-How long each other before they married ? -For about a year . A. have they known ; get B. did they know ; were going to get C. do they know ; are going to get D. had they known ; got 答案是D项.根据句意分析.他们结婚已是过去的事.那末.他们互相了解大约一年的时间肯定发生在结婚前.发生在过去某一动作之前的动作.应该使用过去完成时. 查看更多



--How long ___________ each other before they__________ married?

--For about a year.

A. have they known; get                B. did they know; were going to get

C. do they know; are going to get        D. had they known; got


--How long ___________ each other before they__________ married?

--For about a year.

A. have they known;getB. did they know; were going to get

C. do they know;are going to getD. had they known; got


--How long ___________ each other before they__________ married?

--For about a year.

A. have they known;get            B. did they know; were going to get

C. do they know;are going to get     D. had they known; got


---How long _______ each other before they ________ married ?

        -- -For about a year .

        A. have they known ; get                    B. did they know ; were going to get

        C. do they know ; are going to get             D. had they known ; got


---How long _______ each other before they ________ married ?

        -- -For about a year .

        A. have they known ; get                    B. did they know ; were going to get

        C. do they know ; are going to get             D. had they known ; got

