50.A. stillB. don’tC. evenD. won’t 查看更多



  A well-trained teacher is not nervous, because she has the confident which comes of knowing that she is fully prepared for her work. She can help all her pupils, from the brightest to the slowest; and when she realizes, from the silence of her class when she asks a question, that they have not understood what she has explained, she is able to repeat her explanation again in different ways. Above all, she must never cause her pupils to lose confidence(信心). She must always speak to them kindly and when one of them turns red with shame at having answered a question after a long delay instead of easily, she must quickly make him or her feel at ease again. I was once sad to see a teacher being unkind to a girl who put up her hand and then answered a question with mistakes.

  (46) A well-train teacher is never nervous because ___________.

  A. she knows she has not got everything ready

  B. she has enough confidence to do it ready

  C. she never knows it is a shame

  D. she'd like to be anything but a teacher

  (47) The underline sentence "She can help all her pupils, from the brightest to the slowest" means that she can help____________.

  A. neither the brightest pupils of hers nor the slowest ones

  B. either the brightest pupils of hers or the slowest ones

  C. not only the brightest pupils of hers but also the slowest ones

  D. all her pupils with the white skins or dark skins

  (48) When well-trained teacher sees the silence of her class, _______________.

  A. she will teach them a good lesson

  B. she would get angry

  C. she will not explain it any more

  D. she is sure to explain what she has explained over and over again

  (49) When the pupils can't give her correct answers, ________________.

  A. she will be kind and patient to them

  B. she will let them turn red with shame

  C. she will keep them standing for a long time

  D. she will order them to think over the question

  (50) Seeing a teacher was once unkind to a girl, ____________.

  A. the writer got very unhappy

  B. the writer put up his hand

  C. the writer answered the question instead of the girl

  D. the writer was asked to stand up



Sophie is a middle school student. Her mother is a dentist and her father is a writer. Sophie wants to be a cook. Sophie went to take part in(参加) a cake(蛋糕) making competition yesterday. 

Everyone began to make a cake. But Sophie hadn’t decided what kind of cake to make.

There was only half an hour left. Sophie had not even begun. So she began to panic (恐慌). Then she got an idea. She ran out and came to a cake shop. She gave fifty dollars to the shop keeper and said, “Please give me a chocolate cake.”

Then Sophie came back and put the chocolate cake on the table. But a little boy saw her do that.

When the judges (裁判员) were just about to taste Sophie’s cake, the little boy said to the judges, “Please don’t taste her cake. She didn’t make it and she bought it from a cake shop.”

The judges were angry and said, “That was terrible, Sophie.”

From that day on, Sophie never cheated.

1. Sophie wants to be a    .

A. teacher                  B. writer                       C. cook                      D. dentist

2. Sophie began to panic because    .

A. she was too tired                     B. she didn’t begin to make her cake

C. she didn’t have money                D. her cake tasted bad

3.Sophie spent     on the chocolate cake.

A. $5                       B. $10                               C. $15                            D. $50

4.The underlined word “cheat” means “   ” in Chinese.

