(06南京部分重点中学联考) This play is a success the famous actress’s absence. A.far from;due to B.by far;only to C.above all;because of D.far away from;thanks to 答案 A 查看更多



 (2010年湖北部分重点中学高三第一次联考)Many a writer of newspaper articles ________ to writing novels.

A.has turned                           B.have turned

C.being turned                        D.are going to turn




















Today, among people everywhere。there is an increasing awareness and worry about the  steady growth in the world’s population.A recent survey conducted by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities(UNFPA)reported that this growth will continue until the end of the next century.For developing countries alone,the annual average population growth is,at present,4.6%compared to 2.0% for developed countries.At this rate,the world’s population will reach 10.2 billion by the turn of the 21st century.With the growth in population is the problem of food security…the guarantee of a steady supply of food.The unstoppable growth in population justifies the Malthusian Doctrine that population of a region will continue to grow unless checked,and this is of course alarming since it will inevitably lead to food shortages of considerable proportions.

Our forests are an abundant source of food and fuel,two items essential in sustaining life.Above 30%of the world’s land surface is covered by such forests.In Asia alone。more than two billion people depend heavily on forest products for their subsistence and survival.To maintain a reasonable balance between population growth and food supply, this natural source of life——sustaining food and fuel must be  conserved and protected from its worst enemy….mall himself.It is appalling(令人震惊的)to note that in many developing countries,which are themselves heavily hit by population-food imbalance,governments approve the cutting down of forests to meet their immediate needs for saleable timber.and also for agricultural land.Often the cutting down and burning of forests is conducted with total abandon owing to the absence of sound forestry techniques and management.At the rate tropical forests are now being cleared each year, the world’s tropical forests will be completely destroyed within the next 100 years.

With a view to maintaining food security for the world’s population,the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations(FAO)has launched a campaign aimed at ensuring food supply, maximizing stability in the flow of this supply and ensuring access to it by a11.Forestry, according to the FAO.plays a vital role in making it possible to fulfill all its three objectives.Its most important role is that of conserving soil and water.Trees provide natural protection against soil erosion(侵蚀)by absorbing the excess water brought by heavy rains.

72.The first paragraph tells us that             

A.the flow of food supply is the result of population increase.

B.the world population has reached the 10-billion mark.

C.the problem of population growth has caused considerable alarm in a few countries.

D.the problem of food supply goes hand-in-hand with population increase.

73.The Malthusian Doctrine presents             as far as world population is concerned. 

A.an optimistic view of the future             B.a pessimistic outlook for the future

C.an encouraging picture                      D.all indifferent picture

74. In this context, ‘this natural source,of life-sustaining food and fuel’(in paragraph 2)refers to                 

A.the flow of food supply                        B.forests

C.woodland products                              D.man’s worst enemy

75.The three—fold objectives of the FAO are adapted(调整)toward            

A.stopping population growth                B.increasing food production

C.achieving food security                        D.ensuring maximum utilization of forests

