All kids can do so much in their . 查看更多




We typically associate the word “science” with a person in a white coat doing experiments in a laboratory. Ideally, experiments should play as big a role in the human sciences as they do in the natural sciences; but in practice this is not usually the case. The are at least three reasons for this.

1.Human scientists are often trying to make sense of complex real world situations in which it is simply impossible to run controlled experiment.

2.The artificiality of some of the experiments that can be conducted may make the behavior of the participants abnormal.

3.There are moral reasons for not conducting experiments that have a negative effect on the people who participate in them.

Faced with the above difficulties, what are human scientists to do? One solution is to wait for nature to provide the appropriate experimental conditions. We can, for example, learn something about how a normal brain functions by looking at people who have suffered brain damage; and we can gain some understanding into the roles played by genes and the environment by studying twins, who have been separated at birth and brought up in different families. In the case of economics, economic history can provide us with a bank of-admittedly not very well-controlled-experimental data.

However, human scientists do not just sit around waiting for natural experiments to arise. They also think of some experiments of their own. Suppose you want to know how a baby sees the world. We cannot, of course, ask the baby since it has not yet learnt to speak. So it might seem that all we can do is guess. People usually won’t change their mind until it was found out that babies tend to stare at surprising things longer than at unsurprising ones. This key understanding was like opening a window on to the developing mind. There was now a way of testing babies’ expectations and getting some idea of how they are six months old, babies can already do the following things: figuring out that objects consist of parts that move together being aware of the difference between living and non-living things and even doing simple arithmetic work.

60.What is true about the natural sciences and the human sciences according to this passage?

A.Both human scientists and natural scientists can run controlled experiments.

B.Experiments done by human scientists and natural scientists are artificial.

C.Both human and natural science experiments should be of the same importance.

D.It’s not moral to conduct human science experiments.

61.What do we know about human scientists from this passage?

A.They are white coat scientists.

B.They have more experimental sources than natural scientists.

C.They conduct experiments passively.

D.They face more difficulties in carrying out their research.

62.Which of the following experiments belongs to human science experiment?

A.Vinegar Volcano Vinegar and baking soda make. for a fun and easy science experiment. Try creating a vinegar volcano.

B.Taste Without Smell Put your senses to the test with this simple experiment that shows the

importance of your sense of smell.

C.Lung Function Observe your breath and confirm your lung volume by completing this experiment.

D.Make a Rainbow Use sunlight and water to make your own rainbow with this cool experiment

that will teach kids how rainbows work while they enjoy a fun activity

63.What does the author tell us in this passage?

A.ABCs about the science experiment.

B.Some knowledge of science.

C.Some differences between the human sciences and the natural sciences.

D.The similarity of the natural sciences and the human sciences.



Global warming is when the earth heats upthe temperature rises.It happens when greenhouse gases—carbon dioxidewater vapornitrous oxide(二氧化氮)and methane(沼气) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmospherewhich increases the temperature.This is like when heat is trapped in a car.On a very hot daythe car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot.This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the carby going through the windowsbut it can’t get back out.Once the light is inside the carit is trapped and the heat builds upjust like it does in the earth’s atmosphere.This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth.The heat and light can get through the atmospherebut it can’t get out.As a resultthe temperature rises.

Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us.The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on.Without itthe earth would be freezingor on the other hand it would be burning hot.We would not get the sun’s heat and light to make the night somewhat warm.During the dayespecially during the summerit would be burning because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter(过滤) itso peopleplantsand animals would be exposed to all the light and heat.

Although the greenhouse effect makes the earth able to have people living on itif there gets to be too many gasesthe earth can get unusually warmerand many plantsanimalsand people will die.They would die because there would be less food (plants like cornwheatand other vegetables and fruits)This would happen because the plants would not be able to take in the heat.This would cause us to have less food to eatbut it would also limit the food that animals have.Graduallypeopleplantsand animals would all die of hunger.

People are doing many things to try to stop global warming.One thing people are doing is carpooling.Carpooling is driving with someone to a place that you are both going to.This minimizes the amount of greenhouse gases put into the air by a car.

Another thing that people are doing is being more careful about leaving things turned on like the televisioncomputerand the lights.A lot of people are taking time away from the televisionand insteadthey are spending more time outdoors.This helps our planet out a lot.Nowmore people are even riding buseswalking to schooland riding their bikes to lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the air.

Planting trees and recycling also help.If you recycleless trash goes to the dumpand less trash gets burned.As a resultthere are fewer greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.Although adults do many things to help stop global warmingkids can do just as much.

