Stand over there you’ll be able to see it better. A.or B.while C.but D.and 答案 D 解析 本题考查并列句.是祈使句的实际运用.不表示转折或对比.所以选择D项. 查看更多




A Love Note To My Mom

When I was a little girl, would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that finally understood what role modeling  16  in your life. Little did I known you were  17  every penny you earned to go to  18   school.

I cannot thank you enough for  19  you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework. I wanted into the dining where you were buried  20   piles of law books. I was  21   .Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for  22   ?When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn’t known. Moms  23   be lawyers too. You smiled and said,“In life, you can do anything you want to do.”

As young as I was ,that statement kept   24   in my ears. I watched as you faced the   25   of completing your studies, staring companies with Dad, while still being a   26   and a Mom if five kids. I was exhausted  just watching you   27   .With your words of wisdom in my   28   mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world   29   .I set out to live my life filled with   30  ,seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements.

Your words became my motto. I   31   found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary)  32    one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said , “Yes, I’ll try that.”

 Encouraged by your   33   , I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life’s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and   34  meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I’m   35   it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.

16.     A. found      B. play       C. kept      D. provided

17.     A. saving     B. making     C. donating  D. receiving

18.     A. business   B. fashion    C. law       D. medical

19.     A. what       B. that       C. which     D. where

20.    A. at        B. to           C. upon             D. under

21.    A. amused    B. worried      C. puzzled          D. disappointed

22.    A. role      B. tests        C. positions        D. shows

23.    A. must      B. ought to     C. need             D. could

24. A. ringing      B. blowing    C. falling      D. beating

25. A. choices      B. chances    C. challenges   D. changes

26. A. professor    B. doctor     C. reporter     D. model

27. A. in danger    B. in action  C. in trouble   D. in charge

28. A. weak         B. powerful   C. youthful     D. empty

29. A. came back    B. closed down  C. went by    D. opened up

30. A. hope         B. hardship   C. harmony      D. sadness

31. A. constantly   B. shortly    C. hardly       D. nearly

32. A. and          B. but        C. or           D. for

33. A. description  B. statement  C. praise       D. introduction

34. A. secretly     B. curiously  C. carelessly   D. eagerly

35. A. doing        B. considering  C. correcting  D. reading



The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school. He 16 me with a puzzle ---- all because he waved to me like someone does 17 seeing a close friend. A big, 18 smile accompanied his wave. For the next few days I tried to 19 his face to see if I knew him. I didn’t. Perhaps he had 20 me for someone else. By the time I contented myself with the 21 that he and I were strangers, we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends.

Then one day the 22 was solved. As I 23 the school he was standing in the middle of the road 24 his stop sign. I was in line behind four cars. 25 the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk, he lowered his sign and let the cars 26. To the first he waved and 27 in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days. The kids already had the window down and were happily waving their reply. The second car got the same 28 from the crossing guard, and the driver, a stiff-looking(表情刻板的) businessman, gave a brief, almost 29 wave back. Each following car of kids on their way to school 30 more heartily.

Every morning I continued to watch the man with 31. So far I haven’t seen anyone 32 to wave back. I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n) 33 to so many people’s lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly. His 34 armed the start of my day. With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the 35 of the whole neighbourhood.

