The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.She before. A.hasn’t flown B.didn’t fly C.hadn’t flown D.wasn’t flying 答案 C 解析 hadn’t flown动作发生在was nervous之前. 查看更多




The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard. But in the rich world, children can   36   from a different kind of poverty—of the spirit.  37   , one Western country alone now sees 14, 000 attempted suicides (自杀)every year by children under 15, and one child   38   five needs psychiatric(心理)advice.

There are many good things about   39   in the Third World. Take the close and constant relation between children and their parents, relatives and neighbours for example.In the West,the very nature of work puts distance between   40   and children.But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices.   41   ,the child sees mother and father, relations and neighbours working   42   and often shares in that work.

A child   43   in this way learns his or her role through joining in the community's   44   :helping to dig or build,look after animals or babies--rather than   45   playing with water and sand in kindergarten, keeping pets   46   playing with dolls.

These children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the   47   children. Their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky. Children in the rich world,   48   , are provided with a watch as one of the   49   signs of growing up, so that they can   50   along with their parents about being late for school times, meal times, bed times, the times of TV shows…

Third World children do not usually   51   to stay indoors, still less in highrise apartments(公寓).Instead of dangerous roads,"keep off the grass" signs and "don't speak to strangers",there is often a sense of   52   to study and play. Parents can see their children outside rather than observe them   53   from ten floors up.

  54   , twelve million children under five still die every year through hunger and disease.But childhood in the Third World is not all   55  .

36. A. come            B. learn               C. suffer             D. survive

37. A. As usual          B. For instance         C. In fact            D. In other words

38. A. by               B. in                 C. to                D. under

39. A. childhood         B. poverty            C. spirit             D. survival

40. A. adults            B. fathers             C. neighbours        D. relatives

41. A. Anyhow          B. However           C. Instead           D. Still

42. A. away             B. alone              C. along            D. nearby

43. A. growing up        B. living through       C. playing          D. working

44. A. activity           B. life                C. study            D. work

45. A. by               B. from               C. through          D. with

46. A. and              B. but                C. or               D. so

47. A. Eastern           B. good               C. poor            D. Western

48. A. at any moment     B. at the same time      C. on the other hand  D. on the whole

49. A. easiest            B. earliest             C. happiest         D. quickest

50. A. care              B. fear                C. hurry           D. worry

51. A. dare              B. expect              C. have           D. require

52. A. control            B. danger             C. disappointment   D. freedom

53. A. anxiously          B. eagerly             C. impatiently      D. proudly

54. A. Above all          B. In the end           C. Of course       D. What's more

55. A. bad               B. good               C. rich            D. poor




He's an old cobbler  (修鞋匠)  with a shop in the Marais, a historic area in Paris. When I took him my shoes, he at first told me: “I haven't time. Take them to the other fellow on the main street ; he'll fix them for you right away.”

     But I'd had my eye on his shop for a long time. Just looking at his bench loaded with tools and pieces of leather, I knew he was a skilled craftsman  (手艺人).  “No,” I replied, “the other fellow can't do it well.”

      “The other fellow” was one of those shopkeepers who fix shoes and make keys “while-U-wait” -- without knowing much about mending shoes or making keys. They work carelessly, andwhen they have finished sewing back a sandal strap (鞋带) you might as well just throw away the pair.

      My man saw I wouldn't give in, and he smiled. He wiped his hands on his blue apron ( 围裙), looked at my shoes, had me write my name on one shoe with a piece of chalk and said, “Come back in a week.”

      I was about to leave when he took a pair of soft leather boots off a shelf.

      “See what I can do?” he said with pride.  “Only three of us in Paris can do this kind of work.. ”

      When I got back out into the street, the world seemed brand-new to me. He was something out of an ancient legend, this old craftsman with his way of speaking familiarly, his very strange, dusty felt hat, his funny accent from who-knows-where and, above all, his pride in his craft.

      These are times when nothing is important but the bottom line, when you can do things any old, way as long as it “pays”, when, in short, people look on work as a path to ever-increasing consumption  (消费) rather than a way to realize their own abilities. In such a period it is a rare comfort to find a cobbler who gets his greatest satisfaction from pride in a job well done.

