()3.The woman wants to put her bag . A. in the box B. on the desk C. in the car 查看更多



1. What are they talking about?
2. Where would Jim like to go if he gets enough money?
3. When did Tom visit the Shanghai Expo with his classmates?
4. How is the weather today?
5. How old is Mrs. Turner's son?
A. Twelve.
B. Nine.
C. Fifteen.
6. Who are the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Doctor and patient.
7. How long will it take the woman to go to the library by bus?
A. 30 minutes.
B. 20 minutes.
C. 10 minutes.
8. Why isn't the boy going to school?
A. Because he's ill.
B. Because he's going to watch a football match.
C. Because he doesn't need to go to school.
9. How often does Nick go to the English Reading Club?
A. Once a week.
B. Twice a week.
C. Twice a month.
10. If the woman wants to buy two handbags, How much will she have to pay?
A. 40 dollars.
B. 14 dollars.
C. 28 dollars.


1. What are they talking about?
[     ]
A. Clothes.
B. Colours.
C. Books.
2. When did Mr Green come to this school?
[     ]
A. Six years ago.
B. In 2006.
C. In 1996
3. Where will they go?
[     ]
A. The Great Wall.
B. The Palace Museum.
C. Nowhere.
4. How are the two speakers going to Hangzhou?
[     ]
A. By car.
B. By train.
C. By taxi.
5. Who was in hospital?
[     ]
A. The man.
B. The woman's sister.
C. The man's sister.
6. What can we learn from the conversation?
[     ]
A. Mary hasn't played basketball for ten years.
B. Mary enjoys playing basketball now.
C. Mary used to play basketball seven years ago.
7. What time is it now?
[     ]
A. 7:40.
B. 7:10.
C. 7:00.
8. How much more money does the man need to buy the dictionary?
[     ]
A.10 yuan.
B. 6 yuan.
C. 4 yuan
9. What is the man asking?
[     ]
A. Where the juice can be found.
B. How to make juice.
C. If the woman wants juice to drink.
10. What is Mr. Jones?
[     ]
A. He may be a farmer.
B. He may be a doctor.
C. He may be a man.


1. Which is Kate's favorite sport?
[     ]
     A.  B.  C.
2. How's the weather now?
[     ]
     A.  B.  C.
3. What does Emma want to be?
[     ]
     A.  B.  C.
4. When will Judy go home?
[     ]
A. At 4:00.
B. At 5:00.
C. At 6:00.
5. How much should the woman pay?
[     ]
A. $ 94.50.
B. $ 94.85.
C. $ 95.50.
6. Where is the woman now?
[     ]
A. In her own bedroom.
B. In hospital.
C. In the office.
7. What do you think the woman wants to do?
[     ]
A. To have a big dinner.
B. To stay at home.
C. To try a new restaurant.
8. What's the relationship between the tow speakers?
[     ]
A. Mother and son.
B. Friends.
C. Husband and wife.
9. What number does the man want to call?
[     ]
A. 23454645.
B. 23435654.
C. 32435465.
10. Where is Timmy from?
[     ]
A. Canada.
B. The USA.
C. Japan.


1. The boy usually goes to school ________.   
A. by bus
B. by bike
C. on foot
2. It is ________ now.   
A. 10:30
B. 10:20
C. 10:40
3. The woman wants to put her bag ________.   
A. in the box
B. on the desk
C. in the car
4. Tom is waiting for ________.   
A. his friends
B. his parents
C. his brothers
5. The woman wants to drink ________.   
A. coke
B. milk
C. tea
6. Jane has ________.   
A. a radio
B. a TV set
C. a computer
7. They are going to ________ next week.   
A. a factory
B. a farm
C. a park
8. The girl's watch ________.   
A. is new
B. is lost
C. doesn't work


     There are many people on the bus. Some have seats, but some have to stand. At a bus stop, a woman gets
on the bus. An old man is near the door and tries (试着) to stand up."Oh, no, thank you," the woman forces
(强迫) him back to the seat."Please don't do that. I can stand.""But, Madam, let me..."says the man."I ask you
to keep your seat." the woman says. She puts her hands on the old man's shoulder (肩膀).
     But the man still tries to stand up."Madam, will you let me...?""Oh, no." says the woman. She again forces
the man back.
     At last (最后) the old man shouts (大声喊),"I want to get off the bus!"
1. Where does the story happen (发生)?
A. On a bus.
B. At a bus stop.
C. On a train.
D. On a plane.
2. Why does the old man want to stand up?
A. He wants to give his seat to the woman.
B. He wants to get off the bus.
C. He wants to be near the door.
D. He has to stand up.
3. Why does the woman put her hands on the man's shoulder?
A. They are good friends.
B. She is too tired.
C. She wants to have a rest.
D. The woman wants to be polite (礼貌的).
4. What do you know about the man and the woman?
A. They work in one office.
B. They study in one school.
C. The woman doesn't know the man.
D. They take the bus every day.
5. Why is the man angry at last?
A. He can't get off the bus.
B. The woman puts her hands on his shoulder.
C. The woman is not polite.
D. He has not any seat.

