The new LCD televisions are very popular. They well and already. A. sell, have been sold out B. are sold, have sold out C. are sold, have been sold out D. sell, have sold out 查看更多




1. The a_____________ (应用)of the new technology has greatly increased the production.

2. Scientists in some countries have done a lot of work to e_____________ the moon.

3. My family’s health and ____________ (安全)are of the most importance to me.

4. There are ten of us here, ___________ (包括)three girls.

5. She got a cold. But after one week’s rest and care, the cold would not affect her p___________ in the match.

6. His g___________ (目标)is to study hard, get a good job and support his family.

7. There was u___________ (全体一致的)agreement on this problem, so the meeting was over earlier than planned.

8. No pains, no g_________.

9. The  _______ (起源)of the Halloween dates back 2000 years ago to the Celtic celebration of the dead.

10. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as a  ___________(宗教的) holiday.



Many Older Doctors Plan to Give up Their Practice
The results of a new survey indicate that 48 percent of physicians between 50 and 65 years of age are planning to reduce or end their clinical practice in the next l to 3 years. The findings also suggest that many older physicians believe that their younger counterparts do not have the work ethic they do.
The survey, which was conducted by Merritt Hawkins&Associates, a Texas-based physician search and consulting firm, suggests that many older physicians are simply unhappy with the changes that have taken place in medicine over the years.
"When Baby Boom doctors entered medicine, they had control over how they practiced and the fee they charged. But the rules changed on them in mid-stream and now many are looking for a ticket out," Mark Smith, executive vice president of Merritt Hawkins&Associates, said in a statement.   "Our study is the only one I am aware of that examines the career plans of physicians in the 50-to-65 age group." This age group represents more than one-third of all physicians in the U. S. If they stop working in the coming years, it will have a "significant impact" on the overall supply of physicians, Smith told Reuters Health.
The results of the survey, which included 1,170 respondents(调查对象), show that 24 percent of older physicians are planning to leave clinical practice all together in the next 1 to 3 years. Specifically, 14 percent said they were planning on retiring, 7 percent said they were looking for a medical job in a non-patient care setting, and 3 percent said they were seeking a job in a non-medical field.
For those physicians not leaving clinical practice, many said they would make changes to reduce the number of patients they treat. For instance, 12 percent said they would begin working part-time, 8 percent said they planned to stop taking new patients or markedly reduce their patient load, and 4 percent expressed a desire to work on a temporary basis.
When asked about the work ethic of physicians entering practice today, 68 percent of the respondents said that these younger doctors are not as dedicated or as hard working as physicians who entered practice 20 t0 30 years ago. Fifty-seven percent of older physicians said they would not recommend medicine as a career to their own children. Similarly, 44 percent said they would not select medicine as a career if they were starting out today.   
"The most ominous(不祥的)finding is that about one half of physicians surveyed plant to either abandon patient care in the next 1 to 3 years, or significantly reduce the number of patients they see," Smith said. "The U. S. already is facing a widespread shortage of physicians. Should older, ‘workhorse' physicians choose to give up patient care, access to medical services will be further restricted."
66. Which is NOT true of physicians in the 50-to-65 age group in the U. S.?
A. They are mostly baby boomers.
B. They have nothing to complain about.
C. Many of them plan to gradually stop their practice.
D. They account for over one-third of all physicians in the country.  
67. The survey was focused on         .
A. the living conditions of older physicians in the U. S.
B. the career plans of older physicians in the U. S.
C. the retirement plans of older physicians in the U. S.
D. the achievements of older physicians in the U.S.
68. Many older physicians in the U. S. view the work ethic of their younger
counterparts        .
A. with appreciation    B. with disapproval    C. with jealous        D. with indifference
69. In the eyes of many older physicians, medicine         .
A. comes first in their choice of a career for their children
B. remains their lifelong pursuit
C. is not as good a career as it used to be
D. is more demanding than it used to be
70. If many older physicians stop working in the coming years, Americans will have         .
A. even less access to medical services         B. even better patient care
C. a shortage of younger physicians             D. more job opportunities


第一节:单词拼写(共10小题; 每小题0.5分,满分5分)

