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Conan Doyle became famous for writing stories about Detective Holmes. So he was often asked to settle puzzling problems.

One day, a woman told him a strange story. Her husband had died 5 years before, and grave had been built for him. The grave was built like this: on the huge stone base was a big stone ball, in the front of which a cross was cut. The ball would move in winter and the cross in the stone ball could hardly be seen.

Conan Doyle decided to see how matters stood with the woman. The grave was just like what the woman had told him. And nobody could move the stone ball, which was put in a very shallow(浅的)hole in the stone base to roll()off. There was water in the hole, too. He thought for a minute and then said to the woman,The problem is easy to explain. It’s very cold and often rains or snows here. So there is always water in the hole. The water turns into ice at night. During the day, the southern part of the ice in the hole turns into water again while the northern part of it still remains ice, so the stone ball leans(倾斜)southward little by little and the cross in the stone ball moves downwards with the ball.

1.Which of the following can take the place of the word grave?

A. box        B.tomb      C.bed       D.hall

2.Why did the woman have her husband’s grave built like that?

A. Conan Doyle told her to do so.

B.Holmes told her to do so.

C.Her husband told her to do so before he died.

D.The story didn’t tell us the reason.

3.From the story we can see that Conan Doyle was a man.

A.who was always ready to help others

B.who wrote a lot of funny stories

C.who was careful and thoughtful

D.who always explained funny problems

4.On hearing what Conan Doyle had said, perhaps the woman would.

A. think what Conan Doyle said was reasonable

B.feel that she might be fooled by him

C.feel that she was too silly to explain it

D.think what Conan Doyle said was without reason

5.From the following cutaway views(剖视图)choose the correct one which shows the positional relation between the stone base and the stone ball.

(sl=stone ball  se=stone base)




Conan Doyle became famous for writing stories about Detective Holmes. So he was often asked to settle puzzling problems.

One day, a woman told him a strange story. Her husband had died 5 years before, and grave had been built for him. The grave was built like this: on the huge stone base was a big stone ball, in the front of which a cross was cut. The ball would move in winter and the cross in the stone ball could hardly be seen.

Conan Doyle decided to see how matters stood with the woman. The grave was just like what the woman had told him. And nobody could move the stone ball, which was put in a very shallow(浅的)hole in the stone base to roll()off. There was water in the hole, too. He thought for a minute and then said to the woman,The problem is easy to explain. It’s very cold and often rains or snows here. So there is always water in the hole. The water turns into ice at night. During the day, the southern part of the ice in the hole turns into water again while the northern part of it still remains ice, so the stone ball leans(倾斜)southward little by little and the cross in the stone ball moves downwards with the ball.

1.Which of the following can take the place of the word grave?

A. box        B.tomb      C.bed       D.hall

2.Why did the woman have her husband’s grave built like that?

A. Conan Doyle told her to do so.

B.Holmes told her to do so.

C.Her husband told her to do so before he died.

D.The story didn’t tell us the reason.

3.From the story we can see that Conan Doyle was a man.

A.who was always ready to help others

B.who wrote a lot of funny stories

C.who was careful and thoughtful

D.who always explained funny problems

4.On hearing what Conan Doyle had said, perhaps the woman would.

A. think what Conan Doyle said was reasonable

B.feel that she might be fooled by him

C.feel that she was too silly to explain it

D.think what Conan Doyle said was without reason

5.From the following cutaway views(剖视图)choose the correct one which shows the positional relation between the stone base and the stone ball.

(sl=stone ball  se=stone base)






  Conan Doyle became famous for writing stories about Detective Holmes. So he was often asked to settle puzzling problems.

  One day, a woman told him a strange story. Her husband had died 5 years before, and a grave had been built for him. The grave was built like this: on the huge stone base was a big stone ball, in the front of which a cross was cut. The ball would move in winter and the cross in the stone hall could hardly seen.

  Conan Doyle decided to see how matters stood with the woman. The grave was just like the woman had told him. And nobody could move the stone ball, which was put in a very shallow hole in the stone base. So it couldn't roll off. There was water in the hole, too. He thought for a minute and then said to the woman. “The problem is easy to explain, it's very cold and often rains or snows here. So there is always water in the hole. The water turns into ice at night. During the day, the southern part of the ice in the hole turns into water again while the northern part of it still remains ice, so the stone ball leans southward little by little and the cross in the stone ball moves downwards with the ball.”

1.Why did the woman leave her husband's grave built like that?

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A.Conan Doyle told her to do so.

B.Holmes told her to do so.

C.Her husband told her to do so before he died.

D.The story didn't tell us the reason.

2.From the story we can see that Conan Doyle was a man ________.

[  ]

A.who was always ready to help others

B.who wrote a lot of funny stories

C.who was careful and thoughtful

D.who always explained funny problems

3.On hearing what Conan Doyle had said, perhaps the woman would ________.

[  ]

A.think what Conan Doyle said was responsible

B.feel that she might be fooled by him

C.feel that she was too silly to explain it

D.think that Conan Doyle said was without reason

4.From the following cutaway views (剖视图) choose the correct one which shows the relationship between the stone.

(sl=stone ball  SE=stone base)

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