名词表示人或物体的名称.有普通名词.专有名词.集合名词(family, class, police).缩写名词--等.总体上说.它们可以分成两大类,即可数名词和不可数名词.要注意它们在句中的不同要求和变化.例题解析: ( ) His grandfather is . A) Robert Bob B) Tom Black C) Kate White D) Black Green 英语中.人的姓名排列是倒过来的,先是名.即“first name .后为姓.即“second name .也可叫做“family name 或“surname .做这类题目.必须先搞清楚哪个单词是表示名字.哪个单词是表示姓氏.名字还要分清男女性别.这道题中说的是“爷爷 .是男名.所以本题答案应该选“B . ( ) are playing tennis in the playground. A) The Browns B) The Brown's C) Browns D) Brown's 英语中.姓氏前加定冠词“the .后面加“s .有“一家人 之意.所以本题答案应该选“A . ( ) Be careful. There is a hole in the ground. A) two-foot-deep B) two-feet-deep C) two-foot deep D) two-feet deep 这道题目考的是复合形容词.在复合形容词中的名词应该用单数形式.个复合形容词中的各个单词都要用短横“– 来连接.由于它被看作为一个普通的形容词.因此.在可数名词前还要再加上冠词.此句中.“一个两英尺深的洞 应译为“a two-foot-deep hole .所以本题答案应该选“A . He’s got bad toothache. He’d better go to . A) dentist B) the dentist C) the dentist’s D) see the dentists “去看牙科医生 可译为“go to see the dentist 或“go to the dentist’s .后一个词语中的“the dentist’s 表示“the dentist’s clinic .所以本题答案应该选“C . ( ) The teachers wondered if the students were in trouble. A) woman, boy B) woman, boys C) women, boy D) women, boys 英语中.“女教师们 应该译为“women teachers .而“男学生们 应该译为“boy students . 所以本题答案应该选“C . ( ) came that Houston Rocket won again and Yao Ming got the most scores. A) A news B) Message C) Word D) Words “据说 在英语中有多种说法:“It was said that .“Word came that .“News came that .“A message came that --等.所以本题答案应该选“C . ( ) All of a sudden, something on the ground caught . A) his eye B) his eyes C) his own eyes D) eyes of his own “catch one’s eye 是固定词组.意为“引起某人注意 ,即“be noticed by sb. .此句中.“eye 是“视线 之意.由“eyesight 演变而来.随着语言的发展.一些词语会产生演变.大致上都是朝“简单化 方向发展.如:“countryside →“country .“mankind →“man . “campsite →“camp .“in the daytime →“in the day --等.所以本题答案应该选“A . ( ) The lady with long found her husband had already got three gray . A) hair, hair B) hair, hairs C) hairs, hair D) hairs, hair 要掌握英语中哪些是可数名词.哪些是不可数名词.但是有些名词具有可数和不可数两种性质.要靠具体说法来判别.如这道题中的“hair 就是这类词.前半句说的是“一头长发 .是不可数名词,后半句说的是“三根白发 .是可数名词.所以本题答案应该选“B . 查看更多




  1 我喜欢演奏乐器,所以我常常出现在乐器前。如:play the piano/guitar(弹钢琴/吉他)等。

  2 我经常和世界上独一无二的事物在一起,为此我非常自豪。如:the sun/moon(太阳/月亮)等。

  3 我还喜欢帮助一些形容词、分词,与它们一起来表示一类人或事物。如:the old(老人)、the rich(富人) 等。

  4 我没事时就喜欢和姓氏的复数形式闲聊人家一家子的情况。如:the Greens(格林一家)等。

  5 我还喜欢和序数词一起强调数字的顺序,但当序数词前有形容词性物主代词等修饰限定时,我就会赶快逃走,销声匿迹。如:This is my eleventh birthday.(这是我的第十一个生日。)等。

  注意:当我和序数词一起表示日期时,我经常躲起来,但如果在of短语中,我就一定会露面。如:May(the)first=May 1st=the first of May(五月一日)。

  1 我不喜欢和科学名词在一起。如:math(数学)、English(英语)等。

  2 我对球类运动不感兴趣,你在球类运动前根本找不到我。如:play basketball/soccer(打篮球/踢足球)等。

  3 我还有个坏毛病——挑食,三餐饭前从来找不到我的影子。如:eat breakfast/lunch(吃早餐/中餐)等。



1.He usually eats ________ dinner at 6:00 p. m..

2.Let's go and play ________ volleyball now.

3.She can play ________ violin very well.

4.We can speak ________ English and Chinese.

5.We should help ________ poor in the world.

6.My birthday is ________ 23rd of March.

7.I usually go to ________ school at 7:00 in ________ morning.

8.September is ________ ninth month of a year.

9.________ Greens live in China now.

10.I like to stay at ________ home and watch TV.

