That’s we should do. A. that B. what C. how D. why 查看更多



Ever since I was a small girl in school, I’ve been aware of what the school textbooks say about Indians. I am an Indian and, naturally, am interested in what the schools teach about natives of this land.
One day, I read that a delicacy(美味) of American Indian people was dried fish, which , according to the textbook, tasted “like an old shoe, or was like chewing on dried leather.” To this day I can remember my surprise, my anger and my sadness at reading these words. We called this wind-dried fish “sleet-shus”, and to us, it was our favorite delicacy and, indeed, did not  taste like shoe leather, and didn’t rot our teeth and bring about the various dietary problem that trouble Indian people in modern times. It took many hours of long and hard work to cure the fish in just this particular fashion. Early fur traders and other non-Indians must have agreed, for they often had this food as they traveled around isolated areas.
I brought the textbook home to show it to my father, leader of my tribe at that time. On this particular day, he told me in his wise and modest manner that the outside world did not understand Indian people, and that I should not let it prevent me from learning the good parts of education.
At a later time in my life, I had brought a group of Indian people to the country fairgrounds to sell Indian-made arts and crafts. My group was excited to make some money by selling Indian handicrafts. We thanked the man who showed us to our booth and told him it was nice of him to remember the people of the Indian community. The man expanded a little and remarked that he liked Indian people. “In fact,” he went on to state, “we are bringing some professional Indians to do the show!”
As we stood there in shock, listening to this uninformed outsider, I looked at my dear Indian companion, an eighty-year-old woman who could well remember the great chiefs of the tribe who once owned all the land of this country before the white man came bringing “civilization”, which included diseases and pollution. My friend said not a word, but took the hurt as Indian people have done for many years.
Of course, we all knew that the “professional Indian” were not Indians at all, but dressed in leather and dancing their own dances. And, anyway, how does one become a “professional Indian”?
45.Which of the following statements about “sleet-shus” is true?
A.It tasted like an old shoe.
B.Eating it was like chewing on dried leather.
C.It was delicious but bad for our teeth.
D.It must have brought pleasure to Indians as well as early business men.
46.What does the writer mean by saying “how does one become ‘a professional Indian’”?
A.Only the Indians know how to become professional Indians.
B.The outside civilization can help and Indian become a professional Indian.
C.An Indian is a born professional Indian.
D.The outside civilization can help white people become professional Indians.
47.After reading the passage, you don’t know __________.
A.what the writer’s profession is
B.what upset the writer and her friend at the county fair
C.why the writer went to the county fair
D.the writer’s attitude to the so-called civilization
48.This story is primarily about ___________.
A.customs of native Americans textbooks describe native Americans.
C.misunderstanding between people from different cultures an Indian becomes a “professional Indian”


The questions of what children learn, and how they should learn it, is continually being debated and reheated. Nobody dares any longer to defend the old system, the parrot – fashion (way of learning by repeating what others say) of learning lessons, the grammar with a whip system,which was good enough for our grandparents.The theories of modern psychology have stepped into argue that we must understand the needs of children.Children are not just small adults;they are children who must be respected as such.
Well,you may say,this is as it should be,and a good idea.But think further.What happens?
‘Education’ becomes the responsibility not of teachers, but of psychologists.What happens then? Teachers worry too much about the psychological implications of their lessons,and forget about the subjects themselves.If a child dislikes a lesson,the teacher feels that it is his fault,not the child’s. So teachers worry whether history is ‘relevant’ to modem young children.And do they dare to recount stories about violent battles? Or will this make the children themselves violent? Can they tell their classes about children of different races,or will this encourage racial hatred? Why teach children to write grammatical sentences? Verbal expression is better.Sums? Arithmetic? No:real—life mathematical situations are more understandable.
You can go too far.Influenced by educational theorists,who have nothing better to do than write books about their ideas,teachers leave their teacher—training colleges filled with grand,psychological ideas about children and their needs. They make complicated preparations and try out their ‘modern methods’ on the long – suffering children. Since one ‘modern method’ rapidly replaces another, the poor kids will have well been fed up by the time they leave school. frequently the modern methods are so complicated that they fail to be understood by the teachers, let alone the children; even more often, the relaxed discipline so necessary for the ‘informal’ feeling the class must have, prevents all but a handful of children from learning anything.
63.Under the old system, children were           .
A.made to learn passively                        B.good enough to their grandparents
C.made to learn actively                          D.understood and respected by teachers
64.What happens when teachers pay too much attention to the psychological implications during a lesson?
A.They find that children dislike the lessons.
B.They worry too much about history, stories, racial hatred, grammar and arithmetic.
C.They don’t pay enough attention to what students are learning.
D.They tend to blame students for their failure in teaching.
65.How do you understand the underlined sentence at the end of the passage?
A.Children will learn well in a relaxed classroom atmosphere.
B.Few children will actually learn when there is no discipline.
C.Relaxed discipline is necessary for children to develop.
D.No children will learn anything without strict discipline.
66.What is the author’s attitude toward the theories of modern psychology?
A.Indifferent (不关心的).                       B.Tolerant (容忍的).
C.Supportive (支持的).                           D.Critical (批评的).


