(09山东省滨州市高三一模) 一Why are you making so much noise? 一I just can't help . A.so B.that C.this D.it 答案 D 查看更多
















      体形body style       在意care about 

鼓励encourage       零花钱 pocket money

Boys and girls:

We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of them correctly and wisely. ____________________________________________________________









That’s all. Thank you.   



Teaching kids to fish sometimes puzzles us parents. Now I’d like to give you a few tips.

First of all, start them young.

Get them in a boat, or on a pier(码头), or on the bank at as young an age as you possibly can. Obviously this means being extremely conscious about their safety. Whatever you do, DON’T plan on any fishing yourself. If fishing is going to happen, the fishing will be done by the kids with your help! This lets you pay attention to them and not ignore them while you fish.

Next, make sure you plan the first trips to someplace where you can actually catch a lot of fish. At this point, it doesn’t matter what kind or how big, just make sure they can catch some. A small child’s patience is very short, and waiting 30 minutes for a bite will turn them off in a hurry. You may need to go to a small pond where the fish are dying to eat bread balls. Any type of fish will do. Remember, this is for them, not for you.

As they fish, cheer for every fish they catch. Make a really big deal out of it. Take pictures. And if it’s possible, take some home to clean. Let the child help you clean with a table knife, so he can’t get hurt.

Make sure he makes and sees the connection from catching to cleaning to cooking. As soon as you have the fish cleaned, it’s into the kitchen to start cooking. Make him flour and cornmeal the fish. Let him see the fish cooking, and talk about how good they are. Then when it’s ready, make sure you brag(吹嘘) on the fact that he (or she ) caught these fish, and “aren’t they good?”

In this way, I’m sure your kids will be interested in fishing and good at fishing.

Title: Teach a kid to fish

Start them young

·Be aware of (71)_________

·Plan a fishing trip for the (72)_________ not for yourself.

Plan the first fishing (73)_______

·Choose places where the kids can catch fish easily because a small child’s patience doesn’t (74)_________ long.

·Regardless of (不管)the kind and (75)_________ of fish.

Cheer for every fish they catch

·Make a big deal out of it.

·Take pictures.

·Take some home and let the child help to clean with a table knife to avoid (76)_________ hurt.

(77)_________ the fish they catch

·(78)_________him to flour and cornmeal the fish.

·Let him see the fish cooking.

·Talk about how good they are.


·Make them (80)_________ in and good at fishing.



It was a cool autumn day, a day to    36  . That was the day young women everywhere wait their whole lives for, and I knew in my heart I would   37   those moments forever.

Before me stood a young man with whom I had   38   my secrets and delighted moments. I had whispered promises in his ear and did my best to   39   them. I had never trusted anyone with the   40   to my heart until he entered my life. Now I knew the only safe place for this key to remain was with him.

This was a first for   41   of us. We gazed nervously in each other’s   42  , waiting for the other to make the first   43  . I was unsure if we were ready for this. We stood there in   44 .

Echoes from the past rang   45   in my mind. The laughter and tears we had shared will forever be   46   in a special place in my heart. My emotions were so weak at that   47  . Part of me wanted to run and hide, and   48   said, “Go ahead. It’s time.”

Then just   49   he were reading my mind, he gently grasped my hand,   50   all my doubt. With his   51   voice, he whispered, “It’s time.”

I   52   my arms around him and kissed the tip of his nose, then I whispered softly in his ear, “I love you.” Then it happened -the   53   we both had been waiting for.

I’ll never forget that day or the silly grin on his face afterward. Tears streamed   54   my face as he crossed the street to step onto the yellow school bus. Then he   55   me and said, “Bye, Mommy. I love you.”

36.A.forget                 B.dream                 C.remember            D.save

37.A.treasure               B.keep                    C.hide                    D.think


38.A.attached              B.impressed            C.spent                  D.shared

39.A.fulfill                   B.complete             C.finish                  D.work

40.A.key                     B.belief                   C.window              D.bottom

41.A.neither                B.belief                   C.both                    D.none

42.A.ears                    B.head                    C.words                 D.eyes

43.A.move                  B.explanation          C.excuse                D.jump

44.A.loneliness            B.defence               C.silence                D.delight

45.A.endlessly             B.permanently         C.typically              D.especially

46.A.exposed              B.faded                  C.felt                     D.held

47.A.point                   B.fantasy                C.look                    D.matter

48.A.others                 B.the other              C.other                   D.another

49.A.if                        B.until                    C.as if                    D.after

50.A.increasing            B.erasing                C.releasing              D.quitting

51.A.emotional            B.high                    C.joyful                  D.soft

52.A.wrapped              B.seized                  C.settled                 D.raised

53.A.difficulty             B.moment               C.happiness            D.departure

54.A.over                    B.on                       C.down                  D.alongside

55.A.faced to              B.turned to             C.pointed to            D.shouted to



If you have ever been rock climbing, then you will know that it is not a very easy sport. In fact you probably felt quite defeated when you first tried to do any serious climbing. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing are both extremely demanding and, like anything else, require practice, to get good at. What most people don’t know is that the sport of rock climbing is one of the most physically and mentally demanding sports there is.

