The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings; .it caused 20 deaths. A.or else B.therefore C.after all D.besides 答案 D 解析 or else否则.要不然,therefore因此,after all毕竟,besides此外.另外.由句意“飓风毁坏了很多住房和商店.此外还造成20人死亡 .可知答案为D. 查看更多




      Buster Brown waw  a thief-and a good one,too,he thought.  He’d never been

caught by the police because he never took chances.  He was always Prepared for any

unforeseen event or emergency.

    Confidently,he stood outside the house Of his intended victim(受害者)and read

the sign On the front gate of the house.“Don't worry about the dog—be aware of the

owner!”it said.Buster smiled and found his way in.

    The house looked quite normal outside,but inside it was very exotic with

fascinatig objects on display.As he began putting them into his bag,a dog came into

the room.It stopped when it saw Buster,then wagged its tail madly adn went over to.

him,licking his outstretched hand.  "Good boy,”Buater whispered.  “What a great

guard dog you are—trying to lick me to death.”

    Satisifed he'd made friends with the dog,Bluster bggan tO wander round the house,choosing items to put in his bag.His skilled eye picked out only the best antiques(古董):a pair of silver candleholders,a silver tea-and-coffee ervice,etc..His new friend,the dog,sat and watched,as if wondering what was happening.

    “Well,boy,”Buster whispered,finally.“That might do.Any more and I won't be able to carry it!”He swung the heavy bag onto his shoulders, just as the lights came on, nearly blinding him. He shielded his eyes with his hand.

      "You're a very silly person," the figure in the doorway said, his voice dry em dust. As the man came closer,Buster could see he was well dressed. His face seemed familiar, but Buster couldn't quite place where he had seen him hafore.

      "You should have taken more notice of the sign outside," the man rasped. "I knew about this attempted robbery last week and I also know you will end up behind bars for 20 years. Fancy trying to rob the house of the world's greatest fortune-teller!"

60. Why was Buster so confident?

   A. He was not afraid of dogs.              

B. He knew the owner of the house lived alone]

   C. He had  never been caught by the police.  

D. The house had no security alarm.

61. Which of the definitions is closest in me&ting to the word "exotic" in the third paragraph?

   A. Messy and untidy.                        B. Rich and expensive.

   C. Comfortable and calming.                  D. Foreign and unusual.

62. How did Buster decide which objects tff take7

   A. He took those that were easy to carry in his bag.

   B. He took only the best antiques.

   C. He took those that he knew he could sell easily.

   D. He looked for silver objects.

63. What punishment waits for Buster Brown?

   A. A prison sentence with hard labour.          B. A long prison sentence.

   C. A heavy fine.                            D. Community service for 20 years.




While l studied at school,I felt a great difficulty in leaning my Latin translations.I was always very   36  in using a dictionary,and    37   it most difficult,while to other boys it seemed   38  .

   I formed an alliance(盟友) with a boy in the Sixth Grade.He was very clever and  39   read Latin as easily as English.My friend for his part was almost as  40  troubled by the English essays he had to write for the headmaster as I was  41  these Latin words. We agreed together that he should   42   me my Latin translations and that I should do his essays. The arrangement                          43   wonderfully.The headmaster seemed quite   44   with my work,and I had more time to myself in the morning.On the othcr hand,once a week   45  I had to compose the essays Of my fnend.For several months no difficulty   46  ,but once we were near]y caught out.

    One afternoon,the headmaster   47  my friend tO discuss one essay with him in a lively spirit.“I was interested in this   48   you make here.I think you might have gone further.Tell me   49   you had in your mind." The headmaster continued in this   50   for some time to fear of my friend.However the headmaster,not wishing to   51   an occasion of praise into  52   of fault-finding,finally   53   him go.He came back to me like a man who had had a very narrow   54   and I made up my mind to make every effort tO study my   55  .

