will 表决心.愿望. would 为 will 的过去式, 可用于各人称. 1)will表示经常性.习惯性.倾向性.would表示过去的习惯行为. e.g. a. He will sit there hour after hour looking at the traffic go by. b.He would come to see me when he was in Beijing. 2)表示意志.决心或愿望. e.g. a. Surely we will support all the people in the world in their struggle for peace. b. He would not let me try it . 3)表示对对方的请求.用于第二人称作主语的疑问句中.would的语气比will委碗,疑问句中一般用some, 而不是any. e.g. a. would/will you kindly tell me the way to the station? b. Would you like some cake? 4)would like = want to 想要 Would like to do = want to 想要 e. g. a Would you like to go with me? 查看更多



     Consumers will be digging deeper into their pockets to buy flowers, gift cards and choco lates on
Valentine's Day with average spending expected to rise eight percent over last year to nearly $200.
     And along with their expanding wallets,4 million Americans are expected to propose marriage or
receive a proposal on Feb 14.
     "We've seen a consistent trend of consumers saying they will spend more,from holiday shopping to
2012 travel plans,and spending plans for Feb 14 are no exception,"said Sonali Chakravorti,vice president at American Express.
     In its latest spending and savings tracker,American Express questioned 2,000 adults across the United States to gauge(测量,估计)how much and on what consumers will be spending their money on Cupid's(爱神)big day.
     Nearly half of people said they intend to celebrate at a favori te restaurant, seven percent more than
last year. Flowers are still the most popular gift for a Valentine,followed hy gift cards,jewelry and
     Among couples getting betrothed(汀婚),30 percent said they wou]d propose during a weekend
getaway or vacation. To seal the deal,48 percent of people think an engagement ring costing between
$1,000 to $5,000 would be appropriatc but 22 percent said up to $2,000 for jewelry would be more
realistic,while five percent thought nothing of spending$10,000 or more on a ring.
     Although nearly 40 percent of women think whoever asked for the date should pay for it,14 Dercent
said the bill should be split,but most unmarried men said they would cover the cost of the date.
      Finances can be a delieate subject,so half of people don't talk about money until they have been
together six months and 20 percent of married coupies did not refer to the subject until after they have
tied the knot.
     After marriage money matters can be a cause of disagreements,although the poll showed arguments
over household budgets,spending on the children and everyday purchases have declined since last year.
1. Which is the most popular place for people to celebrate Valentine's Day?
A. A super market.    
B. A beautiful park.
C. A favourite restaurant.    
D. A proposal party.
2. Which of the following price of an engagement ring is the most appropriate in most
people's opinion?
A. $950    
B. $3,000    
C. $6,000
D. $10,000
3. According to the passage,on Valentine's Day consumers will not be spending their money      .
A. having a date    
B. buying flowers as a present
C. holding a party to propose marriage
D. celebrating Valentine's Day in restaurants
4. Finances are a delicate subject,which can result in      .
A. arguments in a marriage
B. most unmarried men covering the cost of the date
C. consumers digging deeper into their pockets for household budgets
D. couples not talking about the subject after they have been very close
5. The passage mainly tells us that      .
A. many people intend to celebrate Valentine's Day in a way they like
B. people are expected to spend 8%more money on Valentine's Day than last year
C. arguments over family spending have declined since last year
D. people have different opinions about spending on Valentine's Day