There are three basic types of rock climbing. Top roping is probably one of the most common types and is basically climbing with a partner. The second type, which is very similar to top roping, is called lead climbing. In both of these types of rock climbing the climber can sit off the wall and rest on the rope.

The third type of rock climbing is called bouldering. Bouldering is a type of free climbing without any ropes. This is the most demanding of all climbing types. The climber must be able to complete the climbing without taking a rest on the rope.

Believe it or not, climbing is said to be about 75% legs and only 25% arms. To climb efficiently and successfully, a person needs to have a wonderful technique. One of the major rules of rock climbing is to always have three points touching the wall, whether it is both feet and one hand, or one foot and both hands, as it is much easier to have your weight rest on three points than on two. Another important idea to grasp is that your arms in most cases will do the climbing; they only hold you into the wall so that your legs are actually pushing you upward. Also, the closer you are to the wall, the easier it is to climb.

Rock climbing may sound a bit too extreme for the everyday person but it really is an amazing workout. Once you get into the sport, and learn how to position your body and rest your weight, then you can begin to deal with some difficult problems. The great thing about rock climbing is that it is mentally challenging as well. You are constantly analyzing the way your body moves and how to do certain moves on the wall. For anyone who wants to get into shape, rock climbing is a fun and effective way to exercise muscles.

71.What does the author think of rock climbing?

       A.It is an easy sport.                                                               B.It is challenging.

       C.It is quite dangerous.                            D.It is extremely difficult.

72.According to this passage, we know that __________.

       A.indoor rock climbing is much easier than outdoor rock climbing

       B.while rock climbing, people depend mainly on their arms

       C.ordinary people can practise rock climbing

       D.during climbing, the climber can always stop for a rest

73.It is much easier for a rock climber if he ___________ while climbing.

       A.takes a rope                                        B.has a partner

       C.has three points touching the wall          D.uses feet more often

74.___________ will make rock climb easier.

       A.Keeping the body closer to the wall

       B.Resting more often on the arms

       C.Resting more often on the feet

       D.Pushing forward without thinking of the problems

75.By rock climbing, one can _____________.

       A.get more weight and stronger muscles

       B.get both physical and mental exercises

       C.have a terrible experience that will last long.

       D.probably feel quite defeated



My grandfather grew up in war-torn Europe. When German soldiers occupied his home-town, the thriving city of Tarow, Poland, he refused to obey them and eventually joined the Soviet army to fight for his country’s freedom. “Stand straight, stand tall,” he told himself.

After the war, in 1947, he boarded a boat for Manhatan. He was hungry and suffering from seasickness. All alone in a new country, he was frightened about his future. Still, he marched head-on into the hustle of the streets of New York. Soon he met other European immigrants, each of them trying to find his or her own way. If they could do it, why couldn’t he? “Stand straight, stand tall,” he would remind himself.

Thanks to the help of a loyal and trusting friend, my grandfather gained a jewelry booth on Canal Street, New York City. He once told me how nervous he was on that first day of work. He was not only trying to learn this tough new business, but also a new language.

To his surprise, the men in neighboring booths-who could have taken advantage of him-offered their help and advice. Within months, my grandfather was commanding his spot behind the counter, selling diamonds and cultured pearls as if he’d been doing it his whole life.

Stand straight and stand tall.

In later years, my grandfather would take both my mother and her sister down the aisle at their weddings. As he stood with each of them, he thought about their new beginnings, and of the adventures and journeys they would experience together. He also thought about the children who would one day carry on his family name.

I am so proud to be one of those children. Listening to my grandfather’s remarkable experiences has changed the way I view my own life.

56.Which is the correct order of the things that happened in the passage?

       a. My grandfather took both my mother and her sister down the aisle at their weddings.

       b. World War Ⅱ broke out in Europe.

       c. My grandfather went to America.

       d. My grandfather began to run his diamond business.

       e. The men in neighboring booths helped him.

       A.b, c, a, d, e             B.b, c, d, e, a             C.b, c, e, a, d             D.c, b, e, d, a

57.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

       A.My grandfather was a soldier during World war Ⅱ.

       B.My grandfather went to America by sea.

       C.My grandfather had been doing a jewelry business his whole life.

       D.My grandfather ran his business successfully.

58.What does the underlined word “aisle” in the last but one paragraph mean?

       A.passage                  B.path                        C.balcony                  D.pavement

59.Grandpa probably inspired his grandchildren in time of trouble by saying “       ”.

       A.A friend in need is a friend indeed

       B.God help those who help themselves

       C.Stand straight, stand tall

       D.Practice makes perfect

60.It can be concluded that __________.

       A.Grandpa never lost heart in time of hardships

       B.Grandpa never threw doubt upon his fate

       C.Grandpa was born to be a businessman

       D.Grandpa didn’t live up to his friend’s expectations


