A 本句测试的是so---ad.---that-结果状语从句的倒装结构.即so – ad.提到主语之前.主句用部分倒状. 查看更多





71. Don’t be too rude to your father. Never in his life _______________ in that way up to now. (speak)


72. When his mother came home from work, he was lying on the sofa, ____________. (absorb)


73.________________ different languages and cultures does a lot of good to children. (expose)


74.I think that it is I rather than my sister _______________ for what happened. (blame)


75. Although house construction _________________, you can find many diverse styles in each country. (vary)


76. With ____________, the problem that they had worked on for a long time was eventually worked out. (adopt)


77. If he hadn’t hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, he ______ a goal. (score)


78. Have you ever had a case____________ getting the wrong end of the stick? (accuse)


79. __________________ is that while I am concentrating on my study, my classmates make so much noise. (put)


80. _____________to you whether I like it or not, because you never listen to me. (difference)




71.The constant rise of meat price requires that effective ________                                                      by the government.(measure ) 


72. WHO, together with the medical workers in the different parts of the world,                                  find a way to prevent the disease H7N9 from spreading. (be)


73. The news shocked the whole nation                                      Lushan on Apr.20, 2013.  (hit)


74.                                   _  means communicating well is widely getting around. ( manage )


75. Diaoyu Island lies just slightly over 300 kilometers                                    Wenzhou, Zhejiang. (east)


76.                                    was that the girl devoted her youth to observing animals while living in the wild. ( inspire )


77.He has decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worthwhile                                .(buy)


78. Not only her family but also her team                                     since she joined the team. (impress) 


79.The farm keeps hundreds of pigs, _                                 approximately 150kg. (weigh)


80. You have to make it clear                                    he was referring to. (it)



  Huckleberry Finn,the great character from the Mark Twain book,did not like school.He preferred floating down the Mississippi River on a raft and looking for adventure.That’s why generations of schoolboys have loved reading Huckleberry Finn:they feel the same way about the school as he did.

  For many boys,being forced to sit all day in a school room is like being punished for a crime they did not commit.There are endless hours of boredom spent learning things they have no interest in.That’s why many boys do poorly in school and many give up on education altogether.

  Ironically(具有讽刺意味的是),the whole idea for schools was invented for boys.If a boy wanted to grow up to be a useful man,he had to be educated.By and by,people realized that educating girls was a good idea,too.And,ironically again,it was discovered that the schoolsystem suits girls just fine;so fine that girls now do much better than boys in school.

  No one really knows why that is.Some say that girls mature(发育成熟)quicker than boys and adapt better to school life.Some also say that the school system and the curriculum(课程) have changed to encourage girls but the needs of boys have been overlooked

  Educators are now trying to find ways to get boys to be more successful in school.There are suggestions to separate the sexes and teach boys separately.There are also suggestions to change the curriculum to make it more interesting for boys.

  Whatever the changes are,boys still will be boys,and dreams of floating down the Mississippi River will always be an attractive choice to just sitting in a classroom.

47. Huckleberry Finn is________.

A. a boy of Mark Twain’s   B. a character in a book

C.an American writer    D.a river’s name 

48.Many boys do poorly in school because________.

A. they give up on education

B.they’re punished for a crime they did not commit

C.they have no interest in the things they’re learning

D.they prefer floating down the Mississippi River on a raft

49.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means that________.

A. more boys are needed  B. boys need to be cared about a lot

C.the needs of boys have been very important

D. People have paid little attention to the needs of boys.

50.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Girls now do much better than boys in school.

B.The school system has changed to encourage girls.

C.Girls mature quicker than boys and adapt better to school life.

D. The curriculum has changed to be more interesting for boys.



  With his standard Mandarin pronunciation, practiced skills on Chinese expressions and special humour with a Peking accent, Dashan has become a household name across China.

  People have always wondered how the 36-year-old Canadian can be so skillful in the Chinese language even though it is considered by many as one of the most difficult languages in the world.But to Dashan, the great challenge was a piece of cake due to his deep interest, proper method and the excellent environment he created for himself.

  “Interest is the best teacher.” That is a universal principle. Even if the 20-year-old Mark Rowswell--Dashan's real name--hadn't fully realized what attracted him to the Chinese department at the University of Toronto in Canada, he was already deeply interested in Chinese culture when he decided to have further study in Beijing.

  Entering the Chinese department of Peking University in 1988, Dashan felt like a duck in water. Study is always a hard job, no matter how much interest you have. Therefore, effective ways are necessary to improvement. “Learn for life and learn in life”is Dashan's belief.