1.By the example given in Paragraph 1the author wants to ________.

Aexplain how greenhouse gases work

Bshow his feeling in a car in hot summer

Ctell us cars are causes of greenhouse gases

Dsay that there are greenhouse gases in every car

2.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to “________”

Alight? Bheat

Ctemperature? Dgreenhouse effect

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

AIf there is greenhouse effectall the plants will die.

BHuman beings are likely to disappear from the earth.

CCrops can’t take the heat if there is greenhouse effect.

DAlthough greenhouse effect is necessarytoo much of it causes us to die.

4.What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

AWhy cars and buses pollute the air a lot.

BWhat kids can do to help stop global warming.

CWhat global warming is doing to the environment.

DWho should be responsible for the environmental problems.



Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Imagine that Mom and Dad have friends over, and you have to talk to adults all evening.Say the wrong thing and the parents may get mad.But, say _50_, and they'll think you weren't friendly.So, _51_can you talk with adults?
It's _52_.Just ask them questions about themselves."Many of them like to talk about what they do for a living," suggests psychologist Tim Ursiny, author of The Confidence Plan.
Kids can also talk to grown-ups about _53_.Ask what the last good movie they saw was, because people at dinner parties "_54_" when the conversation turns to movies, Ursiny says.If a grown-up is _55_ Harry Potter, it's ok to talk about your love for Harry.It's a safe topic, one that both grown-ups and kids can enjoy, so go ahead and talk about whether Dumbledore is really dead.
But _56_the topic of video games."Adults don't want to hear about your video game _57_they play it," Ursiny explains.
Adults also don't want to hear slang.Don't use language they don't _58_.Ursiny says kids should learn to speak to other people in their own language.
_59_,most adults aren't into slang, they do remember what it was like to be a kid.Ursiny recommends asking adults what school was like when they were your age."It might be a fun discussion if you _60_your
10th-grade experience with theirs."_61_you chat with your parents beforehand to find out which topics are
Also, don't chat about things that make your parents feel guilty.Don't mention _62_ stuff such as how Dad has been sleeping on the couch, Ursiny says.And don't complain that Mom has been late preparing breakfast.
Instead, Ursiny says, kids should try to put themselves in their parents' _63_.Learning how to _64_that type of understanding might help you out in the future."The most successful people, can develop a sympathetic feeling for others," he says.

A.look upB.light upC.make upD.keep up
A.Make sureB.Pay attentionC.Watch outD.Take care


Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Imagine that Mom and Dad have friends over, and you have to talk to adults all evening.Say the wrong thing and the parents may get mad.But, say _50_, and they'll think you weren't friendly.So, _51_can you talk with adults?

It's _52_.Just ask them questions about themselves."Many of them like to talk about what they do for a living," suggests psychologist Tim Ursiny, author of The Confidence Plan.

Kids can also talk to grown-ups about _53_.Ask what the last good movie they saw was, because people at dinner parties "_54_" when the conversation turns to movies, Ursiny says.If a grown-up is _55_ Harry Potter, it's ok to talk about your love for Harry.It's a safe topic, one that both grown-ups and kids can enjoy, so go ahead and talk about whether Dumbledore is really dead.

But _56_the topic of video games."Adults don't want to hear about your video game _57_they play it," Ursiny explains.

Adults also don't want to hear slang.Don't use language they don't _58_.Ursiny says kids should learn to speak to other people in their own language.

_59_,most adults aren't into slang, they do remember what it was like to be a kid.Ursiny recommends asking adults what school was like when they were your age."It might be a fun discussion if you _60_your

10th-grade experience with theirs."_61_you chat with your parents beforehand to find out which topics are


Also, don't chat about things that make your parents feel guilty.Don't mention _62_ stuff such as how Dad has been sleeping on the couch, Ursiny says.And don't complain that Mom has been late preparing breakfast.

Instead, Ursiny says, kids should try to put themselves in their parents' _63_.Learning how to _64_that type of understanding might help you out in the future."The most successful people, can develop a sympathetic feeling for others," he says.

