2.误:I still remember the day on when I first came to Beijing. 正:I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. 或:I still remember the day on which I first came to Beijing. 译:我仍记得我第一次来到北京那天的情景. 析:应删去on.因为when在这里的意思是on which.否则介词on就重复了.或把when改为which. (五).在作先行词的时间名词或地点名词后错用了关系代词或关系副词. 查看更多



第三部分: 写作(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






I still remember special experience when I was a pupil.


One day, as I does something wrong, my teacher was very


angry and decided to have a talk with my father and me. When I


got home, I dared not to tell the truth. I told my father that there


would be a parents meeting in the evening and the students


should take part in, too. My father believed what I said. So


in the evening, he was good dressed and took me to school.


At the school gate, father was puzzling seeing no other


parents. I had to say him the truth. At that time, I realized that


tell a lie couldn’t solve any problem.



A German who has been a volunteer teacher in the Guangxi countryside for ten years is a celebrity ( 名人)in China these days .

42-year-old Echart Lowwe was born in Hamburg , Germany . He graduated form the Hamburg Academy of Fine Arts. In the early 1990, Echart Lowwe traveled to China and became greatly interested in the country . In 1999 , he started working as a high school teacher in the city of Hechi , Guangxi , Later he went to a primary school in the remote Banlie Village to work as a volunteer teacher . He is still teaching there now .

His teaching methods are different from Chinese teachers . He never uses textbooks in class or sets exams .He seldom tells students how to do things , but instead encourages his pupils to be independent . He teaches music , nature and painting . To teach his students the spirit of teamwork , he asked them to paint a picture together .

Lowwe loves being with children . Kids love him back . He is often seen surrounded by groups of kids. “I feel he is our loved one .He is close to us ,”one of his students says.

Lowwe said “ I have always had the desire to teach in the countryside. I am doing what I want to do now . If I had to die right now , I would die happily ,” he said .

根据短文内容,判断以下句子的( T )误( F )。

1.Echart Lowwe is a volunteer teacher from Germany .

2.He used to work as a painter in Hechi .

3.He has his own ways of teaching .

4.Kids love him because he helps them do exams better .

5.Echart Lowwe doesn’t regret what he is doing .



A German who has been a volunteer teacher in the Guangxi countryside for ten years is a celebrity ( 名人)in China these days .
42-year-old Echart Lowwe was born in Hamburg , Germany . He graduated form the Hamburg Academy of Fine Arts. In the early 1990, Echart Lowwe traveled to China and became greatly interested in the country . In 1999 , he started working as a high school teacher in the city of Hechi , Guangxi , Later he went to a primary school in the remote Banlie Village to work as a volunteer teacher . He is still teaching there now .
His teaching methods are different from Chinese teachers . He never uses textbooks in class or sets exams .He seldom tells students how to do things , but instead encourages his pupils to be independent . He teaches music , nature and painting . To teach his students the spirit of teamwork , he asked them to paint a picture together .
Lowwe loves being with children . Kids love him back . He is often seen surrounded by groups of kids. “I feel he is our loved one .He is close to us ,”one of his students says.
Lowwe said “ I have always had the desire to teach in the countryside. I am doing what I want to do now . If I had to die right now , I would die happily ,” he said .
根据短文内容,判断以下句子的( T )误( F )。
【小题1】Echart Lowwe is a volunteer teacher from Germany .
【小题2】He used to work as a painter in Hechi .
【小题3】He has his own ways of teaching .
【小题4】Kids love him because he helps them do exams better .
【小题5】Echart Lowwe doesn’t regret what he is doing .



  Once a circle missed a wedge(楔子).The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece.But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly.It admired the flowers along the way.It chatted with grasses.It enjoyed the sunshine.It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit.So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching.Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly.It was so happy.It put the found piece into itself and began to roll.Now it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice the flowers or to talk to the grasses.When it rolled so quickly, it realized how different the world seemed.Then it stopped, left the found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.

  The lesson of the story, I suggested, was that in some strange sense we are more whole when we are missing something.The man who has everything isn’t in some ways a whole man.He will never know what it feels like to yearn(渴望), to hope, to come true the dream of something better.



At first, the circle couldn’t roll fast, because it wanted to chat with the grasses.

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The circle didn’t find the missing piece at last.

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When it was a perfect circle, it rolled too fast to notice the flowers or to talk to the grasses.

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The circle stopped by the side of the road and enjoyed the sunshine.

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In some days, a man still will be perfect even if he misses something.

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