四组容易混淆的时态:(1)现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:现在完成时强调动作结果对现在的影响.属于现在时的范畴,一般过去时强调动作所发生的时间是在过去.属于过去时的范畴.因此.一般过去时需跟表示过境的时间连用或有表过去时间的上下文.而现在完成时不能与表示过去的时间状语连用.(2)过去完成时与一般过去时的区别:过去完成时表示以过去某时间为起点以前所发生的动作或存在的状态.即过去完成时强调动作发生在“过去的过去 ,而一般过去时只表示以现在时间为起点以前所发生的动作或存在的状态.(3)过去完成时与现在完成时的用法区别:两种时态都常与一段时间和状语连用.但现在完成时表示的是延续到现在或同现在有关的动作(句中不可有表示过去特定时间的状语).而过去完成时表示的是在过去某时之前已经完成或延续到过去某时的动作(句中有表示过去特定时间的状语).(4)将来完成时由“shall/will+have done 构成.表示动作或状态延续到将来某一时刻.常用延续性动词.并带有一个表示将来某一时间的状语或状语从句.如:by the end of this month, by then, this time next week, by the time等,将来完成进行时由“shall/will+have been doing 构成.表示某个动作在将来的某个时间以前已经开始.并一直持续进行着. 查看更多



单词拼写(共10小题,分值为1分,共10分). 请根据句子逻辑, 从模块二课本所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。

1. According to the new standard, p_________ health and mental health are equally important.

2. To enter a university, all Chinese students should take part in the college e_____________ examinations which take place in June every year.

3. The number of students who leave school because of financial difficulty has d___________ with the help of the government and society.

4. This room used to be very dirty and old. But after we have designed it again and d__________ it, it now looks like a new one.

5.I would a_____________ it if you could give me an early reply.

6. Such romantic story only happens in films. In r_________, it will never happen.

7. When I came into the room, she p____________ to be asleep. As soon as I stepped out of the room, she got up again.

8. There are too many steps to operate this machine and they are very confusing (容易混淆的). You had better s__________ the steps so that they can be easily understood.

9. When kids step into this toy shop, it is not easy to take them out because there are too many things that are a____________ to them.

10. Whoever breaks the window should take the r___________________ and should pay for it.



单词拼写(共10小题,分值为1分,共10分). 请根据句子逻辑, 从模块二课本所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。
【小题1】 According to the new standard, p_________ health and mental health are equally important.
【小题2】 To enter a university, all Chinese students should take part in the college e_____________ examinations which take place in June every year.
【小题3】 The number of students who leave school because of financial difficulty has d___________ with the help of the government and society.
【小题4】 This room used to be very dirty and old. But after we have designed it again and d__________ it, it now looks like a new one.
【小题5】I would a_____________ it if you could give me an early reply.
【小题6】 Such romantic story only happens in films. In r_________, it will never happen.
【小题7】 When I came into the room, she p____________ to be asleep. As soon as I stepped out of the room, she got up again.
【小题8】 There are too many steps to operate this machine and they are very confusing (容易混淆的). You had better s__________ the steps so that they can be easily understood.
【小题9】 When kids step into this toy shop, it is not easy to take them out because there are too many things that are a____________ to them.
【小题10】 Whoever breaks the window should take the r___________________ and should pay for it.



The book_____  ______ 10 stories. 这本书包括十个故事。

Can natural gas _____ the _______ of petrol as the major fuel in the future?


The students in the class has been _______ _______ four group since the first day of the term.


_____  his  ______, he passed the exam.让他高兴的是,他考试及格了。

A better plan was _____ ______ by an Englishman in 1990.





There are reasons why a middle-aged woman who has been away from the work for her children’s sake decides to go back to work. The  16  reason for me was: years ago my job was that of a bookkeeper(会计)----- it was then that I worked for  17  , and now with my children working, I wanted to do something  18  , something new and exciting.

Money wasn’t too important now, as my husband made a very  19  living for us. But what should I do? What sort of   20  should I look for? I knew I needed to be  21   as to what I became involved with. I am not a "quitter"(容易放弃的人) and so I hoped to  22   becoming responsible to an employer in a job that might turn out to be a mistake for me.

While I made painful efforts thinking over what to do, I was   23  of a past incident where I needed to replace my original engagement ring  24  the gold was wearing thin. My husband and I shopped and shopped for one,   25 we went, even when we were on vacation.  26  this nonstop searching got my poor   27  to ask, "Just what kind of ring do you want, what exactly are we looking for?" My reply was, "I honestly don’t   28, but when I see the correct setting, I will know it." That was the  29  I felt about the new career I wished to start; I didn’t have an exact idea as to what I wanted to do, but knew there was a perfect fit for me, if I would  30  be patient.