16. A. hit                             B. disappointed              C. presented                 D. bored

17. A. on                             B. from                        C. during                      D. about

18. A. false                          B. shy                          C. apologetic                 D. bright

19. A. research                     B. study                       C. recognize                 D. explore

20. A. praised                       B. blamed                     C. mistaken                  D. respected

21. A. conclusion                 B. description                C. evaluation                 D. introduction

22. A. argument                   B. disagreement             C. mystery                   D. task

23. A. visited                        B. approached      C. passed                          D. left

24. A. drawing back             B. putting on                 C. handing in                D. holding out

25. A. Once                         B. Before                      C. Unless                      D. While

26. A. in                              B. through                    C. out                          D. down

27. A. cried                          B. cheered                    C. smiled                      D. gestured

28. A. idea                           B. reply                        C. notice                      D. greeting

29. A. awkward                   B. angry                       C. elegant                     D. patient

30. A. came                         B. responded                 C. hurried                     D. appeared

31. A. surprise                     B. frustration                C. interest                     D. doubt

32. A. fail                            B. try                           C. wish                        D. bother

33. A. offer                          B. sacrifice                   C. promise                    D. difference

34. A. effectiveness              B. cheerfulness             C. carefulness               D. seriousness

35. A. trends                        B. observations             C. regulations                D. feelings




Roberta appeared on the stage. She took a deep breath and began to   16  .  Now she was Portia, a strong–willed   17   in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. The theater was filled with people. She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced, the words flowing   18   form her.

19  , Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition (选拔试演). She   20  being in front of other people. She was very   21   at school. She had never thought she was good enough at anything to   22   much attention. She stayed mostly to herself, making   23  friends. She had excellent grades,   24   she always thought that something was missing.

Two weeks before the audition, Robertsa’s mother had heard about it and   25   her to join in.

“I can’t think of anyone else better suited to   26   the part. Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?”

Her mother wouldn’t let the   27   drop. “You’re just a little scared (害怕) .Everyone gets scared. You know you   28   do it. The trick is to look past the   29   to find the love of what you’re doing.’’

So Roberta had made an appointment (预约) with the head of the Drama Club. She had read the play and found herself excited by the   30   of speaking such rich words. In secret she practiced Portia’s part,   31   the lines by repeating them over and over. It wasn’t hard; she   32   every minute of it. Every time she spoke the words, she had a new   33   of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels.

On the day of the audition, she   34   two of  Portia’s famous speeches for the auditors. When she had finished, the head of the Drama Club announced the   35   was hers. 

16.   A. sing             B. dance                      C. speak                  D. report

17.   A. member                 B. actress          C. player                    D. character

18.   A. weakly          B. rapidly          C. smoothly               D. slowly

19.   A. At first          B. In fact            C. After all                  D. In all

20.   A. hated             B. enjoyed           C. appreciated          D. regretted

21.   A. honest            B. shy               C. polite                 D. patient  

22.   A. avoid            B. focus           C. pay                    D. attract

23. A. few               B. a few           C. several                 D. many

24. A. or                  B. so                C. for                        D. but

25. A. forced          B. requested       C. encouraged            D. reminded

26. A. accept           B. play               C. offer                     D. learn

27. A. role             B. matter              C. interest                    D. grade

28. A. can                B. must                C. may                     D. should

29. A. anger              B. pain              C. sadness                  D. fear

30. A. purpose          B. way              C. idea                      D. importance

31. A. memorizing       B. organizing       C. checking                 D. improving

32. A. disliked          B. loved                C. expected                D. bore

33. A. consideration    B. description      C. selection                 D. understanding

34. A. practiced       B. planned          C. performed                      D. delivered  

35.   A. part               B. play              C. speech                         D. position  




Robert Moody, 52, is an experienced police officer. Much of his work involves dealing with  16  an gang (团伙)problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often  17   trouble, he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day   18    .

Those fun trips had a(n) 19  impact. A chance encounter in 2000 proved that. One day,  20  working security at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two young guys   21   .He sensed trouble between them.  22   one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug.”I 23   you. You took me    24   when I was  in fifth grade. That was one of the  25   days of my life .”

Deeply touched by the boy’s word, Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会)that  26  teenagers to the basics of fishing in camping programs. “As a policeman, I saw  27  there was violence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging  28  on the kids,” says Moody.

By turning kids on to fishing, he  29  to present an alternative way of life, “When you’re sitting there waiting for a  30 ,”he says, “you can’t help but talk to each other, and such  31  can be pretty deep.”

“Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人)pressures in high school,” says Michelle, 17 who  32  the first program. “And I was able to help my little brother  33  drugs.”

