It's my fault that... -是我的错 find faults with sb 找-的错 the faulty electrical light 出了毛病的电灯 查看更多




M: Well, Stella? Why do you look (44) u_________?

W: Oh, Bill, I have just had a quarrel with Mr. Philips.

M: Mr. Philips! What on earth was it (45) a_____?

W: Well, I have made three bad (46) m_____ so far this week. Today I (47) f_________ to give him an important message, so he got really angry with me.

M: But I don’t understand. You are usually very careful and (48) n_____ make mistakes.

W: I’m just so tired, I don’t know (49) w______ I am doing.

M: Why? Have you been going to bed late these days?

W: No, I’m usually in bed by about eleven. But I keep being (50) w______ up by half past four every morning. And then I cannot go back to sleep.

M: Why?

W: It’s my (51) n_____, the milkman next door. He has to get up at half past four and he always turns the radio on (52) l_____.

M: Ask him to turn it down then.

W: It’s difficult. I don’t know him yet.

M: If you don’t want to see him, write him a letter.

W: Do you think it’s a good idea?

M: Yes, I do. I’ll help you (53) w______ the letter.

W: OK, let’s try.

(44) ________

(45) ________

(46) ________

(47) ________

(48) ________

(49) _______

(50) _______

(51) ________

(52) ________

(53) _______



W: Why don’t we go to a movie tonight?

M: __1.___ I have to study.

W: But it is just a couple of hours.

M: No. ___2.__ I have no choice. I have to study.

W: Can I help you?

M: I don’t think so.___ 3.__ Then I have to read 20pages of my grammar book.

W: Oh, your teacher must be a monster to give you all that work!

M: __4.   . He told us about the test three weeks ago.__ 5.  

     A. First I have to memorize some irregular verbs

B. My teacher is always giving us much homework.

C. I’d like to, but I can’t

D. I have been watching football matches and I have to study day and night!

E. I’d like to.

F. I have a French test tomorrow morning.

G. No, It’s my fault.



Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the CORRECT form of the word .

1.What happened to the Amber Room r__________ a mystery .

2. It’s really f ______to be caught in a heavy thunderstorm when you are alone in the open air.

3. She looked calm, but a_________ she was very nervous at the speech contest.

4. She p _________to stay at home rather than go out for a picnic with her friends last week.

5. Many factories in my hometown were in trouble in 2009 , and luckily they have s____ the economic crisis (危机)now.

6. On November 2008 Barack Obama was made P_______ of the United States of America

7. Your n__________ country or area is the country or area where you were born and brought up.

8. He shook his head , which meant that he d____________ with me.

9. Former Tai Wan leader ChenShui-Bian was s _______ to 11 years and 8years in jail by a TaiWan court . .

10.China is a country b________ to the third world.


Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the CORRECT form of the word .
1.What happened to the Amber Room r__________ a mystery .
2. It’s really f ______to be caught in a heavy thunderstorm when you are alone in the open air.
3. She looked calm, but a_________ she was very nervous at the speech contest.
4. She p _________to stay at home rather than go out for a picnic with her friends last week.
5. Many factories in my hometown were in trouble in 2009 , and luckily they have s____ the economic crisis (危机)now.
6. On November 2008 Barack Obama was made P_______ of the United States of America
7. Your n__________ country or area is the country or area where you were born and brought up.
8. He shook his head , which meant that he d____________ with me.
9. Former Tai Wan leader ChenShui-Bian was s _______ to 11 years and 8years in jail by a TaiWan court . .
10.China is a country b________ to the third world.




A:Now,Mr John.I’ve read your own docter’s report.So you haven’t been feeling well lately.56

B:Yes.It’s my leg,docter.My left leg.I’m suffering from frequent strange pain in it.


B:It’s like boiling water running down my leg.It’s been getting worse lately too.I’v been losing sleep.


B:Yes,that’s right.It’s been keeping me awake.

A:Have you been getting tired lately after you have a walk?

B:Why?Yes,Yes,I have,docter.


B:Do you think it’s serious?

A:Probably not.

B:But…Docter Cook,my local docter think it’s only that I have been working too hard lately.

A: 60  Don’t worry.We’ ll find out soon.

  1. What can I do for you?
  2. Could you tell me what the pain is like?
  3. I think we’d better give a few tests here in hospital.
  4. You mean the pain’ s been keeping you awake?
  5. It’s nothing serious.
  6. Is that right?
  7. That could be the reason.



