A 本题考查情态动词的用法.此处语意为“我当时本应该告诉你.但我想你不会听我的话 .英语中常用could/might/should/ought to have done这一结构表示“本应该做而没做 . 查看更多



 In the dark forests ________ some large enough to hold several English towns.

   A. stand many lakes                                    B. lie many lakes

   C. many lakes lie                    D. many lakes stand

【详解】本题考查倒装结构,完全倒装。同时stand 和lie的区别。stand是突出的,lie是平躺的,湖不可能是突出的,所以此题应该选择lie。



   A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. While creating roads in the soft sand, he  36 a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.

    The boy  37 around the rock, managing to move it out from the dirt. With much  38 , he tried to push the rock out of the sandbox. When the boy got the rock to the edge(边缘) of the sandbox,  39 , he found that he couldn’t  40 it up and over the little wall. The rock was too  41 for his small body.

    As he  42 to accept his failure, the little boy dug, pushed, and pried(撬动), but every time he thought he had made some  43 , the rock rolled and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy  44 again and again, but the only  45 was to have the rock roll back.

    46 , he burst into tears. All this time the boy’s father  47 him from his living room. The moment the tears fell, a  48 voice rose above the boy’s head. It was his father. 49 , but firmly(坚定地) he said, “Son, why didn’t you use all the  50 that you had? The boy replied with tears, “But I did, Daddy, I did! I  51 all that I had!” “No, son, you didn’t,” 52 the father kindly. “You didn’t  53 me to help you.” With that the father picked up the rock and  54 it out of the sandbox.

    Are you discovering that you don’t have the strength to move your “rocks” away? There is ONE who is always willing to  55 you with the strength you need. We also need that strength, especially in our daily life.

36. A. hid                  B. left C. put D. discovered

37. A. walked            B. jumped           C. traveled          D. dug

38. A. courage              B. pride            C. effort D. pleasure

39. A. however          B. still             C. thus             D. even

40. A. put                  B. raise C. take D. break

41. A. large             B. difficult          C. hard             D. much

42. A. decided           B. refused           C. agreed D. planned

43. A. inventions         B. progress          C. mistakes          D. changes

44. A. tried             B. failed            C. thought          D. started

45. A. success              B. goal             C. result D. wish

46. A. Gradually          B. lately            C. Properly          D. Finally

47. A. watched              B. helped           C. followed D. taught

48. A. loud              B. happy            C. sweet            D. strict

49. A. Angrily            B. Movingly         C. Suddenly         D. Gently

50. A. knowledge         B. strength          C. tools            D. ability

51. A. wasted            B. brought          C. used            D. carried

52. A. replied            B. corrected         C. shouted          D. praised

53. A. advise            B. force            C. ask             D. want

54. A. collected          B. threw            C. chose            D. broke

55. A. provide           B. lend             C. show            D. pass



.Facts prove that the world’s economic development is not a win—lose game but one in which all _____be winners.

can              B.shall              C.must           D.would


.Facts prove that the world’s economic development is not a win—lose game but one in which all _____be winners.
can              B.shall              C.must           D.would


-What did you think of ______ president??-I didn’t care for him at first,but after ____ time I get to like him.

  A. the; a   B. /; the  C. the; the   D. /; a

