) 惹恼,使生气;使烦恼[] His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors. 他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气. 查看更多



What annoys(使生气) us is that he usually does nothing but       about having so many things to do at weekends.

A.to complain        B.complain          C.complains         D.to complaining



 I can never remember feeling good about myself. From the time I was a little child I always felt nobody ___1_____ me—not my parents, my brothers, my sisters, nobody. I never had any friends, anyone I could tell everything to. I liked to ____2_____ friends, but nobody seemed to care for me. I also had a lot of problems with my _____3_______. Until grade nine I was a head taller than everybody else. My classmates always called me names like Pole or Long-Legs. I felt the others were ____4_____ me.

  Things weren't much better at home. The only way I could _____5_____ my problems when I was a little child was to cry a lot. My mother didn't quite ____6____ my feelings and the _____7_____ annoyed(使生气)her and made her nervous.

  Nobody in the family ever made an effort to understand me or even to talk to me. My family isn't exactly what you'd call warm. There's never any expression of _____8______. I'm sixteen and I can't remember my mother or father ever kissing us.

  Things started getting really bad in high school. I changed schools. In the old school ______9______ I didn't have any friends, I still had classmates to go out with; in the new school I had no one. At that age everybody's in groups. I felt out of it. I tried, but I couldn't _____10______ with the others. I didn't like them. I thought something was wrong with me. They thought I was strange.

1.A. talked      B. liked       C. spoke to     D. told

2.A. have      B. make       C. find       D. meet

3.A. weight     B. name       C. height      D. study

4.A. shouting to   B. playing with     C. agreeing with    D. laughing at

5.A. look at     B. deal with        C. work out     D. meet with

6.A. understand   B. hear             C. learn         D. like

7.A. shouting    B. laughing     C. talking      D. crying

8.A. smile     B. voice      C. anger      D. love

9.A. even though   B. since      C. because     D. as though

10.A. study     B. speak      C. walk       D. get on


What annoys(使生气) us is that he usually does nothing but       about having so many things to do at weekends.

A.to complainB.complainC.complainsD.to complaining


What annoys(使生气) us is that he usually does nothing but       about having so many things to do at weekends.

A.to complainB.complainC.complainsD.to complaining


What annoys(使生气) us is that he usually does nothing but       about having so many things to do at weekends.

A.to complain        B.complain          C.complains         D.to complaining


