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This is a part from US President Barack Obama’s speech on May 14 at Bamard College in New York.
… My last piece of advice – this is simple, but perhaps most important: 36. Nothing worthwhile is easy. No one of achievement has avoided failure – sometimes catastrophic failures. But they keep at it. They learn from mistakes. They don’t 37.
When I first arrived on this 38, I was with little money, fewer options. But it was here that I tried to find my place in this world. I knew I wanted to make a difference, but it was 39 how in fact I’d go about it. But I wanted to do my part to 40 a better world.
So even as I worked after graduation in a few 41 jobs here in New York, even as I went from motley (鱼龙混杂的)apartment to motley apartment, I 42.
… And I wish I could say that this perseverance came from some innate (天生的)toughness in me. But the truth is, it was 43. I got it from 44 the people who raised me. I grew up as the son of a single mom who struggled to put herself through 45 and make ends meet. She had a marriage that fell apart; 46 went on food stamps at one point to help us 47. But she didn’t quit. And she earned her degree, and made sure that 48 scholarships and hard work, my sister and I earned 49.
And 50, I met a woman who was assigned to advise me on my first summer job at a law firm. And she gave me such good advice that I married her. And Michelle and I gave everything we had to balance our careers and a 51 family. We made that marriage work.
… So 52 it’s starting a business, or running for office, or 53 an amazing family, remember that making your 54  on the world is hard. It takes patience. It takes commitment. It comes with plenty of 55 and it comes with plenty of failures.

A.reached outB.put outC.gave outD.made out
A.get byB.come byC.get alongD.come along
A.for the time beingB.long beforeC.up to nowD.later on
A.as ifB.ifC.whetherD.unless


US president Barack Obama is probably ______ most powerful person in the world. But what was his high school life _______? You can find answers to the question in his “Back to School” speech ______ (give) on September 13, 2010.

“I know some of you may be nervous about starting a new school year and worried about _______ that’ll be like. Here is what I tell you: nobody _____ (get) to write your destiny (命运) but you. Your future is in your hands. Your life is what you make of it. And nothing is beyond your reach. So long as you’re willing to dream big. So long as you’re willing to work hard. So long as you’re willing to stay _____ (focus) on your education. An education has never been more important. I’m sure there will be times _____ you’re staying up late for a test, or dragging (费力地拉起) yourselves out of bed on a rainy morning, and wondering _____ it’s all worth it. Let me tell you: Nothing is as _____ in life as your education. In other ______ (word), the farther you go in school, the farther you’ll go in life.

An unforgettable experience I recently had made me ______ (see) how important friendships are and the need to have a better understanding of friends. A friend is a person ______ is always there to encourage and support you whenever you’re in trouble. A friend is a person who’ll try to do what he or she can______ you. A friend is a person who’s overjoyed seeing you win and who will share your sorrow when you’re ________ (disappoint).

    For my part, friendship is like a ______(price) gift: It can’t be bought for any amount. It’s also a shining light of hope. If you have friendship, you’ll never feel_______(alone).

Exactly 10 years ago, 189 heads of state ______ (gather) in New York. They set a number of goals. These goals included helping poor people, educating children and protecting the environment. The leaders agreed to do their best to meet the goals _______ 2015.

    With only five years _______ (go), about 140 world leaders got together in New York on September 20. Their________ (三天的)meeting was to talk about their work on the goals.



It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen        in almost a month. Every day , my husband would        the process of trying to get water to the fields.        we saw some rain soon, we would lose everything.

  On this day I learned the true lesson of        and witnessed the only        I had ever seen . I was in the kitchen when I saw my son, Billy,        toward the woods. He was walking with effort, trying to be as        as possible . Minutes after he        into the woods, he came running back . I went back to make sandwiches ,        that whatever he had been doing was completed. Moments later,        , he was once again walking slowly toward the woods. This activity went on for an hour .        I couldn’t help following him and saw the most amazing        .

  Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked right up to them . I almost        for him to get away . A huge deer was        close .        the deer didn’t even move as Billy knelt down. I saw a tiny deer lying on the ground , obviously suffering from        , lift its head to lap up the water cupped in Billy’s hands. When the water was        , Billy ran back to get more . It then became        to me.

  I stood on the edge of the woods, watching the        boy working so hard to save another life. As my tears began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops. It was as if the God himself was        with pride. The rain that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy who saved another.

