The Japanese call them “tsunamis” meaning “harbor waves”, because they reach a sizable (相当大的) height only in harbors.
Tsunamis travel fairly slowly, at speeds up to 500 miles an hour. An earthquake warning system is in use to warn all shores likely to be reached by the waves. But this only enables people to leave the threatened shores for higher ground: There is no way to stop the oncoming wave.
【小题1】Which of the following can NOT be concluded from the passage?

A.The number of earthquakes is closely related to the depth.
B.Roughly the same number of earthquakes occur each year.
C.Earthquakes are impossible at depths over 460 miles.
D.Earthquakes are most likely to occur near the surface.
【小题2】The destruction of Agadir is an example of       .
A.faulty building construction earthquake’s strength
C.widespread panic in earthquakes
D.ineffective instruments
【小题3】According to the passage, the waves caused by submarine earthquakes are not noticeable out at sea because of       .
A.their high speed
B.the wide shores
C.their silent movements
D.their long wave length
【小题4】The significance of the slow speed of tsunamis is that people may      . reduce fear
B.find ways to stop them warned early enough
D.develop warning systems
【小题5】According to the passage, the number of factors that may determine the extent of the disaster in an earthquake is      .
A.two B.fiveC.four D.three

