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Hong Kong, major commercial center for Asia, and with a population which has grown at an alarming rate to over 5 million, is a city highly dependent on mass (大量的, 大规模的) transit of all sorts, both local and long distance. An ordinary Hong Kong worker or businessman, going about his daily activities, simply must use transportation at one time or another.    

Because Hong Kong is in two parts, Kowloon, on the mainland side, and Hong Kong, the island, with Hong Kong's harbor in between Hong Kong's mass transit systems, in addition to going over land they must also cross water.    

Going from home to work, or going shopping from one side of the harbor to the other, the Hong Kong resident has three choices. One way is to take a bus which will cross the harbor through an under water traffic tunnel moving slowly through bumper- to-bumper (一辆接一辆) traffic.Another way is by ferry boat , a pleasant ride which crosses the harbor in from seven to fifteen  minutes.    

But by far the fastest way of crossing the harbor is the newly built underground electric railway, the Hong Kong Metro(地铁). If one gets on the train in the Central District,the commercial area of Hong Kong on the island side, he can speed across the harbor in an astonishing three minutes. On the other side of the harbor the railway continues, snaking back and forth through the outlying districts of Kowloon, allowing one to get off a short distance from his destination.    

       The story of the Metro is an encouraging one for supporters of mass transit. Although building the system was certainly a challenging task, the Japanese firm hired to construct it did so in record time. Construction got underway in 1979 and it was completed in 1980.    

       For the average commuter (一般持月票往返两地的乘客) the system has only one disadvantage; it is more expensive than by bus or ferry. One can ride the bus across the harbor for half as much or he can ride the ferry across for less than one-fifth as much.

Hong Kong public transportation extends ________.

     A.over hills and valleys             B.across land and water   

     C.through mountains               D.throughout the Kowloon area

Crossing the harbor by train is ________. 

     A.by far the most economical methods

B.the most pleasant method   

     C.the least pleasant method         

D.the fastest method

The business area on the island side of Hong Kong is referred to as ________.  

     A.Kowloon                          B.the Central District   

     C.the Hong Kong Metro       D.downtown Hong Kong

The underground railway ________.   

     A.winds through Kowloon              B.ends when it reaches Kowloon   

C.snakes across the harbor                D.circles Kowloon


Hong Kong, major commercial center for Asia, and with a population which has grown at an alarming rate to over 5 million, is a city highly dependent on mass (大量的, 大规模的) transit of all sorts, both local and long distance. An ordinary Hong Kong worker or businessman, going about his daily activities, simply must use transportation at one time or another.    

Because Hong Kong is in two parts, Kowloon, on the mainland side, and Hong Kong, the island, with Hong Kong's harbor in between Hong Kong's mass transit systems, in addition to going over land they must also cross water.    

Going from home to work, or going shopping from one side of the harbor to the other, the Hong Kong resident has three choices. One way is to take a bus which will cross the harbor through an under water traffic tunnel moving slowly through bumper- to-bumper (一辆接一辆) traffic.Another way is by ferry boat , a pleasant ride which crosses the harbor in from seven to fifteen  minutes.    

But by far the fastest way of crossing the harbor is the newly built underground electric railway, the Hong Kong Metro(地铁). If one gets on the train in the Central District,the commercial area of Hong Kong on the island side, he can speed across the harbor in an astonishing three minutes. On the other side of the harbor the railway continues, snaking back and forth through the outlying districts of Kowloon, allowing one to get off a short distance from his destination.    

       The story of the Metro is an encouraging one for supporters of mass transit. Although building the system was certainly a challenging task, the Japanese firm hired to construct it did so in record time. Construction got underway in 1979 and it was completed in 1980.    

       For the average commuter (一般持月票往返两地的乘客) the system has only one disadvantage; it is more expensive than by bus or ferry. One can ride the bus across the harbor for half as much or he can ride the ferry across for less than one-fifth as much.

Hong Kong public transportation extends ________.

     A.over hills and valleys             B.across land and water   

     C.through mountains               D.throughout the Kowloon area

Crossing the harbor by train is ________. 

     A.by far the most economical methods

B.the most pleasant method   

     C.the least pleasant method         

D.the fastest method

The business area on the island side of Hong Kong is referred to as ________.  

     A.Kowloon                          B.the Central District   

     C.the Hong Kong Metro       D.downtown Hong Kong

The underground railway ________.   

