1) 拆毁 2) 破烂不堪的 3) 颐和园 4) 北京大学 5) 紫荆城 6) 乐山大佛 7) 世界闻名的 8) 由--组成 9) 从那时起 10) 把--看做-- 11) 使得交通更堵塞 12) 古城墙 13) 世界上最大的奇迹之一 14) 活的人模特 15) 使得街道更拥挤 16) 七大奇观 17) 把-连成一体 18) 最古老的国家 19) 西湖 20) 作为他的坟墓 21) 一个法国的礼物 22) 获得极大的乐趣 23) 230.4米长 24) 138米高 25) 昨日重现 26) 魔毯之旅 27) 花费某人一些时间去做某事 28) 大约公元前2560年 29) 不过一个玩笑 30) 去海滩玩 31) 在海里游泳 32) 在这场事故中 33) 一部幽默影片 34) --的象征 35) 命令-做- 36) 把--看做 Topic 1 of Unit 5, Grade 8 Name No. Class Mark 查看更多



Who _______ _______ the old city walls?
People _______ the Yellow River _______ a symbol of the Chinese nation.
Scientists found that the emperor’s tomb was _______ _______.
From tomorrow _______, the workers are beginning to _______ their homes.
The bridge is _______ _______ 600 years old.


1.I hope you will____(同意……的意见)him that his advice is excellent.
2. Parents are supposed to ____their kids(供应)____food and money.
3. We feel that Rose is very____ ____(适合)this job.
4. What do you usually do____ ____ ____ ____(空闲时间)?
5.That old building was____(拆毁)and rebuilt last year.
6. Now the Chinese people are working hard to establish a ____(和谐社会).


1. 他们曾经居住过的房子已经拆毁。 
2. 似乎每件事都有它的利与弊。
3. 昨天,直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。
4. 这是如此吸引人的一幅画,我第一次看见就喜欢上了它。
5. 无论在生活中发生什么事情,我们绝不应该失去希望和信心。



1.当你在词典里查一个词时,注意这个词的第一个字母。(1ook up)

2.二十世纪六十年代,大多数城墙被拆毁了。(pull down)

3.我们必须记住我们不仅应该吃最喜欢的食物而且也要吃其他健康食品。(not only…but also)




                                                               Beijing-old and new   
     Fifty years ago, if you flew over Beijing and looked down on the city, it looked like an army camp.
The whole city was laid out in regular squares. In the middle was the Forbidden City-like the general's
headquarters. North, south, east and west were miles and miles of hutongs, with their traditional courtyard
houses. Seen from the air, these looked like the tens of the army's ordinary soldiers.
     In many ways, the old city of Beijing looked very much like other Chinese capital cities from the past
two or three thousand years. The regular city plan with the Emperor's Palace in the center, the traditional
buildings with their wooden structures and tiled roofs, the large city walls-these were features that the city
shared with other capitals of ancient China such as Chang'an (present-day Xi'an) or Kaifeng. 
     Until the 1940s, the city looked very much the same as it had for centuries. However, in the 1950s the
enormous city walls were torn down. More recently, most of the old hutongs have disappeared. In their
place, a modern city of wide roads and tall skyscrapers has been rising upwards, and spreading
outwards-far beyond the area of the old capital.
army camp 军营,            lay out 设计, 策划           regular 规则的, 整齐的       square 正方形; 方块
Forbidden City 紫禁城     general 将军                   headquarters (单复数同)司令部, 大本营; 总部
courtyard 四合院            wooden 木制的, 木头的 structure 结构, 构造            tiled 用砖瓦覆盖的
feature 特点, 特征,特色  tear down 拆毁, 拆卸       spread 铺开, 展开               outwards 向外
beyond (指空间) 在…….的那一边, 远于
Write what, or who, the underlined words in the passage refer to:
1. it =                                                                         
2. these =                                                                          
3. the city =                                                                            
4. their =                                                                            