  As a freshman at the University of Toronto, the student did study textbooks, which especially aimed on foreign Chinese learners. They did help him build to solid foundation.

  However, that's far from enough to grasp the Chinese language. Starting in his junior year, Dashan began to read original Chinese novels, Chinese newspapers and even the selected works of Deng Xiaoping. “Only the material for Chinese native readers could give me a proper sense of the language,” he said.

  The language that is the daily means of communication is the principle that Dashan always keeps in his mind.What you have really learned depends on what you can use, not necessarily your textbooks.

  To learn in daily life requires a favourable language environment which is also necessary for improvement. Dashan admits it is hard for Chinese English learners to be brought into a good English speaking environment, but insists, “to listen and speak as much as possible does help.”

  To help Chinese English learners develop a favourable environment, Dashan took part in a VCD programme--“Travel with Dashan”--to teach daily and up-to-date English in real-life situations.

(1)Dashan could learn Chinese very well because of ________.

[  ]

A.his interest

B.practiced skills on Chinese expression

C.his special method

D.Special humour with a Peking accent

(2)The sentence “learn for life and learn in life” here means________

[  ]

A.learn things in our daily life, otherwise it will not last long.

B.we should study in practice all our lives

C.life is difficult, so we'd better learn more to lead a better life

D.language is the necessary part of our daily life, so we must practise it frequently

(3)The main idea of the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Dashan has become a household name across China

B.how can we master a foreign language in a short time.

C.dashan took park in a VCD programme“Travel with Dashan” to teach English in real-life situation

D.try to learn English under the direction of Dashan, and you'll succeed one day.

(4)The underlined phrase“a piece of cake” here refers to ________.

[  ]


(5)Dashan read the selected works of Deng Xiaoping because ________.

[  ]

A.he admired the former leader of the government

B.he hoped to learn more of the spirits of it

C.he wanted to give him a proper sense of the Chinese language

D.They are very popular in modern times



  Happy birthday! Do birthdays really make people happy? Of course they do. Birthdays celebrate the day we were born. What's more, that extra candle on the cake represents another year of growth and maturity (成熟)—or so we hope. We all like to imagine that we're getting wiser and not just alder. Most of us enjoy observing the miracle of growth in others as well. For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud. For Americans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful process. But growing old? That's a different story. Growing old is not exactly pleasant for people in youth-oriented American . Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old saying goes, “You're as young as you feel . ” Older people joke about how many years young they are ,rather than how many years old. People in sane countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom. But Americana seem to favor those that are young, or at least “young at heart”. Many older Americans find the“golden years” to be anything but golden. Economically, “senior citizens”often struggle just to get by. Retirement — typically at age 65—brings a sharp decrease in personal income. Social Security Benefits usually cannot make up the difference. Older people may suffer from poor nutrition(营养) , medical care and housing. Some even experience age discrimination.

  Ironically, the elderly population in America is expanding fast. Why? People are living longer. Fewer babies ere being born. The middle-aged “baby boomers” are rapidly entering the ranks of the elderly, so America may soon be a place where wrinkles(皱纹) are “in” . Marketing experts are already focusing on this growing group of consumers. And even now the elderly have a great deal of political power.

  A common stereotype(模式化的形象) of older Americana is that they are usually “put away” in nursing homes and forgotten about. Actually, only about 5 percent live on acme type of institution(慈善机构).

  More than half of those 65 or older live with or near at least one of their children. The vast majority ad the elderly live alone and take care of themselves.

  In spite of challenges they face, Americans in their “twilight years (暮年)” generally refuse to we up on life. They find a variety of ways to keep themselves active. To help them stay in shape, they may join mall (商业区) walkers club, fitness programs and even the “Senior Olympics” .They can enjoy hours of entertainment at senior centers and adult amusement parks. Many enroll in continuing education programs to maintain their mental skills. For Americans, if you're going to grow old, you might as well do it gracefully.

1.Older people in America ________.

[  ]

A.think it sad to enter the golden age

B.are not popular in the society

C.are respected by all

D.find it happy to have another year of growth

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why there are more and more older people in America?

[  ]

A.The birthrate is lower.

B.The older people are taken good care of.

C.There are many more middle-aged people than before.

D.The average life-span becomes longer.

3.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.

[  ]

A.the babies


C.the middle-aged

D.the elderly

4.It can be seen from the passage that older people in America ________ .

[  ]

A.are content with their life now

B.are faced with challenges throughout their life

C.have chances to remain active in the society

D.receive continuing education programs to hunt for life

