约会 A:Are you free this afternoon? What/How about tomorrow morning? Shall we meet at 4:30 at the school gate? B:Yes, that's all right. Yes, I'll be free then. All right.See you then. 查看更多



A: Hi, Wang Ling! Do you remember me ?

B: Oh, you are Lin Tao, aren’t you?

A: That’s right.

B: You have changed a lot.  1.     .

A: Yeah, and I was a little shy.

B: By the way, where are you going?

A: I am going to the concert.   2.  

B: Sure, I do. But I remember you didn’t use to like music.

A: You are right. But now I am interested in listening to music. And I like singing very much.

B: Great!   3.  

A: I like music that I can sing along with .

B:   4.   

A: Yes. I have learnrd since last term. Oh, it’s time for me to go now.

B: Ok!     5.    

6.A. You used to be short.                  B. You used to be outgoing.

         C. You used to be quiet.                  D. You are outgoing.

7.A. Are you free?                        B. Are you busy?

         C. Do you like to go to a concert?          D. Where are you going?

8.A. Do you like gentle music? 

B. What kind of music do you like?

         C. Do you like pop music?

D. Who is you favorite star?

9.A. When did you start singing?            B. How long have you been singing?

         C. Why do you like music?               D. Have you learned to sing?

10.A. Here you are.                        B. Fine, thanks.

C. See you!                           D. You’re welcome.



A: Are you free this weekend?
B:      1      .
A: Let’s go to Beijing Zoo!
B:      2      .
A: Because I hear eight pandas have just arrived there.
B: Really?     3      .
A: They’re from Sichuan, and they will welcome the friends all over the world during the Beijing Olympic games.
B: That’s great!     4     .
A: I also hear the eight pandas like to eat apples. Why not take some apples?
B:    5    . Can’t you see “ No Feeding” in the zoo?
A: Sorry, I forgot it. Well, remember to take a camera.
B: OK!
A.Why do you want to go to the zoo?
B.Yes,what’s up?(怎么了)
C.We’d better(最好) not.
D.Have a good time!
E.Where are they from?
F.I’d love to go with you.
G.What about you?


A: Are you free this weekend?
B:      1      .
A: Let’s go to Beijing Zoo!
B:      2      .
A: Because I hear eight pandas have just arrived there.
B: Really?     3      .
A: They’re from Sichuan, and they will welcome the friends all over the world during the Beijing Olympic games.
B: That’s great!     4      .
A: I also hear the eight pandas like to eat apples. Why not take some apples?
B:    5     . Can’t you see “ No Feeding” in the zoo?
A: Sorry, I forgot it. Well, remember to take a camera.
B: OK!

A.Why do you want to go to the zoo?
B.Yes,what’s up?(怎么了)
C.We’d better(最好) not.
D.Have a good time!
E.Where are they from?
F.I’d love to go with you.
G.What about you?


       There will be a science report in Dongfang Huge Plays Theatre on Sunday morning. Here is a notice to the audience.
       Notice to the audience
       Please bring your ticket. If you don't have your ticket, you can't go into the hall.  
       Don't run or shout in the hall. If you do, you'll have to leave.
       Don't wear slippers. If you do, the workers won't let you in.
       Keep your mobile phone off. If you don't, you will bother others.
       Please don't bring your under 12-year-old children here. If they come, I they won't understand the
       Keep the hall clean. Don't throw your rubbish around. Or the hall will be dirty.
       Don't bring any food into the hall. If you do, the workers will take it away.
A: Are you free tomorrow?
B: Yes. Why?
A: Are you going to listen to   1  ?
B: Where?
A:   2   I have two tickets. Would you like to go with me?
B: Great, I'd love to. But I have to take my little nephew there.
A:   3   
B: What will happen   4  ?
A: He can't understand the report. He can't keep quiet.
B: Yes, you are right. Let's bring some food.
A: Oh, we can't do that. If we bring some food,  5  .
B: Oh, I see.


A: Are you free this weekend?
B: 1.___________________________
A: Let's go to Beijing Zoo!
B: 2.                                                 
A: Because I hear eight pandas have just arrived there.
B: Really? 3._________________________________
A: They're from Sichuan, and they will welcome the friends all over the world during the Beijing Olympic
B: That's great! 4.__________________________________
A: I also hear the eight pandas like to eat apples. Why not take some apples?
B: 5.                                                      Can't you see "No Feeding" in the zoo?
A: Sorry, I forgot it. Well, remember to take a camera.
B: OK!

