Let us play football after class, ? 查看更多



1. —Oh, dear! I can't find Jim.
    —He _____ (play) football there. Can you see him?
2. My English teacher spends as much time as he can _____ (help) us to improve our spoken English.
3. You'd better _____ (not read) without enough light.
4. If you _____ (not be) healthy enough, your father won't let you go to the summer camp.
5. _____ (move) the heavy boxes of wine, the young man used two shopping carts.
6. The lovely boy _____ (wear) glasses swims faster than all the boys in my class.
7. Hey, boy! _____ (not smoke) in public. It's rude.
8. Who do you think _____ (do) the most after-school activities in our class?
9. My good friend James often _____ (fly) to Hong Kong because of his business (生意).
10. I guess the teachers _____ (chat) in the teachers' office about how to organize the spring outing 
      at this moment.


1. Let's _________ (go) to the Reading Club.
2. We cut some shapes __________ (make) the eyes and the sharp teeth.
3. He enjoys __________ (chat) with his friends after class.
4. Look! The boys ___________ (play) football on the playground.
5. She often goes to school without __________ (have) breakfast.
6. I will finish __________ (read) the book tomorrow.
7. Can you __________ (tell) me about your favourite festival, please?
8. _________ Alice _________ (have) classes on Sunday?
9. Thanks for __________ (tell) me about Halloween.
10. Do you want __________ (go) with us?



1.My parents    (be)at home on weekends.

2.He always    (have)his first lesson at 7:30.

3.    (not open)the door, it's too cold outside.

4.Would you like    (fly)kites in the open air with us?

5.My classmates often    (play)football after school.

6.Mr. Wu    (not be)our English teacher.

7.Lucy, why not    (go)running after supper?

8.    your mother    (wash)the dishes after dinner?

9.Let Millie    (tell)us an interesting story.

10.It's time    (begin)our class.



小题1:My parents   (be)at home on weekends.
小题2:He always   (have)his first lesson at 7:30.
小题3:   (not open)the door, it's too cold outside.
小题4:Would you like   (fly)kites in the open air with us?
小题5:My classmates often   (play)football after school.
小题6:Mr. Wu   (not be)our English teacher.
小题7:Lucy, why not   (go)running after supper?
小题8:   your mother   (wash)the dishes after dinner?
小题9:Let Millie   (tell)us an interesting story.
小题10:It's time   (begin)our class.



1. All the tourists shouted “__________” when they saw pyramids, one of the seven __________ in the world. (wonder)

2.If the doctor does a small_______    (operate) on him, he will be all right soon.

3.My cousin will go to the USA for_______(far) study with his classmates next year.

4. Everyone should help those _______(home) people after the earthquake.

5. It is well-known that smoking can be ________   (harm) to our health.

6. I am sorry. You pronounced this word ________    (correct).

7. There’re so many people in the room. It’s _____     (hope) for us to get inside.

8. When I passed the driving test, I thought I was the_______(luck) person in the world.

9. Do you know how long the new airport has been in ________(serve)?

10.The course covers many topics, ___________(include) travel and hotels.

11. The team’s           (finish) time will be recorded.

12. The text _________(it) is not easy, but it is interesting and educational

13. The question is too hard. He is           (able) to work it out.

14.My brother ____________ (be) to England twice.

15.The curtains ____________ (rise) just now and the host came on stage.

16.A charity show ____________ (hold) in the school hall next week.

17.I’m happy ____________ (invite) to your birthday party by you.

18.Ways ____________ (find) to make waste water clean since two years ago.

19.These magazines mustn’t ___________ (take) out of the reading room.

20.The printers _____________ (use) to put the words and pictures onto paper.

21.Computers are useful to us. But some students only use them________(play) games.

22.He ______(teach) in the school in the past.

But over the past four years he__________(work) on the farm.

23.I will tell you as soon as he________(get) to Beijing.

24.We_______(visit) the Olympic Centre at 9 p.m. yesterday evening.

25. The books _______ (sell)well . They  ______________(sell) out already.

26.Neither of the twins___________(ride) a horse in the past ten years.

27.Yang Liping  ___________ (know) to everyone as an excellent dancer.

28.We shouldn’t drive at high __________ (速度). It’s too dangerous.

29.I was once c__________to be a host of a charity show.

30.Millie is a shy girl. She doesn’t like to speak loudly in p__________.

31.Class is over. Let’s have a b__________, boys and girls.

32.He took out the c__________ and took some photos of the sunset.

33.—Where’s Mr. Green? —He has gone to attend an____________(国际) meeting.

34. The heavy snow ____________(影响) many southern parts of China last year.

35. It’s important to_____________(教育) the young students.

36.Some scientists are doing lots of ____________ (研究) on the problem.

37. After the         ___ (治疗), the old man could see again.

38. —Shall we go to London for a holiday?

   — Oh. I think it’s a good c        for her to practise her spoken English.

39. Please speak loudly, the old man is a bit d ___________ .

40.Our monitor has been asked to g_______us into a team of eleven to play football against Class Seven.

