such-as-.such as.such-that- (1)作“像--那样的 .“如--之类 的 解.such后面可跟可数名词.也可跟不可数名 词.名词前还可加其它形容词修饰.as是关系代 词.引导定语从句.as常在从句中作主语.宾语.表语 等.如: I want t0 buy such books as are about science and technology. 我想买科技方面的书. Don't read such books as you can't understand. 不要读你看不懂的书. Such books as this are too difficult to beginners. 这样的书对于初学者来说是太难r.(as引导一个 省略的从句“as this(is) .as在从句中作表语) (2)such as 是短语连词.意为“诸如 .“例如 .引出的 是such前面的词的同位语.如: John likes to make furniture.such as chairs and tables. 约翰喜欢做家具.如桌子和椅子之类. (3) such-that-作“如此--以致-- 解.that 是连词.引导结果状语从句. The teacher asked such a difficult question that no one could answer it. 老师问了一个如此难的问题以致没人能够回答. [比较] The teacher asked such a difficult question as no one could answer. 老师问了一个没人能够答得上来的难题.(as在从 句中作宾语) ☆句型诠释☆ 查看更多



1. When he borrowed it last time,he broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired.
   The weather was freezing cold and it was hard to___________.
2. Mother asked her if she was hot with so many clothes on.
    ____________________,the old man thought back to the days when he was young.
3.So people from the mountains in the southern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people
    in thenorthwestern USA.
    Australians don't speak quite________Singaporeans do.
4. Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.
    ______________________________a job for life now.
5. Ever since middle school,my sister and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.
    He has________________________________________________________.
6. Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.
    ________________________________,he.can never expect to do his work well.
7. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.
    Paul opened the window_______________________________________________
8.It seemed as if the world was at an end.
   Jim talked about the story____________________________________________
9. This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.
    I can well remember that______________the deep blue sky,the songs of birds,moonlight and
    flowerscould never have kept me spellbound.
10. He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep.
      He_________________about global warming,but he didn't turn up.

