A: 88. B: Thank you. See you!A: See you!第三节 书面表达情景设定:学校运动会正在进行之中.校广播台“荣辱广角镜 栏目小记者萧鸣看到了下面两组镜头.镜头一:男子接力比赛最后一棒.二班王强同学跌倒受伤.仍然坚持跑到了终点.镜头二:赛场周围.有部分同学说笑嬉闹.还将剩余的饮食和废弃物随手乱扔.假设你是萧鸣.请你从上面两组镜头中任选一组.并根据其内容为校广播台写一篇80词左右的短讯. 查看更多




A:What’s the matter, Mrs. Smith?

B: 1. I can’t do any work, doctor.

A:Do you have a cough?

B:No. I don’t have a cough.

A: 2.

B:Yes, I sleep very well.

A:Do you have breakfast every morning?

B:No. I don’t have breakfast. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin(减肥).

A:Oh, I see.   3. You need to eat more food and have three meals a day.   4.

B:OK. I will do like that.

A: 5. 

B:Thank you very much.

A.I feel very well.

B.I hope you will get better soon.

C.Do you sleep well at night?

D.I’m not feeling well.

E.And do some exercise every day.

F.You need to eat less food.

G.There is nothing serious.



A: How are you going to spend this long summer holiday, Xiao Ming?

B: I'm going to visit Hainan Island.

A:  1.


B: No, I'll go there by myself.

A; _2.


B; By plane. It takes only about two hours to get there.

A: __3.


B; Thank you very much. How about you?

A: I’ll go back to my hometown to see my parents.

B: __4.


A; My pleasure.

B; Thank you.

A: You' re welcome.


A. Say hello to your parents for me.

B. How will you get there?

C. Will you go there with your parents?

D. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself there.



Your room is so beautiful !


A.OK    B.Thank you,.       C. Don’t say that.  D.No,no.




A: Hello, Eliza! What are you doing for the summer vacation?

B: I’m visiting some famous places.

A: 1._________________________________?

B: I’m going to Canada.

A: 2._______________________________?

B: By plane.

A: 3._____________________________?

B: My friend Kay.

A: 4._______________________________?

B: For about a week.

A: 5.______________________________!

B: Thank you.




A                                                                                       B

1.What’s the matter with you?

2.Will you join us ?

3.Do you row much?

4.Excuse me, may I speak to Mr. Lee?

5.I hope you will get well soon. A. Yes, quite a lot.

B. Thank you.

C. Sorry, he is busy right now.

D. I have a fever.

E. I’ d be glad to.


