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It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas, but I had to stay to tidy the office. The only thing that ­_41_ my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in our waiting room and a _42_ sent to me by a fellow I was dating—a dozen long-stemmed red roses.

Suddenly, our receptionist came and said there was a lady outside that urgently needed to speak with me. As I stepped out, I noticed a young _43_ woman with a baby in her arms standing there. 44_ , she explained that her husband—a prisoner in a nearby prison—was my next patient. She told me she wasn’t allowed to visit her husband in prison and _45_ he had never seen his son. So she _46_ me to let her wait here ahead of time. I agreed. After all , it was Christmas Eve.

A short time later, her husband arrived—with chains on his feet, cuffs on his hands, and two armed guards _47_ him. The woman’s tired face _48_ when her husband took a seat beside her. I watched them laugh, cry, and share their _49_ . He seemed like a gentle and honest man.

At the end of the _50_ , the man had to go back and I wished him a Merry Christmas. He smiled and thanked me and said he felt saddened by the fact that he hadn’t been able to get his wife _51_ for Christmas. On hearing this, I was _52_ with a wonderful idea.

I’ll never forget the _53_ on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful, long-stemmed red roses. I’m not sure who _54_ the most joy—the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this _55_ moment.

41. A. enjoyed              B. brightened                  C. relaxed             D. presented

42. A. gift                    B. regards                    C. message            D. package

43. A. ordinary-looking B. good-looking       C. tired-looking     D. frightened-looking

44. A. Happily             B. Quietly                    C. Excitedly          D. Nervously

45. A. why                   B. how                        C. that                  D. when

46. A. persuaded       B. demanded            C. begged             D. pleased

47. A. near                   B. around                    C. behind              D. before

48. A. turned pale     B. went red                  C. lit up            D. turned away

49. A. child                  B. tears                        C. joy                   D. sorrows

50. A. meeting             B. appointment             C. discussion     D. conversation

51. A. something      B. nothing                 C. anything           D. everything

52. A. encouraged      B. struck                      C. provided           D. inspired

53. A. sadness              B. happiness             C. look                 D. smiles

54. A. experienced           B. received                  C. gave                 D. accepted

55. A. unforgettable      B. sad                          C. happy               D. special



American women experience a great variety of lifestyle. A typical American woman may be single. She may also be divorced or married. She may be a homemaker, a doctor or a factory worker. It is very difficult to generalize about American women. However, one thing that many American women have in common is their attitudes about themselves and their roles in American life.
Historically, American women have always been very independent. The first settlers to come to New England were ten young couples that had left behind their extended families. The women were alone in a new, undeveloped country with their husbands. This has two important effects. First of all, this was the uncivilized environment that demanded every person to share in developing it and in survival. Women worked with their husbands and children to make themselves accepted in this new land. Second, because they were in a new land without the established influence of older members of society, women felt free to step into non—traditional roles.
This role of women was strengthened in later years as Americans move west again, leaving families behind and meeting a new environment. Even later, in the east, as new settlers arrived, women often found jobs more easily than men. Women became the supporters of the family.
Within the established lifestyle of the industrialized twentieth century, the strong role of women was not attractive as in the early days of the country. Some women stepped into the men’s jobs as factory and business workers. After the war, some women stayed in these positions, and others left their jobs with a new sense of ability.
【小题1】A typical American woman is______________.

A.single or marriedB. divorced
C.sure about herself and her roleD. all of the above
【小题2】 During the industrialized twentieth century, the role of women__________.
A.was found out
B.was as important as before.
D.was stronger than that of the early days
【小题3】 Women took part in men’s job during the time of_________.
A.the Second World War
B. the Westward Movement
C. the early immigration
D. the industrialized twentieth century.


第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)。

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。         A

Do you enjoy reading? Do you read newspapers or magazines? Chances are, if you do any of these activities, your pre-school child is on his way to becoming a reader.

The process of learning to read is complex, and one of the most important things to know is that parents can help their children learn to read. As children have conversations with adults, they hear both new and familiar words and their vocabulary grows.

There are many opportunities for adults and children to talk together, such as when riding in the car or in a bus, doing housework like fixing dinner, or bathing and getting ready for bed. A major part of conversation is listening. When children talk, adults listen and respond. Then children listen and respond, and so the flow of conversation happens.

Have you watched you pre-school child pretend to read to his younger sisters or brothers? Have you read his favorite story over and over? These experiences tell children that reading is fun. And when things are fun and they are repeated, your child will see letters. He begins to connect them to familiar words, especially the letters that make up his name. A natural next step for him to take is to write the letters.