60. Which of the following is true about the old cobbler.'?

     A. He was equipped with the best repairing tools.

     B. He was the only cobbler in the Marais.

     C. He was proud of his skills.

     D. He was a native Parisian.

61. The sentence “He was something out of an ancient legend.” ( paragraph 7 ) implies that      

     A. nowadays you can hardly find anyone like him

     B. it was difficult to communicate with this man

     C. the man was very strange

     D. the man was too old

62. According to the author, many people work just to           .

     A. realize their abilities

     B. gain happiness

     C. make money

     D. gain respect

63. This story wants to tell us that            .

     A. craftsmen make a lot of money

     B. whatever you do, do it well

     C. craftsmen need self-respect

     D. people are born equal



Diary of a Do-It-Yourself Book

This book based on Greg Hefley's own "diary" lets kids express themselves in an exciting way.In the book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you have ever had? The worst thing you have ever eaten? The best secret you have ever heard? This Do-It-Yourself Book is unique and special because it has blank pages for readers to write their own stories and keep their own diaries.

Author:       Jeff Kinney

List Price:     $10.95

Price:         $6.57      Buy it on

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Train to Somewhere

Marianne, heading west with fourteen other children on a train, is sure her mother will show up at one of the stations along the way. Stop after stop goes by, and there is no sign of her mother in the crowds that come to look over the children. No one shows any interest in adopting shy Marianne, either. But th at is all right. She has to he free for her mother to claim her. Then the train stopped at its final stop, a town called Somewhere…

Author:        Eve Bunting

List Price:      $6.95

Price:        $6.95      Buy it on

You save:      $0.00(0%)            

Chinese Children's Favorite Stories

This volume of beloved Chinese stories contains a delightful selection from the store of Chinese legend. Discover many delightful animal characters as well as Change and Guan Yin. Retold for an international audience, the stories with beautiful pictures will give children aged ix to ten in other countries a chance to learn about both the tradition and culture of China.

Author:         Mingmei Yip

List Price:      $18.95

Price:         $12.89      Buy it on

You save:      $6.06(32%)

The Way Science Works

The perfect introduction to show how science explains the world around us! Eye-opening experiments and extraordinary photography bring science to life.Discover science in action from the principles that explain everyday facts to the theories behind the technology in today's fast-moving world. Full of facts about famous scientists, technology news and more.                                   

Author:        Robin Kerrod

List Price:      $24.99

Price:         $16.49      Buy it on

You save:      $8.50(34%)

1.Diary of a Do – It – Yourself Book is different from other books because you can     .

A.ask the author questions

B.write your own stories in the book

C.have a chance to see beautiful photos many interesting stories about the author gives no discount on              .

A.Diary of a Do-It-Yourself Book

B.Train to Somewhere

C.Chinese Children’s Favorite Stories

D.The Way Science Works

3.Based on Train to Somewhere, how many children head west on the train.





4.Chinese Children's Favorite Stories is written for____

A.Chinese children aged 6 to 10

B.teenagers in other countries

C.junior students in other countries

D.foreign children aged 6 to 10

5.Whose book would you like to read if you are interested in science and technology?

A.Jeff Kinney’s.

B.Eve Bunting's.

C.Mingmei Yip’s.

D.Robin Kerrod’s.



Diary of a Do-It-Yourself Book
This book based on Greg Hefley's own "diary" lets kids express themselves in an exciting way.In the book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you have ever had? The worst thing you have ever eaten? The best secret you have ever heard? This Do-It-Yourself Book is unique and special because it has blank pages for readers to write their own stories and keep their own diaries.
Author:       Jeff Kinney
List Price:     $10.95
Price:         $6.57      Buy it on
You save:      $4.38(40%)
Train to Somewhere
Marianne, heading west with fourteen other children on a train, is sure her mother will show up at one of the stations along the way. Stop after stop goes by, and there is no sign of her mother in the crowds that come to look over the children. No one shows any interest in adopting shy Marianne, either. But th at is all right. She has to he free for her mother to claim her. Then the train stopped at its final stop, a town called Somewhere…
Author:        Eve Bunting
List Price:      $6.95
Price:        $6.95      Buy it on
You save:      $0.00(0%)            
Chinese Children's Favorite Stories
This volume of beloved Chinese stories contains a delightful selection from the store of Chinese legend. Discover many delightful animal characters as well as Change and Guan Yin. Retold for an international audience, the stories with beautiful pictures will give children aged ix to ten in other countries a chance to learn about both the tradition and culture of China.
Author:         Mingmei Yip
List Price:      $18.95
Price:         $12.89      Buy it on
You save:      $6.06(32%)
The Way Science Works
The perfect introduction to show how science explains the world around us! Eye-opening experiments and extraordinary photography bring science to life.Discover science in action from the principles that explain everyday facts to the theories behind the technology in today's fast-moving world. Full of facts about famous scientists, technology news and more.                                   
Author:        Robin Kerrod
List Price:      $24.99
Price:         $16.49      Buy it on
You save:      $8.50(34%)
【小题1】Diary of a Do – It – Yourself Book is different from other books because you can     .

