thank sb. for sth. 因-感谢某人 查看更多














耐心:patience n. 提高: improve vt.; 向某人表达谢意:express one’s thanks to sb.

Dear friends,                                                            





Thank you.         




My Fellow Americans,
I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease (老年痴呆症).
Upon learning this news, Nancy & I had to decide whether as private citizens we would  36  this a private matter or we would make this news known in a  37  way.
In the past Nancy suffered from breast cancer  38  I had my cancer surgeries (外科手术). We found that after we told it to the public, we were able to  39  public awareness(意识). We were happy that  40   many more people went to have a test. They were treated in early stages and able to  41  to normal, healthy lives.
So now, we feel it is  42   to share it with you. In opening our hearts, we hope this might promote greater  43  of this condition. Perhaps it will encourage a clearer understanding of the individuals and families who are  44   by it.
At the moment I feel just fine. I’d  45   to live the remainder of the years God gives me on this earth doing the things I have  46  done. I will continue to share  47    journey with my beloved Nancy and my family. I plan to enjoy the great outdoors and stay in touch  48   my friends and supporters.
Unfortunately, as Alzheimer’s Disease  49 , the family often suffers a lot. I only wish there was some way I could spare Nancy from this   50  experience. When the time comes I am confident that with your help she will   51  it with faith and courage.
At last, let me thank you, the American people for giving me the great honor of  52   me to serve as your President. When the Lord calls me home,  53  that may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country of ours and endless optimism (乐观) for its future.
I now begin this  54  that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright   55  ahead.
Thank you my friends. May God always bless you.
Ronald Reagan

【小题5】 the wayB.on a a result
A.repeatB.coverC.return D.replace
A.progressesB.cures C.removesD.recovers


Would the voice of Amanda Holden saying “your city had talent” encourage you to use a litter bin? Or maybe former Monty Python star Michael Palin telling you no one had expected “the Spanish bin-quisition”?
Organizers of a plan persuading celebrities(名人)to lend their voices to “talking bins”believe it can make a real difference to keeping Britain tidy. They hope that by using humor, they will succeed where fines and warnings have failed in keeping streets and parks clean.
A similar experiment in Sweden found a talking bin received nearly three times as much rubbish as an ordinary one because people were attracted by its quality of being new and unusual value.
Twenty-five specially adapted bins to be installed(安装)in the streets of London and Liverpool next  month will use a sound card to play a themed message when litter is placed inside. For example,one near the Royal Opera House will play a “thank-you” message sung by Janis Kelly to the tune of Nessun Dorina. Bins installed in Liverpool will play Beatles-themed messages. For others,Britain’s Got Talent  judge Holden is expected to record the message:“This is Amanda, and this city’s got talent.”
The campaign,entitled Bin Thinking, is being organized by art group Sing London. If successful,talking bins could become a familiar feature on Britain’s streets.
Colette Hiller, director of Sing London, said, “ The idea is to reward people in a small way for changing their behavior and raise awareness through a sense of fun.”
【小题1】What is the plan persuading celebrities to lend their voices to “talking bins” aimed at?

A.Attracting passers’-by attention on celebrities.
B.Encouraging people to use the litter bins to keep Britain tidy.
C.Making fun of those who won’t keep the streets and parks clean.
D.Thanking people for cleaning the litter bins through a sense of fun.
【小题2】The following stars’ voices are to be lent to “talking bins” except_________________.
A.Amanda Holder’ sB.Michael Palin’s
C.Janis Kelly’sD.Nessun Dorma' s
【小题3】We can infer from the text that_________________.
A.children are most attracted by “talking bins”
B.different messages will be played due to different streets
C.Britain is the first city where the experiment on “talking bins” was made
D.“talking bins” might take the place of ordinary litter bins in Britain
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Lending your voice to “talking bins”
B.Sing London art organization
C.A campaign named Bin Thinking
D.A new experiment on litter bins


February 28th, 2009 2:54 am GMT
I have to say that am shocked at just how bad the new music is. This cannot be the same band that produced great albums such as HTDAAB and ATYCLB! This is awful! They either do not care anymore, or have completely lost it. I never thought U2 would become irrelevant, but they have officially become one of those bands that you will now say, “Remember when they were great?”
----- Posted by Ronald Harris
February 28th, 2009 8:29 pm GMT
Total drivel, Mr Harris. The new album is great, far better than the safe, cynical HTDAAB and ATYCLB. U2 have become inventive again, like they were in the 1990s. thank goodness!
----- Posted by Dan
March 3rd, 2009 12:09 pm GMT
Agree, Dan. The new album is the best since Actung Baby. Magnificent is an anthem in the waiting, Breathe is unbelievable, and Stand Up Comedy is absolutely outstanding----- to name just three! Loving the new sound, pure class as usual.
----- Posted by Martin
March 4th, 2009 7:43 pm GMT
Totally agree with you guys. This album is unbelievable. Breathe is definitely a great song, same with Moment of Surrender. I bet their upcoming tour will be amazing. If you haven’t bought the CD yet, you should. I bought mine on for $3.99. I couldn’t believe it.
----- Posted by Josh Briggs
【小题1】According to Ronald Harris, U2’s new album is _________.

A.pretty badC.the same as beforeD.completely fresh
【小题2】 whose comment is contrary to the others?
A.Martin’sB.Dan’sC.Josh Briggs’D.Ronald Harris’
【小题3】Martin and Josh Briggs both like the song _________.
A.MagnificentB.Moment of SurrenderC.BreatheD.Stand Up Comedy
【小题4】 Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
A.Most fans felt disappointed at the new album.
B.The new album is available on the Internet.
C.The people who made comments are fans of U2.
D.U2’s upcoming tour may be a great success.
【小题5】The passage is most probably from ________.
A.a concert posterB.a TV reviewC.a newspaperD.the Internet


Last night, when I was driving back home, I noticed a hitchhiker(搭便车的人) who was having no luck getting a ride. I rolled down my  36  and signed to the man to my car. I asked him where he was  37  and he told me he needed a  38  to his doctor’s office which would close in 15 minutes. I told him to  39  and he gratefully did so.
40  he got in he told me that he was a  41  and went out to sea for weeks at a time. He took medicine for his nerves and  42  to get another prescription(处方) before he left on the boat. He said that he had prayed (祈祷) 43  would stop for him so he could be there before the  44     office closed. With some  45  driving we managed to make it there in about 10  46. I then asked him how he  47  on getting back home and he said he could walk. “I’ll patiently  48     for you and bring you back,” I told him. He  49  me and said he should only be about 15 minutes.
Afterwards he got back in my 50 and tried his hardest to pay me back: offering me dinner, gas money, even offering to ship me 40 lbs of scallops (海扇贝)! I  51  refused, gave him a smile card and asked him to help someone else the next time he had a  52. I drove him back to where I had picked him up and  53  one more “thank you” he was on his way.
I feel that the universe  54   provides us with what we need. In the man’s  55  it was a ride, in mine the opportunity to help someone else.

A.go awayC.get inD.lie down
A.As far asB.As soon asC.Even ifD.Just before

