My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever, .he could neither eat nor sleep. a result B.after all C.any way D.otherwise 答案 A 解析 本题考查连接词.前后句为因果关系.即因为生病而导致后面的结果.故应选as a result.after all毕竟.终究,any way不管怎样.无论如何,otherwise否则.要不然.故答案为A. 查看更多




In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . I worked as a(n)     36    at Mr. Breen’s fruit shop .The fruit shop did     37     business . Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighbourhood ,    38     he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars . Mr Breen     39     them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up , always      40    me to carry it out to their car . They were clearly long-standing customers , and I     41     they must have stayed faithful to him    42      he had promised to sell good quality      43    . He had a way with them —I had to    44      that . He called every woman “madam” for a start ,    45     those who clearly were not, but when he      46    it , it did not sound like flattery (奉承). It just sounded      47    in an old-fashioned way . He was a great chatter      48    . If he did not know them , he would greet them with a few     49     about the weather ,     50    he did , he would ask about their families or make     51     , always cutting his cloth     52     his customers . Whatever their bills came to , be      53    gave them back the few odd pence (零钱), and I am sure they thought he was very generous (慷慨). But I thought he was the opposite . He never     54     anything away . He was always looking for      55    for nothing .

36.A.operator             B.assistant             C.waiter                D.seretary

37.A.good                  B.poor                   C.big                     D.usual                      B.when                  C.therefore            D.but

39.A.sold                   B.knew                  C.gave                   D.sent

40.A.making               B.letting                 C.getting                D.keeping

41.A.wish                  B.insist                  C.declare               D.suppose

42.A.when                 B.if                       C.because              D.though                   B.fruit                   C.vegetables           D.drink

44.A.admit                 B.expect                C.announce            D.promise

45.A.yet                     B.only                   C.just                    D.even

46.A.told                    B.said                    C.spoke                 D.talked

47.A.serious               B.strange               C.polite                  D.familiar well      usual              C.either                 D.also

49.A.sayings               B.questions            C.words                D.speeches

50.A.and then             B.and so                C.even if                D.but if

51.A.preparations        B.jokes                  C.repairs                D.friends

52.A.according to       B.due to                 C.instead of           D.up to

53.A.never                 B.ever                   C.seldom               D.always

54.A.took                   B.moved                C.threw                 D.turned .

55.A.something           B.anything             C.somebody           D.anybody



Most Americans don't like to get advice from members of their family. They get advice 24.________ “strangers”. When they need advice, they don't usually go to people they know. 25.________, many of them write letters to newspapers and 26.m________ that give advice on many different subjects 27.i________ family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, and 28.________ on how to buy a house or a car. Most newspapers 29.r________ print letters from readers with problems. Along with the letters there are answers written by people who are 30.s________ to know how to 31.________ (解决) such problems. Some of these writers are doctors, and others are lawyers or educators. But two of the most 32.________ (著名的) writers of advice are women without special 33.________ (训练) for this kind of work. Anyway, these writers are mostly specialists popular with the public.


Dear friends,

Our high school is so wonderful. With the College Entrance Examination approaching, it won't be long 25.________ we graduate. Now, I have 26.m________ to share with all of you. Firstly, I still must try my best to make 27.________ for the lost time and work hard, for I believe hard work is the key to 28.________ (成功). Secondly, I'd like to show my appreciation to those 29.s________ by me all the way, teachers, parents and friends 30.________ (包括). Without your help and advice, my life would be 31.d________. Thirdly, I will treasure the friendship 32.b________ all of my classmates. Because of you, life in school is so interesting and 33.________ (难忘). I sincerely wish you all healthy and happy all your 34.________!



When a rather dirty , poorly dressed person kneels at your feet and puts out his hands to beg for a few coins , do you hurry on , not knowing what to do , or do you feel sad and hurriedly hand over some money ? What should our attitude to beggars be ? There can be no question that the world is full of terribly sad stories . It must be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to come from . It seems cruel not to give some money to beggars .