Moody faces 34 in three years, when he hopes to run the foundation full-time.”I’m living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my  35 to give back,” Moody says.”If I teach a kid to fish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.”

16. A. drinking       B.drug        D.smoking

17. A. ran into over   C.left behind       D.looked into

18. A.ahead     B.away         D.out

19. A.immediate    B.damaging       D.lasting

20. A.once     B.while             C.since       D.until

21. A.quarreling    B.complaining  C.talking       D.cheering

22. A.Slowly    B.Suddenly   C.Finally          D.Secretly

23. A.understand    B.hear    C. see       D.remember

24.     B.sailing     C.boating      D. swimming.

25. A.quietest     B.longest        D.busiest

26. A.connects    B.introduces   C.reduces    D.commits

27. A.where     B.unless       D.whether

28. A.impression   B.burden     C.decision     D.impact

29. A.asked       B.intended   C.pretended         D.agreed

30. A.solution       B.change     C.bite             D.surprise

31. A.concerns    B.interests   C.conversations      D.emotions

32. A. participated in   B. worked out   C. approved of   D. made up

33. A. misuse         B. avoid        C. tolerate       D. test

34. A. unemployment  B. challenge    C. competition   D. retirement

35. A. team        B. school      C. family       D. community




As I hurried to the kitchen, my dad came in. “Something ____16 ____good,” he said. Following his nose, he ____17____in his chair at the table.

       After dinner I helped with dishes and watched the news. They ____18____ a homeless family with children who’d been forced out of a ____19____ due to overcrowding. That story stuck in my mind the rest of the night. ____20____when I went to bed, I kept thinking about those ____21____chidren.

       I glanced around my room and ____22____my old computer. Here I am worried about getting a new computer ____23____ that family is living on the street in the middle of winter. How could I be so ____24____?

       That night, I prayed for that family and also that if I had won, for God to show me how to ____25____the money and prize wisely.

       The next week seemed to drag as we ____26____ to hear about the contest for the Instant Game Winner from my ____27____a bag of chocolate. Finally, I believed that it was exactly what my mom and dad had thought—a ____28____. Yet I still couldn’t help thinking about the ____ 29____and how God would want me to use it.

       “It’s for real!” My dad ____30____one night after hanging up the phone. “You did win,” he said with a smile. “They’re flying the four of us to Los Angeles in April to ____31____the prize.”

       After a group hug, I caught my breath and thanked God. I realize now that ____32____do affect my everyday life. And that’s why I ____33____to give my parents the Beetle until I’m 18, ____34____$18,000 with my sister for our college fund and give $2,000 to a local ____35____shelter—to help families like the one I saw on television. That’s one sweet choice!

16. A. tastes                  B. feels                         C. touches                    D. smells

17. A. sat down             B. got up                      C. put down                 D. set up

18. A. supported           B. stood                       C. showed                    D. stayed

19. A. school                B. shelter                      C. shoulder                   D. sight

20. A. Even                   B. Once                        C. So                           D. Again

21. A. tiresome              B. stupid                       C. lovely                       D. diligent

22. A. stared at              B. stepped into              C. left for                            D. looked after

23. A. while                  B. before                      C. after                        D. since

24. A. proud                 B. wise                         C. selfish                      D. lovely

25. A. make                  B. use                          C. get                           D. earn

26. A. happened            B. moved                      C. began                       D. waited

27. A. buying                B. selling                      C. forgetting                 D. remembering

28. A. question              B. trouble                            C. difficulty                  D. trick

29. A. computer            B. money                      C. chocolate                 D. television

30. A. permitted            B. promised                  C. announced                D. answered

31. A. offer                   B. supply                      C. receive                     D. refuse

32. A. dishes                 B. families                    C. worries                    D. choices

33. A. decided               B. came                        C. explained                  D. wrote

34. A. take                    B. cost                         C. give                         D. share

35. A. homeless             B. happy                       C. hopeless                   D. sick

