9.Pay more attention to the job you are doing, and you will find the result out surprisingly good. 查看更多



— The scarf is nice, but the price is a little bit high.

— _______, but if you want good quality, you have to pay more.

A. No wonder   B. No doubt       C. No offence    D. No problem



Daisy had always l【小题1】to help endangered species of wildlife. One day, she was taken to a d【小题2】land where he met an antelope. When she heard w【小题3】 the animal told her, she b【小题4】 into tears. Then she wanted to go to a place where there was some wildlife protection. This time, she saw an elephant. At last, she came to a thick rainforest. Daisy was a【小题5】 to see a monkey rubbing itself with a millipede insect. The monkey said: “It c【小题6】a powerful drug which a【小题7】mosquitoes. You should pay more a【小题8】 to the rainforest where I live and a【小题9】 how the animals live together. No rainforest, no animals, no d 【小题10】.”


The very first capsule hotel to be opened in Shanghai has attracted many budget travelers with its prices, even though it is not fully operational yet.

The hotel consists of 68 "capsules", each 1.1-meters high, 1.1-meters wide and 2.2-meters long. The basic rate is 28 Yuan ($4.22) per person, plus an additional 4 Yuan an hour. The hotel also offers a package of 68 Yuan for 10 hours and 88 Yuan for 24 hours.

All of the capsules are imported from Japan where capsule hotels originated,and each is equipped with independent sockets, clocks, lights, TV and wireless Internet service. The hotel also has a public lavatory(洗手间),shower room, smoking room and shared guest room.

"This is a huge bargain compared with other budget hotels in Shanghai," said Ta Zan, the owner of the hotel. Ta used to stay at capsule hotels in Tokyo during his undergraduate years and worked at a capsule hotel while he was doing his MBA in Japan in 2005, so he knows how they work and how to make guests feel comfortable.

He based the hotel on capsule hotels in Japan but he has made some special changes based on Chinese guests' habits. "In Japan capsule hotels are usually equipped with bathtubs, but in China people are more willing to take a shower, so we have the shower room," he said. He has also separated the capsules into three snoring (打鼾的) zones so that guests who often snore won't disturb others. Like most of capsule hotels in Japan, the one in Shanghai is for men only.

But the idea of staying in such a compact space is not appealing to everyone. "I feel the idea is like putting a person in a coffin (棺材), and the price is also not that appealing. A bed at a youth hostel in Shanghai costs about 60 Yuan per night," said Wang Lei, a student from Beijing.

1.The first capsule hotels in the world appeared in        .

A. Shanghai           B. Japan               C. Beijing          D. America

2.If you stay in the capsule hotel in Shanghai for 8 hours, you will have to pay       yuan.

A. 28                            B. 60                  C.68                D.88

3.What does the underlined word "compact" mean?

A. Dear                   B. Cheap.                    C. Close.            D. Clean.

4.The capsule hotel in Shanghai differs from those in Japan in that           .

A. it serves men as well as women

B. its capsule is much larger

C. it has a shower room

D. it has no snoring zones

5.We can know from the passage that            .

A. everybody considers the capsule hotel a nice place to stay

B. all the capsules of the hotel were made in China

C. each capsule of the hotel has a private lavatory

D. no guest has ever stayed in the capsule hotel in Shanghai




  Dear Sir,

     I have to travel every day from So UK Road to the airport. Two buses travel along this route: No.49 and No.16. However, by the time No.16 reaches So UK Road, it is always full.____

     The timetable states that there are buses from So UK Road to the airport every ten minutes.____ The instructions state that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting. ____

    The instructions state that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday, I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport. ____ There were 129 of them.

    Clearly printed on the back of every bus is a sign that says “Maximum speed: 50mph.” _____ Saturday morning a No. 49 bus traveled the distance in ten minutes, at an average speed of 60 mph. At times it must have done at least 80 or even 90 mph.

    It is obvious that our bus companies have neither respect for the instructions nor consideration for their passengers. Can nothing be done about this?


  A. I counted the other passengers as they got off.

  B. Why is it that half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?

  C. The problem is that we have to pay more for our trip.

  D. The distance from So UK Road to the airport is 10 miles.

  E. This leaves No.49 which sometimes has empty seats on it.

  F. If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?



When it comes to studying, some students may have different study habits, and some ways of studying may work for one and may not for another student. However, there are certain basic rules that can prove to be effective(有效的) in studying for an exam.

Make a plan for how to develop good study habits that last long. A plan should include a schedule(时间表) on when to study. It doesn’t have to be fixed(固定) and can be changed in case something more important and unexpected comes up. Start with a weekly schedule and determine which period of the day is filled with classes. Use some of the remaining time to study. When creating(制定) the schedule, one should include laboratory activities and extracurricular(课外的) work and take care of personal things and the job if there is one.

Study when one is fully awake and energetic(精力充沛); it is recommended. Study for no less than 30 to 90minutes after a meal or two hours every day. If one is tired from work and decides to study, it may not be effective, especially if one finds the subject too difficult. It will only give stress and that night might only be forgotten in the next morning when he wakes up. For some students, they can study anywhere if they want; it could be in the library, study rooms or private rooms. A place where one can to focus attention on one’s study is recommended.

Make friends with those that are also eager to learn and pass the exam or achieve good grades. However, one has to balance(平衡) the time to spend with friends. Have and keep a healthy relationship with them.

Take down notes during the class. The hints(暗示) of some questions teachers give will come out in the exam. Sometimes they repeat the topic more than twice, so pay more attention in class. If one does not understand the topic, don’t hesitate(犹豫) to ask questions. A failure in communicating is one of the most common mistakes among students.

Rewrite notes taken from the class. It will help remember the topics that have been discussed and will give one more new ideas. For some students, they find that rewriting notes is very effective.

Take a five-minute break or go out and get some fresh air once in a while when studying. It will relax the mind and help one think better. Do come back to study after taking a short break.


How to be effective in studying for an exam


Although students’ study habits are 1.       , some basic rules can be helpful for them.

Creating a schedule

*The schedule should not be fixed because something important or that you weren’t 2.      may happen.

*Start with a weekly schedule and include all possible things.

(73)   and place

*Study during the time when you are fully awake and full of 3.     .

*Choose a suitable place where you can 4.   your attention  study.

The right friends

*Make friends with hard-working students.

*Balance the time or your relationship with them will be 5.     .

(77)    in class

*Take down the hints a something that is repeated many times during the class.

*Never hesitate to6.      with teacher.

Rewriting notes

Writing notes again is7.     in remembering well what you have learned.

Taking a break

A short break will make your mind8.       .


