17.Why does the woman suggest going camping? A.Because it’s much cheaper. B.Because the man has never camped before. C.Because you can camp wherever you like. 听第10段材料.回答第18至20题. 查看更多



1. Why does the woman’s class want to put on the play?
A. To make money.
B. To study French.
C. To entertain the students.
2. Where does the story in the play take place?
A. On a plane.
B. In Plymouth.
C. In Broadway.


Urban legends are stories that are told and believed in many places.Too many places,in fact.It simply isn’t credible that the same unlikely events take place in so many different towns.For some reason,though,that particular set of events appeals to the imagination and the tale spreads.

A very common North American urban legend concerns a mad man in the woods.A dangerous mad man has escaped from a hospital for the mentally ill.At some point in his life he has lost a hand and it has been replaced by a hook.A boy and a girl are out dating,sitting in a car.They hear on the radio that the area is dangerous,so they drive off.When they arrive home they find a bloodstained hook hanging on the door handle of the car door next to the girl.

Missing kidney(肾)stories are fairly common.Of course,the details are variable.It might be a woman waking up in a strange hotel in Bangkok,or a man finding himself in a cold bath in Toronto.or a young man with faint memories of wild disco party,but they all find a flesh wound,and discover that one of their kidneys has been removed and,probably, sold.

The back seat killer has plenty of drama.A woman gets into her Car late at night.Another Car follows her, speeding,flashing lights and really frightening her.She gets home and keeps on pressing the horn.Her husband runs out.The chasing car stops.The husband demands to know why the driver has been frightening his wife.He says he saw a strange man get into the back of the car as the wife got in,and then hide.They go and look,and there is a dangerous mad man...

1.What is the writer’s attitude towards “urban legends”?





2.What can be inferred from the hook hanging on the Car door?

A.The mad man left it there as a warning.

B.The mad man narrowly escaped being injured in a car accident.

C.The mad man had just been about to attack the girl.

D.The boy had meant to frighten the girl with it.

3.What do we know about the three people mentioned in the third paragraph?

A.They had their kidney removed when they were unconscious.

B.They sold their kidneys for profit.

C.They were suffering loss of memories.

D.They had been wounded before the accident.

4.Why does the woman driver keep on pressing the horn?

A.To warn the other driver not to follow her.

B.To give herself enough courage to face the danger.

C.To made her husband aware of something urgent.

D.To inform her family of her safe return.

5.How should we describe the second driver in the 4th paragraph?







When the research on the effect of electric fields on E.coli was begun in 1962, it was essential that a biologist–specifically, a microbiologist–contributed to the project.She does not want her name used because she did not become a scientific researcher for fame, but rather for the challenge of putting pieces of a scientific puzzle together.
As a girl, she was inspired by the work of great scientists: she read the story of the cure of malaria in the Panama Canal; she also read a biography of Madame Curie.These accounts inspired her to pursue a career in scientific research.After high school, she worked for the Michigan Department of Health, where she did research in biology and microbiology.There, her colleagues saw her talent and encouraged her to pursue science as a career.She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University in 1948 in medical technology.
When she began working at Michigan State in the early 1960s,
she was balancing the demands of scientific research with the needs
of her family.At that time both of her children were in school.She
would work in the lab in the morning while they were at school,
go home to see them at lunch, return to the lab for the afternoon, go
home for dinner, and return to the lab in the evening, if necessary.
At that time, there were fewer women scientists working than
there are today, but she encountered several in her career.At the
Michigan Department of Health, many of her colleagues were women and, consequently, she did not feel isolated because of her gender–nor did she feel that she was treated differently because she was a woman.      
While working at Michigan State, she also felt that she was treated with respect by her peers.Her colleagues, among them doctors and Ph.D.chemists, all treated her as an equal.On the whole, she believes that there is not a great deal of difference between men and women in science.
56.Why does the woman scientist refuse to let out her name?
A.Because she is a shy lady.
B.Because she doesn’t mind her fame.    
C.Because she never takes pride in her research.
D.Because she never works for her fame.
57.What is the noble lady scientist really interested in?
A.The life stories of other women scientists.
B.Biology and microbiology.
C.The secret of the success of the other scientists.
D.The difference between men and women scientists.
58.Who helped and encouraged her to carry on her scientific research?
A.Her family and friends.                             B.Madame Curie.
C.Her colleagues and other scientists.              D.Some of the officials.
59.What is the whole passage mainly about?
A.The life story of a famous woman scientist with great success.
B.A brief introduction about an unknown great woman scientist.
C.The new development of a special woman scientist.
D.The secret of an infamous woman scientist.