36.A.quick               B.slow                C.hard                D.good

37.A.made                       C.foud                D.left

38.A.trouble             B.difference        C.labor               D.worry

39.A.mlght              B.would              C.should             D.could

40.A.very                B.little                 C.much                     D.few


42.A.change            B.take                 C.forgive            D.tell

43.A.worked            B.tried                C.happened         D.developed

44.A.angry                     B.satisfied           C.frightened        D.sad

45.A.or so               B.or else    usual  far

46.A.became            B.seemed            C.lay                  D.appeared

47.A.called              B.taught              C.arranged          D.sent

48.A.aim                 B.goal                 C.point                  D.opinion

49.A.why                      C.which              D.what

50.A.exciment          B.way                 C.meaning           D.disappointment

51.A.turn                 B.leave                C.grow               D.become

52.A.none                        C.either               D.some

53.A.ordered            B.asked               C.took                D.let

54.A.surprise           B.escape             C.hope                D.chance

55.A.reading            B.writing             C.translations      D.essays




Answering the Community Needs of Our City

     The Silver City Council recognizes that citizens have certain needs.  To better meet your needs, we have made several changes to community facilities in 2004. This chart shows how we have tried to make your life better.


 ·Three stations for the suburbs have been  added to the western train service.

 ·20 new buses for the southern line were  purchased in January.

 ·50 per cent of city bus-stops have been upgraded.

·Buses to the eastern suburbs will run every 15 minutes.


·Broadband cable is now available to all parts of the city.

·All of the new Government buildings are ' smart'-wired for better computer


☆Medical Facilities

·The new state-of-the-art Nightingale Hospital was opened in June.

·To overcome a shortage of trained medical staff at Dover Hospital, 10 doctors

have been employed from overseas.

·Some facilities at Station Street Hospital have been upgraded.


·Textbooks will be free to all primary students in 2004 !

 ·Rental for private schools has been reduced.

·Teachers report that the 'no hat - no play' rule has been successful.

☆Protection and Security

 ·Extra police now patrol (巡逻) the tourist areas.

·50 new police officers graduated in July and have taken up duties in the city area.

☆Entertainment / Recreation

·The John Street basketball courts have been re-surfaced !

·The new Central Community Building opened in May.

·5,000 new fiction books were bought for the Silver City Library.

72. The public notice is from _______.

   A. the community                           B. the local government

   C. the citizens                              D. a travel agency

73. The notice is mainly about _______.

   A. the work carried out by the people of Silver City

   B. the facilities available in Silver City

   C. some improvements in Silver City

   D. information for interested tourists

74. All the following are true EXCEPT that _______.

   A. both residents and tourists can enjoy more security now

   B. Station Street Hospital had out-dated facilities before 2004

   C. primary students had to pay for their textbooks in 2003

   D. Dover Hospital is still short of trained medical staff

75. Which of the following changes would tourists to Silver City be most happy with?

   A. Travel books are provided in the new library.

   B. Traveling by train is more convenient in Silver City.

   C. Free medical treatment is available at Station Street Hospital.

   D. There are more police officers on duty now.



The incident took place on Sunday,the 25th Of June.On that particular day,a south wind had been gusting(劲吹) on and off all morning.It was not strong enough to cause us any concern,so we carried on our daily work not suspecdng what was about to happon.

    The storm gaveus very little warnning.Black clouds loomed over the distant horizon(地平线) so suddenly that we were taken by surprise.Even then,we were not really worried,as the clouds seemed to be moving over our house and towards the distant moountains.Then,just as the clouds had moved inland,the wind suddenly swung around in a full circle and we were facing a major storm.

    Instantly,we were busily preaparing for the worst. The whole family had experienced such a storm before and evelyone remembered the damage it had caused to stock and crops.There was very little we could do about tbe corps.

But we needcd to protect the animals in case the river flooded again.My older brother called his sheep-dog and began driving our small flock of sheep to higher ground above river.If the river flooded,they should be safe there.