1. In Africa, still quite a number of children die of h______ because of lack of food every day.

2. Nowadays, China can not only feed herself but also e________ some rice to other countries.

3. Now that you have grown up, you should r__________ on yourself.

4. He is afraid of the dog as he has ever been b___________ by a dog.

5. The bad weather a _________ for the long delay(延迟) of the plane.

6. You’d better a____________ to your mother for your rudeness.

7. Your smoking can be h___________ to the health of your children.

8. Vancouver is s_____________ by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific Ocean on the west.

9. He found his English was so l________ that he couldn’t make himself understood by the foreign customers in the shop.

10. The new hospital will be a great b________ to the town.





L=Li Ying     X=Xie Fei

( Xie Fei seems to be upset , so Li Ying goes to talk with him )

L: Hi , Xie Fei . What do you 1. f       like doing during the coming winter holiday ?

X: I may have lots of things to do .

L : Don’t be upset . What happened ?

X: My parents plan to2.a        a baby in this winter vacation in 3.s      of my opinion .

L: So you’ll have to look4.a      the baby . But why ?

X: They think I’ve5.g      into bad habits and I’m especially lazy and impatient . They seem a little 6.d        with me . They think taking care of a baby will possibly change me . But I don’t think I’m lazy . You know I have little housework to do , because my family is a 7.t       one-child family .

L: In my opinion , their decision is reasonable . You’ll understand them 8.f        .

X: I hope so .

( On the first day of the new term , Li Ying comes across Xie Fei on the way to school )

L : How was your winter vacation ?

X: It’s great . I have learned a lot . During the holiday , I have learned to do with a great 9.d     of housework and how to care about others . Taking care of a baby made me more responsible .

L: That’s great . As the10.s      goes , “ No pains , no gains . ”

X: Yes , I agree with you .



When you get in your car, you reach for it. When you're at work, you take a break to have a moment alone with it. When you get into a lift, you play with it.
Cigarette? Cup of coffee? No, it's the third most addictive thing in modem life, the cell phone. And experts say it is becoming more difficult for many people to curb their longing to hug it more tightly than most of their personal relationships.
The costs are becoming more and more evident, and I don't mean just the monthly bill. Dr. Chris Knippers, a counselor at the Betty ford Center in Southern California, reports that the overuse of cell phones has become a social problem not much different from other harmful addictions: a barrier to one-on-one personal contact, and an escape from reality. Sounds extreme, but we' ve all witnessed the evidence: The person at a restaurant who talks on the phone through an entire meal, ignoring his kids around the table; the woman who talks on the phone in the car, ignoring her husband; the teen who texts messages all the way home from school, avoiding contact with kids all around him. Jim Williams, an industrial sociologist based in Massachusetts, notes that cell - phone addiction is part of a set of symptoms in a widening gulf of personal separation. He points to a study by Duke University researchers that found one-quarter of Americans say they have no one to discuss their most important personal business with. Despite the growing use of phones, e - mail and instant messaging, in other words, Williams says studies show that we don't have as many friends as our parents.  " Just as more information has led to less wisdom, more acquaintances via the Internet and cell phones have produced fewer friends," he says.
If the cell phone has truly had these effects, it's because it has become very widespread. Consider that in 1987, there were only l million cell phones in use.  Today, something like 300 million Americans carry them. They far outnumber wired phones in the United States.
【小题1】 From the first two paragraphs, we can know________.

A.cell phones have become as addictive as cigarettes
B.cell phone addiction is good for building personal relationships
C.people are longing to have their own cell phones
D.cell phones are the same as cigarettes
【小题2】Cell phone addiction has caused the following effects EXCEPT________  .
A.a barrier to personal contact B.fewer friends escape from reality D.a serious illness
【小题3】 The underlined word "curb" in Paragraph 2 means “________. ”
A.ignore B.control C.develop D.rescue
【小题4】The example of a woman talking on the phone in the car supports the idea that________  .
A.women Use cell phones more often than men
B.talking on the phone while driving is dangerous
C.cell phones do not necessarily bring people together
D.cell phones make one - on - one personal contact easy
【小题5】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Cell phones Are the New Cigarettes
B.Cell phones Are Harmful to the Society
C.The New Report about the Cell phone
D.The Disadvantages of the Cell phone

