七.单词拼写(本题共5分.每小题0.5分)根据下列各小题括号里的汉语提示和句子的意思.在空格里写出一个恰当形式的单词. 查看更多



【小题1】 ---What are your favorite       (节目)?
---Animal World and Chinese Cooking.
【小题2】Can you come to my house ______(讨论) the science report?
【小题3】Her lifestyle is much better than  ______ ( 我的 ).
【小题4】Are you ______(担心) about your Chinese? We can help you.
【小题5】 Here’s an article about means of ______ ( 交通 ) in Xi’an.
【小题6】 It’s _______( 必要的) to learn English well.
【小题7】 Thanks a lot for ______ ( 邀请 ) me to the party.
【小题8】Don’t get ______(使紧张) out. You should listen to some music.
【小题9】Tina is_______(擅长运动的)than Mary.
【小题10】I think _______(去观光旅行)in Thailand is a good activity.



1. ---What are your favorite       (节目)?

---Animal World and Chinese Cooking.

2.Can you come to my house ______(讨论) the science report?

3.Her lifestyle is much better than  ______ ( 我的 ).

4.Are you ______(担心) about your Chinese? We can help you.

5. Here’s an article about means of ______ ( 交通 ) in Xi’an.

6. It’s _______( 必要的) to learn English well.

7. Thanks a lot for ______ ( 邀请 ) me to the party.

8.Don’t get ______(使紧张) out. You should listen to some music.

9.Tina is_______(擅长运动的)than Mary.

10.I think _______(去观光旅行)in Thailand is a good activity.



【小题1】 ---What are your favorite       (节目)?
---Animal World and Chinese Cooking.
【小题2】Can you come to my house ______(讨论) the science report?
【小题3】Her lifestyle is much better than  ______ ( 我的 ).
【小题4】Are you ______(担心) about your Chinese? We can help you.
【小题5】 Here’s an article about means of ______ ( 交通 ) in Xi’an.
【小题6】 It’s _______( 必要的) to learn English well.
【小题7】 Thanks a lot for ______ ( 邀请 ) me to the party.
【小题8】Don’t get ______(使紧张) out. You should listen to some music.
【小题9】Tina is_______(擅长运动的)than Mary.
【小题10】I think _______(去观光旅行)in Thailand is a good activity.



1.Sally has a beautiful v­­­_________(嗓音),and we like listening to her songs.

2.Spring is the best time for p__________(种植).

3.Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in w_________(西方的) countries.

4.Dick r___________(收到) a lot of presents on his birthday, and felt very happy.

5.The doctor looked over the patient c___________(仔细地).



【小题1】If you want to                 (success) in passing the exam, you have to work hard.
【小题2】The doctor told me that it was                      (help)to eat vegetables.
【小题3】He was too                   (sleep)to open his eyes.
【小题4】We all know the                          (important)of learning English.
【小题5】Without my                   ( permit), don’t take my things.
【小题6】The old man gave lots of money to _________________(medicine) research.
【小题7】Mr Li’s                  (speak)English is very poor.
【小题8】Nobody wants to be friends with a __________________ man. (honest)
【小题9】You should pay more attention to            (practice) your written English.
【小题10】Amy is one of the most successful language _____________ (learn).