When children see parents make a grocery list, they want to use a pencil and paper to make their own list. To encourage these beginning writing activities, have pencils, markers, crayons and scrap paper within your children’s reach.

The more children get connected with talking, listening, reading and writing, the easier it is for them to become active readers. While you as a parent have a big influence on these early behaviors, it is important to remember that opportunities for literacy experiences happen when you and your child share in the basic routines(日常生活)of everyday life.

56. The third paragraph tells us that parents can talk with their children__________.

A. during daily routines          B. only in quiet places

C. in their spare time           D. when they are eager to walk

57. During the process of learning to read, children may _________.

A .copy the action of the adults.

B. prefer to talk with those of their own age.

C. keep their interest in reading all the time.

D. waste a lot of paper and other materials.

58. When do children want to learn to write?

A. When their parents ask them to do so.

B. When they believe they can write well.

C. When they remember what their parents taught them.

D. When they can connect letters with familiar words.

59. The passage is written to _____________.

A. talk about parents’ influence on their children’s behavior

B. encourage parents to set a good example to their children

C. advise parents to make reading a part of their children’s daily life

D. make parents believe in the importance of early reading



February has long been a month of romance. With the sweet smell of roses in the air, romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines.

On the 14th day, it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner, buy her flowers and chocolates, write poems, sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals! This is what you see on Valentine’s Day, a day named after Valentine who was a priest in the third century Rome. When the emperor (皇帝) decided that single men could become better soldiers than those with wives, he didn’t allow marriage.

But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret. When his actions were discovered, the emperor sentenced him to death. While in prison, it is said that Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed “From your Valentine”, an expression that is still in use today. Valentine died for what he believed in and so he was made a Saint (圣徒), as well as becoming one of history’s most romantic characters.

Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is also popular among Chinese young people. Some students are planning to make Valentine’s cards for parents, teachers and friends. Others want to hold parties at which they will exchange small gifts and eat heart-shaped cakes. The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share in the spirit of St. Valentine.

1.Why did the emperor in Rome not allow marriage in his country?

A.Because there were few women in his country at that time.

B.Because he thought men without wives could be better soldiers.

C.Because there wasn’t enough food for so many people.

D.Because he wanted to control the birth rate.

2. Valentine was put into prison because ______.

A.he killed one of the soldiers               B.he stole a lot of food

C.he didn’t obey the emperor’s order      D.he didn’t want to be a soldier

3.The last paragraph mainly tells us ______.

A.students in China send cards to their teachers is a good idea to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China is interesting to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China

D.Valentine’s Day is also popular in China now

4.The best title for this passage should be ______.

A.Valentine’s Day                        B.A Brave Priest

C.Valentine’s Day in China                 D.A Romantic Man



February has long been a month of romance. With the sweet smell of roses in the air, romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines.

    On the 14th day, it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner, buy her flowers and chocolates, write poems, sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals! This is what you see on Valentine’s Day, a day named after Valentine who was a priest in the third century Rome. When the emperor (皇帝) decided that single men could become better soldiers than those with wives, he didn’t allow marriage.

    But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret. When his actions were discovered, the emperor sentenced him to death. While in prison, it is said that Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed “From your Valentine”, an expression that is still in use today. Valentine died for what he believed in and so he was made a Saint (圣徒), as well as becoming one of history’s most romantic characters.

     Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is also popular among Chinese young people. Some students are planning to make Valentine’s cards for parents, teachers and friends. Others want to hold parties at which they will exchange small gifts and eat heart-shaped cakes. The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share in the spirit of St. Valentine.

Why did the emperor in Rome not allow marriage in his country?

    A. Because there were few women in his country at that time.

    B. Because he thought men without wives could be better soldiers.

    C. Because there wasn’t enough food for so many people.

    D. Because he wanted to control the birth rate.

Valentine was put into prison because ______.

    A. he killed one of the soldiers           B. he stole a lot of food

    C. he didn’t obey the emperor’s order      D. he didn’t want to be a soldier

The last paragraph mainly tells us ______.

    A. students in China send cards to their teachers

    B. it is a good idea to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China

    C. it is interesting to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China

    D. Valentine’s Day is also popular in China now

The best title for this passage should be ______.

    A. Valentine’s Day   B. A Brave Priest   C. Valentine’s Day in China   D. A Romantic Man

