To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute questionnaires, ? A.isn’t it B.won’t it C.aren’t they D.won’t they 查看更多



To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute questionnaires, ____?

A、isn’t it    B、won’t it    C、aren’t they D、won’t they


To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute questionnaires, ____?

   A. isn’t it     B. won’t it     C. aren’t they    D. won’t they


To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute questionnaires, ____?

A、isn’t it         B、won’t it      C、aren’t they         D、won’t they


To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute questionnaires, ____?

A. won't they             B. won't it                  C. aren't they           D. isn't it



To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute questionnaires, ________?

  1. A.
    will he
  2. B.
    won’t he
  3. C.
    will they
  4. D.
    won’t they