     A.winds through Kowloon              B.ends when it reaches Kowloon   

C.snakes across the harbor                D.circles Kowloon




Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram/Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

The Elysee Palace(爱丽舍宫) in France enjoys equal popularity in the world with the Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, the Kremlin in Russia as well as the White House in the U.S.A. It is the residence of the president of the French Republic and the symbol of the supreme authority in France.

    The Elysee Palace, with an area of 11,000 square meters, is at the eastern end of the Champs Elysee in the city of Paris and backed by a large and quiet garden of more than twenty thousand square meters. The main building of it, quite handsome and graceful, is a 2-story classical stone architecture of European style, flanked(两侧有) by two side buildings facing each other and with an extensive rectangular courtyard in the middle. There are altogether 369 halls and rooms of different sizes.

    The Elysee Palace, built in 1718, has a long history of nearly 300 years to date. This house was at first a private residence of a count named d’Evreau, so it was called Hotel d’Evreau. It had later gone through many changes and its owners had been changed for many times, but all people living in it were distinguished personages and high officials. The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis XV and Louis XVI successively(接连着,继续地)when they acted as emperors. Napoleon I signed his act of abdication(放弃)here when he had suffered crushing defeat in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Napoleon III moved in the Mansion in 1848 when he was elected president, and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor. The Third French Republic issued a law in 1873, designating(指定)officially the Elysee Palace as the residence of president of the French Republic. Over a hundred years since then, almost all the presidents of the French Republic worked and lived there. Starting from 1989, the Elysee Palace is open to the public every year in September on the French Castles Day.

Title: The Elysee Palace in France


◆the residence of the president       ◆the symbol of  72.             


◆369 halls and rooms of different sizes; 11,000 square meters in area

◆a large and quiet garden of more than 20,000 square meters

◆a handsome and graceful main building

◆two 73.        side buildings

◆an extensive rectangular courtyard







a private residence and home of the distinguished and high officials


Napoleon III moved in.



Its function was officially designated.

the residence of president

For 78.    since then

the 79.    place of almost all the French presidents

From 1989

It is open to public for one day.





Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram/Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

The Elysee Palace(爱丽舍宫) in France enjoys equal popularity in the world with the Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, the Kremlin in Russia as well as the White House in the U.S.A. It is the residence of the president of the French Republic and the symbol of the supreme authority in France.

    The Elysee Palace, with an area of 11,000 square meters, is at the eastern end of the Champs Elysee in the city of Paris and backed by a large and quiet garden of more than twenty thousand square meters. The main building of it, quite handsome and graceful, is a 2-story classical stone architecture of European style, flanked(两侧有) by two side buildings facing each other and with an extensive rectangular courtyard in the middle. There are altogether 369 halls and rooms of different sizes.

    The Elysee Palace, built in 1718, has a long history of nearly 300 years to date. This house was at first a private residence of a count named d’Evreau, so it was called Hotel d’Evreau. It had later gone through many changes and its owners had been changed for many times, but all people living in it were distinguished personages and high officials. The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis XV and Louis XVI successively(接连着,继续地)when they acted as emperors. Napoleon I signed his act of abdication(放弃)here when he had suffered crushing defeat in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Napoleon III moved in the Mansion in 1848 when he was elected president, and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor. The Third French Republic issued a law in 1873, designating(指定)officially the Elysee Palace as the residence of president of the French Republic. Over a hundred years since then, almost all the presidents of the French Republic worked and lived there. Starting from 1989, the Elysee Palace is open to the public every year in September on the French Castles Day.

Title: The Elysee Palace in France


◆the residence of the president       ◆the symbol of  72.            


◆369 halls and rooms of different sizes; 11,000 square meters in area

◆a large and quiet garden of more than 20,000 square meters

◆a handsome and graceful main building

◆two 73.        side buildings

◆an extensive rectangular courtyard







a private residence and home of the distinguished and high officials


Napoleon III moved in.



Its function was officially designated.

the residence of president

For 78.    since then

the 79.    place of almost all the French presidents

From 1989

It is open to public for one day.



1. New Zealand is a country lying off the eastern coast of Australia,________ and many smaller
2. The professor was surprised to see some country people________of the classroom.(seat)
3. Tom had to shout________with the music playing at the party.(make)
4. ________was the longitude line.(interest)
5. ________that she overcame all the difficulties and succeeded.(credit)
6. Don't speak to other people with________someone else.(fix)
7. Although the emagazine has greatly developed,it still________traditional paper magazine.(place)
8. We________to hear the news that our class had achieved the first prize in the speech.(thrill)
9. Don't worry.The company________pick you up at the airport at six o'clock.(arrange)
10. ________his parents,he has made a full recovery.(delight)

