It is easy to my car from others in the parking place;it has an advertisement for Panasonic TV on the back of it. A.make up B.find out C.pick up D.pick out 答案 D 查看更多



(2009山东聊城模拟) “Mary looks hot and dry” “So _____ you if you had so high a fever.”

A. do              B. are             C. will                  D. would


(2011·山东兖州市模拟)They are leaving for Hangzhou in ten days—________,next Friday. other words many ways

C.on the whole  D.on the contrary



On August 26,1999,New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm.The rain caused the streets to  36  and the subway system almost came to a stop.

Unfortunately,this happened during the morning rush hour.Many people who were going to work were  37  to go home.Some battled to  38  a taxi or to get on a bus.Still others faced the  39  bravely,walking miles to get to work.

I  40  to be one of people on the way to work that morning.I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most  41  had stopped.After making my way  42  crowds of people,I finally found a subway line that was  43  .Unfortunately,there were so many people waiting to  44  the subway that I could not even get down the stairs to the  45  .So I took the train going in the opposite direction,and then switched back to the downtown train.Finally,after what seemed like forever,the train  46  my stop.Then I had to walk several blocks in the increasingly heavy rain.When I finally got to my office,I was  47  through,exhausted and  48  .

My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off.When it was 5∶00 pm,I was ready to go home.I was about to turn off my computer  49  I received an email from Garth,my Director:

I would like to thank all of you who made the effort and  50  reported to work.It is always reassuring (令人欣慰),at times like these,when employees so clearly show their  51  to their jobs.Thank you.

Garth’s email was short,but I learned more from that  52  message than I ever did from a textbook.The email taught me that a few words of  53  can make a big difference.The rainstorm and the traffic  54  had made me tired and upset.But Garth’s words immediately  55  me and put a smile back on my face.

36.A.break                           B.flood                         C.sink                          D.crash

37.A.forced                         B.refused                   C.adjusted                    D.gathered


39.A.climate                     B.scenery                         C.storm                        D.burden

40.A.used                            B.promised                   C.deserved                   D.happened

41.A.practice                    B.routine                   C.process                         D.service                                B.through                     C.over                          D.for

43.A.operating                         B.cycling                   C.turning                   D.rushing

44.A.check                          B.carry                         C.find                          D.board

45.A.street                           B.ground                   C.floor                         D.platform

46.A.paused                         B.crossed                         C.reached                     D.parked

47.A.wet                          B.weak                         C.sick                          D.hurt

48.A.ashamed                   B.discouraged            C.surprised                   D.puzzled

49.A.while                           B.when                        C.where                       D.after

50.A.hardly                          B.casually                     C.absolutely               D.eventually

51.A.devotion                   B.donation                    C.connection             D.reaction

52.A.accurate                   B.urgent                    C.brief                         D.humorous

53.A.promise                    B.appreciation            C.advice                    D.guidance

54.A.troubles                    B.signals                    C.rules                         D.signs

55.A.corrected                         B.supported                  C.amazed                     D.refreshed


(2009年山东德州模拟)—Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

—Thank you,________. couldn’t be better    B.of course you can

C.if you like’s up to you






I’m a TV show host.One Sunday,I   36   my 7-year-old daughter by the sea for lunch.On arriving at the beach,I saw JoJo,a   37   man in the hotel business.We sat down to chat in an open air cafe   38   I watched my daughter enjoy herself on the swings in front of us.

Suddenly our conversation was    39   by a stranger,who politely asked    40   to speak to me.Often people want to tell me   41   about my controversial TV show,when

I’m out on the   42  .

He asked to speak to me   43   ,so we stood a bit away from my table.He said,

“I’m James,father of a 7-year-old girl,who’s very sick.The doctors said that if she was treated in the UK,she would probably   44   .But I’m poor,so can you please help me?”

Speechless,I stared in the man’s eyes full of   45   and asked how l could help.After we talked for a while,I went to sit back.JoJo asked me,“What’s wrong with you?Your

  46   changed.”I told him and he was very sorry for this sick child.

All weekend I   47   James,his daughter and his family.I even considered doing a special TV show to   48   money for this sick child.

On Monday morning I was at the office after I finished   49   my show,when JoJo walked  into my office.Actually JoJo is so   50   and I never imagined he had time to come and see me.

“Please,call the man   51   the sick child and tell him that I’ll   52   all expenses for his sick daughter’s treatment.”JoJo said,with a   53   in his hand.“I’ve been married for 35 years,I wasn’t lucky enough to   54   a child.l want to help this child now.”I   55   the phone to call James.

36.A.held   B.took   C.shipped  D.sent

37.A.serious  C.wealthy  D.diligent

38.A.while  B.before   C.after       D.thongh

39.A.spread  B.interrupted   C.heard   D.announced

40.A.question  B.advice   D.permission

41.A.everything  B.anything   C.nothing   D.something

42.A.streets  B.trips  C.spots      D.beaches

43.A.privately  B.loudly   C.quietly   D.secretly

44.A.escape  B.control   C.survive  D.deserve

45.A.doubts  B.scare  C.excitement      D.tears

46.A.temper  B.face  C.voice

47.A.looked after   B.cared for    C.thought about      D.asked about

48.A.raise     B.make    C.earn

49.A.discussing  B.presenting  C.writing  D.practising

50.A.proud  C.busy D.careful

51.A.on  B.for   C.up    D.with    B.spend    C.share      D.gain

53.A.paper     B.check  C.pen        D.letter  B.adopt  C.attend      D.have

55.A.held on through    C.picked up       D.turned on