A.ask the author questionsB.write your own stories in the book
C.have a chance to see beautiful many interesting stories about the author
【小题2】 gives no discount on              .
A.Diary of a Do-It-Yourself BookB.Train to Somewhere
C.Chinese Children’s Favorite StoriesD.The Way Science Works
【小题3】Based on Train to Somewhere, how many children head west on the train.
【小题4】Chinese Children's Favorite Stories is written for____
A.Chinese children aged 6 to 10 B.teenagers in other countries
C.junior students in other countriesD.foreign children aged 6 to 10
【小题5】Whose book would you like to read if you are interested in science and technology?
A.Jeff Kinney’s.B.Eve Bunting's.
C.Mingmei Yip’s.D.Robin Kerrod’s.


Diary of a Do-It-Yourself Book

       This book based on Greg Hefley's own "diary" lets kids express themselves in an exciting way.In the book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you have ever had? The worst thing you have ever eaten? The best secret you have ever heard? This Do-It-Yourself Book is unique and special because it has blank pages for readers to write their own stories and keep their own diaries.

       Author:       Jeff Kinney

       List Price:     $10.95

       Price:         $6.57      Buy it on

       You save:      $4.38(40%)

       Train to Somewhere

       Marianne, heading west with fourteen other children on a train, is sure her mother will show up at one of the stations along the way. Stop after stop goes by, and there is no sign of her mother in the crowds that come to look over the children. No one shows any interest in adopting shy Marianne, either. But th at is all right. She has to he free for her mother to claim her. Then the train stopped at its final stop, a town called Somewhere…

       Author:        Eve Bunting

       List Price:      $6.95

       Price:         $6.95      Buy it on

       You save:      $0.00(0%)            

       Chinese Children's Favorite Stories

       This volume of beloved Chinese stories contains a delightful selection from the store of Chinese legend. Discover many delightful animal characters as well as Change and Guan Yin. Retold for an international audience, the stories with beautiful pictures will give children aged ix to ten in other countries a chance to learn about both the tradition and culture of China.

       Author:         Mingmei Yip

       List Price:      $18.95

       Price:         $12.89      Buy it on

       You save:      $6.06(32%)

       The Way Science Works

       The perfect introduction to show how science explains the world around us! Eye-opening experiments and extraordinary photography bring science to life.Discover science in action from the principles that explain everyday facts to the theories behind the technology in today's fast-moving world. Full of facts about famous scientists, technology news and more.                                   

       Author:        Robin Kerrod

       List Price:      $24.99

       Price:         $16.49      Buy it on

       You save:      $8.50(34%)

Diary of a Do – It – Yourself Book is different from other books because you can      .

       A.ask the author questions        B.write your own stories in the book

       C.have a chance to see beautiful photos many interesting stories about the author gives no discount on               .

       A.Diary of a Do-It-Yourself Book     B.Train to Somewhere

       C.Chinese Children’s Favorite Stories       D.The Way Science Works

Based on Train to Somewhere, how many children head west on the train.

       A.15.    B.14.    C.13.    D.16.

Chinese Children's Favorite Stories is written for____

       A.Chinese children aged 6 to 10      B.teenagers in other countries

       C.junior students in other countries    D.foreign children aged 6 to 10

Whose book would you like to read if you are interested in science and technology?

       A.Jeff Kinney’s.   B.Eve Bunting's.     

       C.Mingmei Yip’s.        D.Robin Kerrod’s.