Certainly , most of the world’s great religions (宗教) order us to be open-hearted and share what we have with those less fortunate than ourselves .But has the world changed ?Maybe what was morally(道德方面)right in the old days ,when one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help ,is no longer the best idea. Quite a few people will not give to beggars .Let us look at their arguments.

       First ,some believe that many city beggars dress up on purpose to look pitiable and actually

make a good living from begging .Giving to beggars only encourages this sort of evil(恶行).Secondly ,there is the worry that the money you give will be spent on beer ,wine or drugs .Thirdly ,there is the opinion that there is no real excuse for begging. One might be poor ,but that is no reason for losing one’s sense of pride and self-dependence.

       Related to this is the opinion that the problem should be dealt with by the government rather than ordinary people .Some people think beggars should go to the local government department and receive help.

  It is hard to come to any final conclusion ;there are various cases and we must deal with them differently .A few coins can save a life in some situations ,and even if the money is wasted ,that does not take sway the moral goodness of the giver.

60.What is mainly discussed in the passage?

       A.Moral deeds of people.                         B.Religious activities of the church.

       C.Moral goodness of the giver.                 D.Arguments on giving to beggars.

61.What can we infer from the sentence “But has the world changed ?”in the second paragraph?

       A.People no longer know who suffers misfortune in the village.

       B.Some people will not do what was morally right in the past .

       C.We don’t meet with those who need help any more.

       D.Now it is the government’s duty to help the beggars.

62.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

       A.Some people dress up to pretend to be beggars .

       B.Some beggars want money to help their children go to school.

       C.Some beggars use the money to buy drugs.

       D.Some beggars have no excuse for begging.

63.In the last paragraph ,the writer thinks that it is hard to come to any final conclusion ,because


       A.the cases can be so different                 B.there are so many beggars

       C.there is so much money wasted            D.there are so many different arguments



Do you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools?

       A supporter of co-educational schools would probably say that schools should be like the societies they belong to .In Hong Kong , men and women mix socially on a day-to-day basis .In many fields men are even likely to have female bosses .It is ,therefore, desirable that boys and girls grow up together ,go to school together ,and prepare themselves for a society that does not value sexual separation.

       Some would go on to argue further that growing up with members of the opposite sex is important for personal development .Regular contact (接触)can remove the strange ideas about the opposite-sex and lead to more natural relationships .Single-sex conditions are seen as leading to more extreme opinions, and possibly even as encouraging homosexuality(同性恋),though there is no proof that this is the case.

       Those who are against coeducation often also fix their attention on the sexual side .Some parents fear that close contact with members of the opposite sex is dangerous for teenagers .They want their children to be attentive to their studies .Such parents feel uncomfortable with modern ways and the free mixing of the sexes.

       A stronger argument comes from research into school results .Girls grow up earlier than boys ,tend to be more orderly and are likely to be better at languages .In a mixed class ,boys who might do well in a single-sex class become discouraged and take on the rule of troublemaker .Certainly in the UK this situation has greatly alarmed (惊动)the government for it to be encouraging co-educational schools to have some single-sex classes .In the UK the best schools are all single-sex ,strongly suggesting that co-education is not the best answer .This may ,however ,not be as simple as it looks .It may simply be that the famous old schools that attract the best students happen to be single-sex ,rather than that being single-sex makes them better schools.

72.In the third paragraph ,by saying “though there is no proof that this is the case” ,the writer means that         .

       A.students in single-sex schools will certainly become homosexual

       B.students in co-educational schools cannot have extreme opinions

       C.students in co-educational schools are likely to be homosexual

       D.single-sex school conditions may or may not have effects on the students.

73.All the following arguments can be found in the passage EXCEPT that       . can produce a society-like situation schools may lead to love affairs between boys and girls will help develop a better understanding about the opposite sex can make boys perform well in mixed classes

74.Alarmed by the situation ,the UK government encourages        .

       B.single-sex education

       C.single-sex classes in co-educational schools classes in single-sex schools

75.At the end of the passage the writer suggests that        .

       A.single-sex schools are the best schools in the UK

       B.being single-sex does not necessarily make a school better schools are better for both sexes in personal development

       D.because boys cannot compete with girls in study ,they go to single-sex schools

