Mary lived in Shanghai for more than three years. 查看更多




  The Red Cross is an international o   1  .It provides a number of services for the public, such as c   2   for people, teaching them the k   3   of the first-aid(急救)and helping people in need.

  Mary is a 20-year-old girl.Her mother is proud of her because she is a Red Cross nurse.As soon as Mary finished school, she j   4   the Red Cross and was t   5   as a nurse.She was taught that if she meets an accident, she should give the first-aid at once and then s   6   for a doctor.

  One day, there was an accident in a busy street.When Mary arrived soon, she saw a woman who had been knocked down by a car l   7   on the street.Mary told the crowd she is a Red Cross nurse and began to help the woman.She gave the woman a small m   8   treatment at once.After a while, an ambulance(救护车) arrived.The woman was very g   9   to Mary.Mary said,“You're welcome.It's my d   10  !”




Fred will graduate from middle school, so Mary(M)wants to give him a gift.She asks Lily(L)for help.

M:You know, Fred will graduate soon.I'd like to get him a nice gift.  1  

L:How much do you want to spend? We need to know that before we begin looking for the gift.

M:Well, I usually spend about 20 to 30 yuan on a gift.

L:  2  

M:No, my mother gave him that for his birthday last month.

L:  3  

M:No, he doesn't like it much.

L:Most boys like games.What about him?

M:Of course he likes them.

L:  4  

M:But that costs more than 100 yuan.

L:Well, if you want to give him a nice gift,   5  

M:It must be a surprise.


Complete the following dialogue with the proper sentences in the box.

John: (l)  

Mary: Great! (2)

John: Let's go to the beach and eat there.

Mary: Good. (3)   (4)

John: What about Saturday?

Mary: Good (5)

John: Sure. Let's get all our classmates to go.

Mary: That's a good idea!





1What's the boy looking for?

2Which fruit did Penny buy?

3What is Sue's dream job?

4Which book does the man want to borrow?

5How did Linda feel about the holiday?


6Where is Sally's pen pal from?

AAustralia. BCanada. CChina

7Who are the speakers worried about?

ATheir father. BTheir mother. CTheir friend

8How long will the woman stay in New York?

A18 days. B12 days. COne week

9Where is Tim?

AAt the airport. BAt home. CIn the school

10Who is new in the school?

ADon. BMary. CMike











6AGood night. BBye-bye. CNice to see you, too

7AMy pleasure. BIt doesn't matter. CIt's very kind of you

8AI like apples. BI'm hungry. CWell done

9ANot at all. BThank you. CThat's right

10AI'm Ann. BI don't agree. CThis is Ann speaking



11Whose ruler is this?

ABetty's. BLily's. CLucy's


12When will Jane go to the party?

ANext Saturday. BThis Saturday. CTomorrow evening


13What color is Mary's hair?

ARed. BYellow. CBlack


14What does Kate's father do?

AA driver. BA teacher. CAn office worker


15What did Bruce use to do during the summer vacation?

AGo fishing. BGo shopping. CGo camping

16Where is Bruce's house?

ANear the lake. BNear the sea. CNear the river

17What does the woman think of Bruce?

ASilly. BClever. CFriendly


18What is Sam doing?

AFlying a kite. BMaking a kite. CMending a plane

19Who is the present for?

ASam's mother. BSam's sister. CSam's friend

20What's the relationship between the two speakers?

AMother and son. BFather and daughter. CBrother and sister


21Where is Rose now?

AIn Hainan. BIn Shanghai. CIn Nanjing

22Which subject does Rose like best?

AMath. BChinese. CEnglish

23When does Rose go to the English corner?

AOn weekends. BOn Saturday morning. COn Tuesday afternoon

24How often does Rose go to the school library?

AEvery day. BOnce a week. CTwice a week

25How is Rose's school life?

AHard. BBusy. CInteresting