A. 作弊                  B. 前进                             C. 承诺                         D. 解决



My uncle likes hunting very much. He often goes  1 during the weekend and usually 2  home with a bag of birds. Last Sunday evening he came home  3  than usual. He didn’t say  4  when he came  5 . He threw his  6 on to the table and sat by the fire. He looked tired and  7 .
  “Didn’t you have a good day, dear?”his wife asked.
  “ 8  do you think?”he answered angrily and pointed  9  the bag on the table .“ Look at the bag! There’s only one bird in it and  10  me a lot of money!”“Weren’t there any birds?”she asked kindly.
  “Hundreds of them!”my uncle said,“ 11  I spent the day  12  with a  13 .”
  “What happened, dear?”she asked.
  “I shot my first bird at five o’clock  14  afternoon. Soon afterwards, I aimed at  15  one and  16 , but I don’t know what happened. I think I slipped because I didn’t shoot the bird. I  17  a cow and killed it. The farmer  18 owned it got very angry with me. I argued with him for hours and 19 theend I had to  20  him 50 pounds!”
  1.A. shoot       B. to shoot    C. and shoots      D. shooting
  2.A. goes        B. comes      C. leaves          D. gets
  3.A. early       B. earlier    C. earliest        D. the earliest
  4.A. anything    B. nothing    C. something       D. everything
  5.A. in          B. out    C. down          D. up
  6.A. hat         B. bag    C. gun           D. glasses
  7.A. terrible    B. pleased  C. wonderful     D. angry
  8.A. What        B. How    C. Why           D. When
  9.A. of          B. to     C. up            D. at
  10.A. paid       B. spent   C. took          D. cost
  11.A. So         B. Or      C. But           D. And
  12.A. talking    B. arguing  C. hunting       D. playing
  13.A. policeman  B. hunter  C. farmer        D. cow
  14.A. that       B. this    C. one           D. some
  15.A. the other  B. the     C. another       D. some
  16.A. fired      B. lit     C. began         D. opened
  17.A. frightened B. shot at  C. hit           D. missed
  18.A. who        B. which   C. whose         D. whom
  19.A. at         B. in      C. for           D. by
  20.A. borrow     B. lend    C. pay           D. earn


  Making a TV show is a lot of fun. But it’s also a lot of work. So how do you make a TV show? One of the most important parts of a TV show is the set. Sets are where the stories happen. Sets can look like a room in a house, a restaurant, or even a jungle.
  Would you ever want to act on TV? Being an actor on TV is fun. You can be famous and sign autographs. But it’s also a lot of work. If you don’t want to be an actor, there are other jobs you can do in a TV studio. You can be a director, or you can work with lighting or sound. Many people work together during filming to make sure the show looks good.
  More people work on the TV show after it is filmed. They are editors. Editing a TV show means putting the different parts of the show together to make a whole show. When someone edits the show, they also add music or sound effects to make the show more interesting.
  So what do you think? Would you ever want to work in a TV studio? It might be fun!
  48. Is making TV show a lot of work? 
  49. What are sets? 
  50. Why do many people work together during filming?
  51. Who work on the TV show after it is filmed?
  52. What’s the work at a TV show like?


   Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often   36   some books from the library. He keeps   37   to the radio every morning and reading   38   after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His   39   worship (崇拜)him very much. Mike, Mr Clarke's little son, is only nine. He   40   likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr Clarke always thinks he's too   41   to understand him and choose   42   ones to answer. Of course the boy is not satisfied with it.

  One day Mike read   43   about the electric lights and was   44   it. When his father told him to do some housework, he went on thinking of it. He asked him   45   questions, and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly, “Fathers always know  46  than sons!”

  The boy thought for a while and said, “  47  !”

  “ Oh? Why?”

  Mike didn't answer and   48  , he asked, “Who invented the electric lights?”

  “Thomas Edison.”  49   Mr Clarke.

  “ Why didn't his father invent them, then?”

  Looking at his son, Mr Clarke didn't know   50   to answer!

36. A. finds                  B. sells                        C. buys                D. borrows

37. A. listening             B. watching                 C. going                      D. touching

38. A. newspapers               B. letters                       C. stories              D. messages

39. A. teachers             B. parents                     C. classmates               D. students

40. A. also                   B. never                       C. even                 D. only

41. A. old                    B. clever                      C. young              D. able

42. A. more difficult     B. the most difficult       C. easy                 D. the easiest

43. A. something          B. nothing                     C. everything               D. anything

44. A. worried about     B. interested in              C. afraid of           D. angry with

45. A. few                   B. little                         C. a little               D. a few

46. A. more                  B. most                       C. less                  D. least

47. A. I don't think so. B. Neither am I.            C. I agree.            D. So do I.

48. A. instead               B. carefully                  C. quickly             D. brightly

49. A. asked                 B. answered                  C. told                 D. answers

50. A. when                 B. what                       C. where              D. which

