A 本题考查定语从句中介词的选用.spend some money on sth为一固定搭配.故选A. 查看更多



 In the dark forests ________ some large enough to hold several English towns.

   A. stand many lakes                                    B. lie many lakes

   C. many lakes lie                    D. many lakes stand

【详解】本题考查倒装结构,完全倒装。同时stand 和lie的区别。stand是突出的,lie是平躺的,湖不可能是突出的,所以此题应该选择lie。



Directions: Complete the following sentences according to the requirement.

1.The sunshine reflects on the lakes, which makes them shine like diamonds. (改为含分词结构的句子,不改变原意)

2.His hard work wins him respect from others. (使用强调句型改写)

3.People who had discovered how to stay young forever lived in this perfect world. (改倒装句)

4.Don’t forget small things, such as waterproof matches. You may need them to make a fire.


5.People often say a friend in need is a friend indeed. (使用it句型改写)




  Of course,what is an ideal(理想)holiday for one person may be a very unpleasant one for another.The sportsman likes a kind of holiday which his lazy friend would find worse than his daily work;while the lazy man’s ideal holiday would leave the sportsman quite unsatisfied.

  If I were allowed to choose my own holiday,I would have no doubts;I would go on a voyage(远航)in a modern passenger ship with a swimming bath.Even if my sportsman friend and my lazy friend came with me,they would both be happy;one would have plenty of games,swimming and dancing;the other could sit in a comfortable chair all day,looking at the sea and drinking lemonade(柠檬水)or beer.In a ship,one can do as one likes.If one day I find an interesting book in the ship’s library,I can spend the whole day reading it,and nobody will stop me.Perhaps the next day I shall want some exercise.Well,then I can play games with other passengers until I am hot and sweating and ready for a bath.I can go and sleep in my cabin at any time of the day or night,I can get cheap drinks during most of the day,and I can eat as I like,choosing among a variety of foods.

  But what I like even more about a sea voyage is the chance to meet new and interesting people from many countries.What other kind of holiday gives us such a chance?Freed from(从……解脱)all the duties of life at home,we can talk,play games,swim,drink,sing and dance with our new friends.They can tell us about their own countries,their daily lives and amusements,their hopes and their fears.And in return we can tell them all about ourselves.

  But perhaps the greatest pleasure of a sea holiday is coming to new ports in strange lands,and going ashore for a few hours to see strange places,eat strange foods and hear a strange language talked around us.Whenever I think of my ideal holiday,it is the picture of a mysterious foreign city that comes to my mind.


The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]


Traveling by Ship


The Pleasures of a Sea Holiday


An Ideal Holiday


Different People, Different Happiness


Which of the activities is NOT included in a modern passenger ship according to the passage?

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Dancing and singing.


Reading and chatting.


Fishing and cooking.


On a ship,we can talk with strangers pleasantly because ________.

[  ]


we are all out of work


we don’t have the pressure of work at the moment and are trying to enjoy the voyage


we will say “goodbye” soon


they are our special friends with whom we can share our secrets


To the writer,the greatest pleasure of a sea holiday is ________.

[  ]


making both sportsman friends and lazy friends satisfied


doing whatever he likes


meeting interesting strangers from other countries


arriving in strange places and having new and exciting experiences


1. 人们总是爱拿我穿的衣服开玩笑。
    People always enjoy _____  ______  ______ the clothes I wear.
2. 你在图书馆遇到的不可能是约翰。他不在这儿,他在北京。
    The man you met at the library can't be John. He is_____  ____Beijing.
3. 你为什么突然拍我的肩膀,我都吓死了。
    Why did you pat me on the shoulder suddenly? I was______ _______ ______.
4. It is said that the president          _______     _   (有风流韵事)with a beautiful actress.
5. 从假日回来的时候,约翰发现他的工作越积越多。
    John found that his work had been_____ _____when he was back from the holiday.
6. 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。
    I have a very busy life with no time_______ ________ __________feeling sorry for myself.
7. 一刻不停地,我们和其他捕鲸人都跳进渔船,朝海湾方向驶去。
    _____ _____we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay.
8. 从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。
    From James' face, I could see he was terrified of________ _________by us.


1. 经过多次徒劳的尝试后我正要放弃时,我的老师来帮助我 了.( be about to)
2.人们认为乡下的空气要比城里的更清新.(It is thought)
4.其他学生都紧张,但由于这是我第二次,我很轻松、自信. (独立主格)
5.我回到了我度过幸福的童年的故乡.(where引导定语从 句)