We have two daughters: Kristen is seven years old and Kelly is four. Last Sunday evening, we invited some people home for dinner. I dressed them nicely for the party, and told them that  their job was to join Mommy in answering the door when the bell rang. Mommy would introduce them to the guests, and then they would take the guests’ coats upstairs and put them on the bed in the second bedroom.
The guests arrived. I introduced my two daughters to each of them. The adults were nice and kind and said how lucky we were to have such good kids.
Each of the guests made a particular fuss over Kelly, the younger one, admiring her dress, her hair and her smile. They said she was a remarkable girl to be carrying coats upstairs at her age.
I thought to myself that we adults usually make a big “to do” over  the younger one because she’s the one who seems more easily hurt. We do it with the best of intentions.
But we seldom think of how it might affect the other child. I was a little worried that Kristen would feel she was being outshined. I was about to serve dinner when I realized that she had been missing for twenty minutes. I ran upstairs and found her in the bedroom, crying.
I said, “What are you doing, my dear?”
She turned to me with a sad expression and said, “Mommy, why don’t people like me the way they like my sister?” Is it because I’m not pretty? Is that why they don’t say nice things about me as much?
I tried to explain to her, kissing and hugging her to make her feel better.
Now, whenever I visit a friend’s home, I make it a point to speak to the elder child first.
59. The underlined expression “make a big ‘to do’ over” (Paragraph 4) means “_____” .
A. show much concern about               B. have a special effect on
C. list jobs to be done for                    D. do good things for
60. The guests praised Kelly for carrying coats upstairs because of her________.
A. beautiful hair                                 B. pretty clothes           
C. lovely smile                                   D. young age
61. Kristen felt sad and cried because_________.
A. the guests gave her more coats to carry
B. she didn’t look as pretty as Kelly
C. the guests praised her sister more than her
D. her mother didn’t introduce her to the guests
62. We can conclude from the passage that______.
A. parents should pay more attention to the elder children
B. the younger children are usually more easily hurt
C. people usually like the younger children more
D. adults should treat children equally


How to Be a Good Sport(开朗的人)
Learning to lose without losing your cool is a skill, like learning to ride a bike.___【小题1】___ and when you can handle losing; people will call you a good sport.
Why must we learn to lose gracefully(文雅地)?Here is the answer:
___【小题2】___But any time two teams or kids are facing each other in a game or contest, someone will lose (unless it’s a tie平局).Kids lose in small ways, like in a game of checkers(西洋跳棋),but they also might face losing in bigger ways, like when their team loses a championship(锦标赛) game.
__【小题3】____So it’s not surprising that kids don’t like it. Adults don’t like it either, but everyone can learn to control how they react to a loss. In other words, what should you do when you lose?
The most difficult thing is that sometimes you might react before you even realize it. For instance, your little league game comes to an end and, in a flash, the other team has won. __【小题4】____Oh dear, you probably don’t want to be crying right now, even though it’s ok that you feel sad.
Kids who are good sports don’t freak out (表现失常)when they lose. __【小题5】___Kids might not be as eager to play with someone who gets angry all the time and won’t ever give the other guy or girl a break.

A.Everyone wants to win.
B.Losing is really a disappointing matter.
C.They are usually unpopular among young people.
D.They will become known as kids who are fun to play with.
E. There they are celebrating on the field and yon burst into tears.
F. You might find it hard to do this at first, but over time it will get easier.
G.. Many people behave badly after losing a game, especially young people.


How to Be a Good Sport(开朗的人)

Learning to lose without losing your cool is a skill, like learning to ride a bike.___1.___ and when you can handle losing; people will call you a good sport.

Why must we learn to lose gracefully(文雅地)?Here is the answer:

___2.___But any time two teams or kids are facing each other in a game or contest, someone will lose (unless it’s a tie平局).Kids lose in small ways, like in a game of checkers(西洋跳棋),but they also might face losing in bigger ways, like when their team loses a championship(锦标赛) game.

__3.____So it’s not surprising that kids don’t like it. Adults don’t like it either, but everyone can learn to control how they react to a loss. In other words, what should you do when you lose?

The most difficult thing is that sometimes you might react before you even realize it. For instance, your little league game comes to an end and, in a flash, the other team has won. __4.____Oh dear, you probably don’t want to be crying right now, even though it’s ok that you feel sad.

Kids who are good sports don’t freak out (表现失常)when they lose. __5.___Kids might not be as eager to play with someone who gets angry all the time and won’t ever give the other guy or girl a break.

A.Everyone wants to win.

B.Losing is really a disappointing matter.

C.They are usually unpopular among young people.

D.They will become known as kids who are fun to play with.

E. There they are celebrating on the field and yon burst into tears.

F. You might find it hard to do this at first, but over time it will get easier.

G.. Many people behave badly after losing a game, especially young people.