1.A.everything         B.something        C.anything         D.nothing                B.whatever         C.why              D.when

3.A.important          B.interesting     C.hard             D.easy

4.A.movies             B.meals            C.parties          D.hobbies

5.A.look up            B.light up        C.make up          D.keep up               B.on                 C.into             D.onto

7.A.neglect            B.avoid            C.prevent          D.ignore

8.A.when               B.unless           C.but              D.because

9.A.believe            B.accept           C.understand       D.agree

10.A.While             B.As               C.If               D.Since              C.balance          D.match

12.A.Make sure         B.Pay attention    C.Watch out        D.Take care

13.A.incredible                            B.special          C.embarrassing     D.personal            B.clothes          C.condition        D.location

15.A.produce           B.shape       C.raise            D.develop



In the spring of 1999, I spoke about China to a group of over eighty American second grade students in the US. The children were curious about so many things: the Great Wall, pandas, martial arts. More than any other subject, however, these young people were interested in the relationship between Chinese children and their parents.

As I described how Chinese parents raise their children, drawing on the experiences of my friends and their kids, it occurred to me that parents in the US and China differ greatly in their approach to parenting. In the US, parents tend to encourage their children to develop their potential(潜能) to the fullest degree-in a word, to dream. Fathers and mothers frequently put in their children both ambition(理想;抱负) and, as importantly, the confidence necessary to work toward their goals. American parents tend to be very positive: they concentrate on what their kids can do, not what they can't. As a result, millions of American boys and girls grow up hoping to become actors and athletes, statesmen and doctors; many even want to become president.

American parents often encourage their children to become involved (参与) in extracurricular(课外的) activities of all types at school, such as student government, sports and music. They believe that only through involvement in these activities can their children become healthy young adults.

Schoolwork is important, to be sure. But parents realize that the social skills their children learn from natural interaction with their peers in non-scholastic settings are more useful to develop the skills they will need in the "real world". What's more important in the office place: a sound knowledge of physics or the ability to communicate effectively?

As a rule, Chinese parents do not help their children to develop the same kind of ambition and confidence Americans put in their children, nor do they encourage the same level of involvement in extracurricular activities. Children are typically told to study hard and pass exams. Too often, time away from schoolbooks is seen as time wasted.

This approach has created so much pressure for Chinese children that leaders in Chinese educational circles have issued calls for less homework at the lower grade levels. Only healthy kids can become healthy adults. More and more Chinese parents recognize this. I am very confident about China's future.

17. The writer's purpose in writing this text is ________ .

A. to show his confidence about China's future

B. to tell the different way of parenting in the USA and China

C. to give a speech about China to a group of American second grade students

D. to describe how American parents raise their children

18. In America, fathers and mothers often put the ideas of ________ in their children's minds.

A. involvement and natural interaction B. involvement and effective communication

C. involvement and ambition D. ambition and confidence

19. The underlined word "peers" in the text probably means ________ .

A. persons of the same age, class, position, etc. as themselves

B. classmates C. friends D. persons elder than themselves

20. What can we infer about the author from the text?

A. He is a Chinese who once visited America in 1999.

B. He is a Chinese who knows a lot about America.

C. He is an American who knows a lot about China.

D. He is an American who taught in an American school in 1999.




1.opportunity   2.University   3.percent  4.benefits 5.environment /beneficial /homework 6. grammar 7. advice

8. information 9. first /modern /museum 10.exhibition 11. kitchen 12.experiences 13. vacation   14. government

15. atmosphere 16. future 17. success 18. habit 19. lawyer 20. restaurants 21.dollars 22.Christmas 23.knowledge 24.Librarians /library 25. Wednesday /performance 26. attitude 27. Olympics 28. professor 29. August  30.February   31. November /April   32. months /kilos   33. geography  34. passengers   35. convenience

36. encouragement 37. Thursday 38. competition /invited  39. engineer  40. course   41. disease  42.umbrella

43. ceremony44.exercise 45.kindergarten 46.guests 47.lives 49.explanation 50.description 51. pianos

二 动词

1.studying 2.born 3.writing 4. benefit 5. solved 6. published /true  7. written 8. punish  9. waiting 10. destroyed 11. received 12. occurred 13. referred 14. paid 15. eating  16. carrying 17. developed 18. held /Tuesday 19. calm 20. caught 21. broaden

三 形容词及副词

1.truly2.Unfortunately3.widely4.favourite 5. necessary 6. conveniently 7. suddenly8.Nowadays/western/traditional

9.therefore 10.foreign / journalists 11. abroad/decided12. immediately 13. available 14. quiet 15. limited 16. global 17. proud  18. different 19. especially 20. valuable 21. meaningful

四 数词

1. ninth/ninth 2. first 3. fourth 4. twelfth

五 其它

1. before 2. themselves 3. through 4. whether/ price 5. ourselves 6. except