Fortunately, that summer while I  31  my twenty-fifth high school class reunion(重聚), I heard a former classmate  32  what she did for a living. She was a travel agent, and she and her husband had just  33 from a trip to Hawaii where they acted as guides for a group of travelers. WOW, that  34   like fun, considerably more fun and exciting than being a  35  : I know what to take up!

16. A. possible                   B. obvious             C. believable               D. good

17. A. money                B. fun                   C. children                   D. employers

18. A. valuable              B. reasonable         C. worthy                     D. different

19. A. interesting           B. comfortable              C. successful              D. meaningful

20. A. pleasure                     B. place                 C. job                       D. man

21. A. careful                B. useful            C. joyful                   D. painful

22. A. finish                 B. miss                  C. avoid                       D. forget

23. A. recalled                     B. reminded           C. warned                    D. robbed

24. A. where                 B. while                C. if                 D. as

25. A. nowhere             B. somewhere        C. wherever                  D. everywhere

26. A. Actually              B. However           C. Finally                     D. Once

27. A. children                     B. classmates         C. employer                  D. husband

28. A. care                    B. know                C. understand             D. find

29. A. way                    B. time                  C. style                        D. thought

30. A. really                 B. ever                  C. just                          D. certainly

31. A. joined                 B. left                   C. started                   D. attended

32. A. complaining        B. explaining         C. describing             D. considering

33. A. returned                     B. rested                C. came                        D. stayed

34. A. looked                B. seemed              C. sounded                   D. felt

35. A. travler                B. wife                  C. employer                  D. bookkeeper


There are reasons why a middle-aged woman who has been away from the work for her children’s sake decides to go back to work. The  16 reason for me was: years ago my job was that of a bookkeeper(会计)----- it was then that I worked for  17  , and now with my children working, I wanted to do something  18  , something new and exciting.
Money wasn’t too important now, as my husband made a very  19  living for us. But what should I do? What sort of   20  should I look for? I knew I needed to be  21  as to what I became involved with. I am not a "quitter"(容易放弃的人) and so I hoped to  22  becoming responsible to an employer in a job that might turn out to be a mistake for me.
While I made painful efforts thinking over what to do, I was  23  of a past incident where I needed to replace my original engagement ring  24  the gold was wearing thin. My husband and I shopped and shopped for one,  25 we went, even when we were on vacation.  26  this nonstop searching got my poor  27  to ask, "Just what kind of ring do you want, what exactly are we looking for?" My reply was, "I honestly don’t  28, but when I see the correct setting, I will know it." That was the  29  I felt about the new career I wished to start; I didn’t have an exact idea as to what I wanted to do, but knew there was a perfect fit for me, if I would  30  be patient.
Fortunately, that summer while I  31  my twenty-fifth high school class reunion(重聚), I heard a former classmate  32  what she did for a living. She was a travel agent, and she and her husband had just  33 from a trip to Hawaii where they acted as guides for a group of travelers. WOW, that  34  like fun, considerably more fun and exciting than being a  35  : I know what to take up!
16. A. possible                  B. obvious             C. believable              D. good
17. A. money                B. fun                   C. children                   D. employers
18. A. valuable              B. reasonable         C. worthy                     D. different
19. A. interesting           B. comfortable              C. successful             D. meaningful
20. A. pleasure                     B. place                 C. job                     D. man
21. A. careful                B. useful           C. joyful                 D. painful
22. A. finish                 B. miss                  C. avoid                       D. forget
23. A. recalled                     B. reminded           C. warned                    D. robbed
24. A. where                 B. while                C. if                D. as
25. A. nowhere             B. somewhere        C. wherever                  D. everywhere
26. A. Actually              B. However           C. Finally                     D. Once
27. A. children                     B. classmates         C. employer                  D. husband
28. A. care                    B. know                C. understand            D. find
29. A. way                    B. time                  C. style                        D. thought
30. A. really                 B. ever                  C. just                          D. certainly
31. A. joined                 B. left                   C. started                  D. attended
32. A. complaining        B. explaining         C. describing            D. considering
33. A. returned                     B. rested                C. came                        D. stayed
34. A. looked                B. seemed              C. sounded                   D. felt
35. A. travler                B. wife                  C. employer                  D. bookkeeper

