1) 交通工具,车辆 2) 飞机(美) 3) 航空公司 4) 决定,下决心 5) 价格 6) 培训 7) 筹集,饲养 8) 预定(v) 9) 铁路 10) 电影院 11) 宾馆 12) 冰箱 13) 条件,状况 14) 舒服的,安逸的 15) 人 16) 普通的,共有的 17) 皇后.女王 18) 卖.售 19) 中小学校长 20) 降落.登岸 21) 安全地 22) 向前,前进 23) 景色.场景 24) 庙宇.寺院 25) 当地的 26) 日出 27) draw 28) daytime 查看更多



truck, green, jacket, history, baseball, blouse, jeep, physics, yellow, motorbike, golf, grey,
chemistry, brown, minibus, biology, skirt, volleyball, trousers, surfing
1. 交通工具:____________________________________________________
2. 体育运动:____________________________________________________
3. 学科科目:____________________________________________________
4. 服 装:     ____________________________________________________
5. 颜 色:     ____________________________________________________



  What will our life be like in the future? Each family will have a  1 in the future. You can ask it to do everything  2  you. It will serve(服务) you  3 hours a day. The robot will  4 like a human. It can talk with you when you are  5 . You won’t know it is a human  6 a robot when you meet it on the street.

  People will have  7 time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles(交通工具) in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings(翅膀) with it. They will  8 you to any place you want to visit. You can go to  9  when you have a travel if you feel tired. All vehicles will be  10  because of driving by robots.

1.A、rocket              B、robot               C、car

2.A、on                 B、about               C、for

3.A、eight              B、twenty              C、twenty-four

4.A、sound              B、live                C、look

5.A、happy              B、alone               C、comfortable

6.A、so                 B、and                 C、or

7.A、less               B、few                 C、more

8.A、make               B、take                C、let

9.A、school             B、work                C、sleep

10.A、safe              B、dangerous           C、unpleasant





56. The City Library is in the downtown. Li Fei is planning to write a report about the flood. He'd like to go to the City Library to look for some information. There is a small bus station near his home.

57. Wang Tao lives in Beijing. He will have three days off next week. He is interested in traveling. So he is going sightseeing in Shanghai. He'd like to get there as soon as possible. He is sure he will have fun in Shanghai.

58. .Jin Ling likes taking photos, especially photos of rivers and mountains. She is excited that her parents will take her to the Three Gorges(三峡). She hopes she can take many photos when they are traveling on water.

59. This month Chen Xu will visit her grandparents in her hometown. It is about 1,000 kilometers away. Chen Xu hopes to get there in ten hours. And she will be able to enjoy the sights along the railway.

60. Zhang Kai is a worker in a green group. Tomorrow he is going to listen to a talk in the central park. The park is nearly four kilometers away from his home, and he has decided to choose a way that is good for the environment.




Lost in Thailand
王宝(Wang Bao)
Hi, boys and girls! Today I’ll introduce an interesting film to you____________________________________________________________________________
Is it interesting? If you want to see it, please come to the cinema.



What will our life be like in the future?Each family will have a __ __in the future. You can ask it to do everything__ __you. It will serve you__ __hours a day. The robot will__ __like a human. It can talk with you when you are __ __. You won't know whether it is a human__ __ a robot when you meet it on the street.

 People will have__ __time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles 交通工具in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it. They will__ __ you to any place you want to visit. You can go to__ __during your travel when you feel tired. All vehicles will be__ __because they're driven by robots.

1.A. rocket  B. Robot      C. car          D. computer

2.A. on           B. About      C. around       D. for

3.A. eight    B. Twenty     C. twenty­four   D. forty­eight

4.A. sound       B. Live       C. look           D. take

5.A. happy       B. Alone      C. comfortable   D. ill

6.A. so              B. And        C. or           D. but

7.A. less           B. Few        C. more        D. most

8.A. make        B. Take        C. let          D. turn

9.A. school      B. Work       C. parks       D. sleep

10.A. safe    B. Dangerous   C. unpleasant    D. Impossible