    In the meantime,my father was mending a shed roof that had partly fallen down after many years of fine service.If the tin flew off,it could damage the house.  My younger brother began hurriedly carrying firewood under the shelter.My job was to help Mum board up the windows.If the storm developde into a cyclone(旋风),the boalds would protect the glass.

    Thc storm raged for four hours,pouring more rain on us than we had seen in the last five years.As expectcd the river borke its banks and came slowly up towards the house and the stock.

    Then,jnst as we were beginning to lose hope,the storm stopped as suddenly as it had begun.The animals were  safe,and the roof was still nailed on.  “All,s weU that ends well,"Said my mother.

 56.When the black clouds appeared suddenly in the distance.

A.the family were surprised   

B.they were extremely worried

C. they were preparing fOr the worst   

D.they faced the storm bravely

57.“There was very  little we could do about the crops" indicates that    .

A.little damage would be done to the crops   

B.they had everything ready for the crops

C.they felt unablet to protect the crops   

D.the crops should be safe enough there

58.The underlined word"stock" in the third paragraph refers to    . owned by the family   

B.goods for sale

    C.suppplies for family use animals    .

59.It can be inferred from what the mother said that——·

A.they had no damage at all   

B.everything went beyond their expectation

C. everything was under control   

D.the family could have suffered a greater loss




LifeWay Community  Homeschool  Getting Started  




Posted February 21, 2008 08:53 AM February                                               

New question, ladies: Let’s introduce ourselves and talk about how we got started homeschooling. Was it a friend that inspired you, or a speaker you heard?




New Member

Posted February 21, 2008 06:05 PM February                                                    

Hello all! My name is Amanda and I will start homeschooling this fall. My daughter is almost 5 and my husband and I decided to homeschool her instead of sending her to public schools for many reasons. My family is very supportive so that helps a lot!!! I think with all that is going on in this daughter is safest with me! Period. Not only that but I want to teach her morals and values that she would not get in a public school. Thanks for having me. 



New Member

Posted February 22, 2008 09:12 AM February                                               

Hi, my name is Phoebe and I have two children, one in 4th and one in 6th. We started homeschooling when my oldest was in preschool. Our main priority was in teaching our children the Bible and we knew that sending them to public school, they would not hear or learn anything from God’s Word. I also feel that as a parent it is a gift to teach our children to better prepare them for God’s purpose for their lives. I thank God that He allows us to teach our children. We really feel glad to be doing this.



New Member

Posted February 23, 2008 02:14 PM February                                               

Hi, all, Anji here. We have homeschooled continuously since 1990. Our six children range in age from 25-5. When my oldest son, Pedd, reached 6th grade at the age of 10, his teacher said that he was so immature for the class! Couldn’t he repeat fifth grade? No, we were firm, he was on the honor roll in fifth grade and making him repeat a grade would hurt him spiritually. My husband brought up the idea of homeschooling.



New Member

Posted March 14, 2008 07:00 PM March                                                   

My name is Patte and I homeschool a 12 1/2 yr old daughter, 7th grade and an 11 yr old son, 4th grade. My son also has CAPD, is LD and was currently diagnosed as mildly mentally handicapped. Chandler has been in school until this year and i’ve been going around in circles trying to find the best way to teach him. It’s been tough becuz the public school has abandoned us.


63.   In this website, people write mainly to ________.             

       A. tell people their homeschooling experience

       B. criticize public school system

       C. express their religious attitude

       D. give comments on community schools

64.   According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason for parents to start homeschooling?                             

              A. Religious belief.                                     B. Children’s disability in learning.

              C. Finding better ways to teach children.     D. Reducing education expense.

65.   It can be inferred that Anji’s oldest son ________.

              A. didn’t behave himself well in the school

              B. was not satisfied with the school education policy

              C. was slow in learning. 

              D. wanted to learn more after class