Urban legends are stories that are told and believed in many places.Too many places,in fact.It simply isn’t credible that the same unlikely events take place in so many different towns.For some reason,though,that particular set of events appeals to the imagination and the tale spreads.
A very common North American urban legend concerns a mad man in the woods.A dangerous mad man has escaped from a hospital for the mentally ill.At some point in his life he has lost a hand and it has been replaced by a hook.A boy and a girl are out dating,sitting in a car.They hear on the radio that the area is dangerous,so they drive off.When they arrive home they find a bloodstained hook hanging on the door handle of the car door next to the girl.
Missing kidney(肾)stories are fairly common.Of course,the details are variable.It might be a woman waking up in a strange hotel in Bangkok,or a man finding himself in a cold bath in Toronto.or a young man with faint memories of wild disco party,but they all find a flesh wound,and discover that one of their kidneys has been removed and,probably, sold.
The back seat killer has plenty of drama.A woman gets into her Car late at night.Another Car follows her, speeding,flashing lights and really frightening her.She gets home and keeps on pressing the horn.Her husband runs out.The chasing car stops.The husband demands to know why the driver has been frightening his wife.He says he saw a strange man get into the back of the car as the wife got in,and then hide.They go and look,and there is a dangerous mad man...
【小题1】What is the writer’s attitude towards “urban legends”?

【小题2】What can be inferred from the hook hanging on the Car door?
A.The mad man left it there as a warning.
B.The mad man narrowly escaped being injured in a car accident.
C.The mad man had just been about to attack the girl.
D.The boy had meant to frighten the girl with it.
【小题3】What do we know about the three people mentioned in the third paragraph?
A.They had their kidney removed when they were unconscious.
B.They sold their kidneys for profit.
C.They were suffering loss of memories.
D.They had been wounded before the accident.
【小题4】Why does the woman driver keep on pressing the horn?
A.To warn the other driver not to follow her.
B.To give herself enough courage to face the danger.
C.To made her husband aware of something urgent.
D.To inform her family of her safe return.
【小题5】How should we describe the second driver in the 4th paragraph?




Directions: In this section, you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet.

You will hear each conversation TWICE

Conversation 1

1. What does the woman do in the group?

A. Play the violin.                       B. Play the piano.                        C. Sing for the group.

2. How often will the group meet?

A. Once a week.                          B. Twice a week.                         C. Every other week.

Conversation 2

3. Where does the man want to live?

A. In a big city.                            B. In the country.                 C. In the mountain.

4. Why couldn’t the woman sleep well at night?

A. She was not used to the silence.

B. She was too tired to go to sleep.

C. She was afraid of the noise made by the birds.

Conversation 3

5. How much money was there in the purse?

A. About $ 15.                                B. About $50.                       C. About $ 55.

6. Where did the woman most probably leave her purse?

A. In the street.                            B. In the coffee shop.               C. In the shoe department.

Conversation 4

7. Who worked at the boys’ camp last summer?

A. Steve.                                    B. Steve’s sister.                          C. Wendy.

8. Why does the woman want to get a job at the hotel?

A. A friend of hers worked there last summer.

B. She likes making bed and cleaning bathrooms.

C. She can make good money.

9. What kind of job is the man probably not interested in now?

A. Cutting grass.                         B. Working in the open air.          C. A job connected with his learning.

Conversation 5

10. What does the man want to find out?

A. The cost of taking a taxi.         B. How to get to a hotel.                  C. The nearest bus stop.

11. How many possibilities does the woman suggest?

A. 2.                                  B. 3.                                  C. 4.

12. Which of the following is true about the man's final decision?

A. Checking the schedule.            B. Taking a taxi.                         C. Waiting for another bus.


Conversation 6

13. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. On a plane.              B. On a train.                                C. In a restaurant.

14. Why is the man worried?

A. This is his first time abroad.

B. He cannot arrive on time.

C. He has never seen his grandson.

15. When did the man first see Europe?

A. Recently.                    B. After his wife’s death.                     C. During the Second World War.


Directions: In this section, you’ll hear mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

You’ll hear the mini-talk TWICE.

Topic: 16._________ in the post office



At two o’clock 17.               


The main post office

Robbers’ appearance

With a gun, handkerchiefs 18. _____________

The inspector’s action

* ordered others to be in the street outside

* ordered some of his men to wear ordinary clothes

* 19. ____________

20. ____________

The three men were caught in the act.

