it与one的区别:这两个词都可以代表前面说过的名词.但it用于同名同物的场合,one则用于同名异物的场合. e.g. ---- Do you still have the bicycle? ---- No, I have sold it. ---- Is this knife yours? ---- No. It is Xiao Zhang’s. Mine is the one on the desk. 查看更多




1.We held a party _________(庆祝)the old couple’s marriage for 50 years.

2.You shouldn’t always _________(分析)every sentence of every article you read.

3.We ought to be _________(与……联系)each other after graduation.

4.All of the students _________(参加)in the warm discussion held in the dining-hall yesterday evening.

5.The culture revolution _________(延迟,阻碍)the development of economy.

6.Though they are ordinary farmers, they have _________(积累, 积聚)a lot of farming experience.

7.Yesterday I _________(遇见,碰见)an old friend of mine in the street but he took no notice of me.

8.It is every student’s _________(期待,期望)to go to university.

9.We judge from his accent that he is not a _________(本地人).

10.The student _________(阐明,澄清)the fact that he did not do that foolish thing.

11.How often do you meet with _________(令人苦恼的)things?

12.To his _________(兴奋,激动), he met his sister here after so many years’ separation.

13.It is _________(请求,要求)that all the students(should)obey the school rules and work hard at their lessons.

14.The car I drove the day before yesterday doesn’t _________(属于)me.

15.It is _________(难以置信的)for such an honest man to have stolen his neighbor’s money.

16.We should focus on not only the _________(过程)but the result.

17.What _________(评论,意见)can you give on the problem?

18.He has ever read a book _________(与……有关, 涉及)the French Revolution.

19.It is easy to form bad _________(习惯), but difficult to get rid of them.

20.What _________(描述,叙述)should you give to us on this matter?

21.The girl did an _________(令人难堪的)thing, and all of us felt embarrassed.

22.Every one of us should have our own _________(雄心.野心)in our work and study.

23.Can you give us a _________(适当的,正确的)answer to the question?

24.They haven’t talked to each other after they _________(误解)each other three years ago.

25.It was the children that _________(调整,适应)to the new environment much faster than the adults did.

26.It is very common to _________(握手)with each other when people meet in China.

27.The machine is so large that it _________(占据)so much room of the workshop.

28.Do you know the _________(区别,差异)between British English and American English?

29.Knowledge is _________(力量).

30.We, Party members, should often _________(交换)ideas with other people.




The Chinese language _______ _______ Western languages _______ _______ it uses characters instead of an alphabet.


Tom has been absent from school for several days, and it _______ _______ that he has _______ _______ with fever.


_______ _______ us was that though there was no one _______ _______, we could always hear someone talking.


_______ _______ what most people may assume, this vaccine(疫苗) won’t come _______ _______ use _______ next year.


The trees were cut down, which resulted _______ the city of Loulan _______ _______ by sand.