1.A. water                            B. rain                                   C. deer                               D. storm

2.A. take over                      B. try on                                C. go about                        D. seek out

3.A. Before                          B. If                                        C. Until                                D. Unless

4.A. helping                         B. sharing                    C. donating                           D. offering

5.A. miracle                         B. lesson                               C. wildlife                    D. virtue

6.A. running                         B. marching                          C. walking                    D. riding

7.A. still                                 B. silent                                 C. secret                               D. sacred

8.A. skipped                         B. slipped                    C. wandered                        D. disappeared

9.A. thinking                        B. wondering                       C. worrying                          D. calculating

10.A. but                              B. besides                   C. however                          D. therefore

11.A. Actually                      B. Finally                      C. Quietly                    D. Surprisingly

12.A. sign                    B. scenery                            C. sight                                  D. scene

13.A. screamed                   B. rushed                              C. made                                D. burst

14.A. mildly                          B. powerfully                       C. dangerously           D. aggressively

15.A. And                    B. Otherwise                        C. Thus                                  D. But

16.A. thirst                           B. illness                               C. heat                                  D. pain

17.A. lost                              B. missing                    C. gone                                 D. served

18.A. annoying           B. clear                                 C. acceptable                       D. puzzling

19.A. kind                   B. clever                               C. naughty                            D. honest

20.A. raining                        B. appearing                        C. chanting                           D. weeping



Macao is only forty miles from Hong Kong and it is easy to reach. You can get there by sea. It is an interesting place and it had a long history. Macao is part of China and most people living there are Chinese.

The first Europeans to go to Macao came from Portugal. More than four hundred years ago the Portuguese went there to trade with China. Some settled and made their homes there. They built strong forts to guard the city and the harbor. They also built churches, schools, hospitals and other places. Slowly the city grew. People from many countries came to live and work in Macao.

Today many people visit Macao. Some only go there to watch dog-racing or motor-racing or to gamble with their money. But Macao is a quiet and peaceful place. It is pleasant just to walk around and look at old buildings and forts. You feel you are back in the old days. Of course, some of the buildings are now in ruins. The Church of St. Paul has only the front wall with many steps leading up to it. But it is still interesting to see.

When you are hot and tired, there are small cool gardens to rest in. when you are hungry, there are good restaurants with many kinds of food. Nearby there are some islands, which are also nice and are easy to get to. There is certainly a lot to do in Macao.

Macao is easy to get to because_________.

A. it is part of China and most people there are Chinese

B. it is an interesting place

C. it is very fast and cheap by sea

D. it is not far away from Hong Kong

You feel in Macao you are back in the old days because_________.

A. most of the buildings are now in ruins

B. you can watch dog-racing or motor-racing

C. you can go about to see the old buildings and forts

D. it is a peaceful place

Where will you have a break when you feel worn out?

A. In good restaurants.   B. In small cool gardens.

C. On some islands.           D. In beautiful parks.

The writer’ s idea seems to be that_________.

A. people from many countries came to live and work in Macao

B. Portuguese were willing to do business in China

C. people in Macao serve good food

D. Macao is a quiet and peaceful place with a lot to see and to do



  Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman.A man goes shopping because he needs something.His purpose is settled and decided in advance.He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it; the price is a secondary consideration.All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want.If the shop has it in stock, the salesman promptly produces it, and the business of trying it on follows at once.All being well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction.

  For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop doesn't have what he wants.In that case the salesman, as the name implies, tries to sell the customer something else.He offers the nearest he can to the article required.No good salesman brings out such a substitute impolitely; he does so with skill:“I know this jacket is not the style you want, sir, but would you like to try it for size? It happens to be the color you mentioned.” Few men have patience with this treatment, and the usual response is. “This is the right color and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on.”

  Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way.Her shopping is not often based on need.She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look round” .She is always open to persuasion; indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman tells her, even by what companions tell her.She will try on any number of things.Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her.Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes.They are always on the look-out for the unexpected bargain.Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on.It is a laborious process, but apparently an enjoyable one.Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.


According to the passage, when a man is buying clothes, ________.

[  ]


he buys cheap things, regardless of quality


he chooses things that others introduce


he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right things


he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too dear


What does the passage tell us about women shoppers for clothes?

[  ]


They welcome suggestions from anyone.


Women rarely consider buying cheap clothes.


Women often buy things without giving the matter proper thought.


They listen to advice but never take it.


What does a man do when he cannot get exactly what he wants?

[  ]


He buys a similar thing of the color he wants.


He usually does not buy anything.


At least two of his requirements must be met before he buys.


So long as the style is right, he buys the thing.


Many jokes make fun of women shoppers by saying that ________.

[  ]


they waste money on inferior(劣质的)goods


they should buy only the best clothes


they are much more sensible than men


they think of the price of clothes and nothing else

