A. Why can’t she. B. She’s a student. C. I’m sorry to hear that. 查看更多





1AGiraffes. BPandas. CSquirrels

2AMy pleasure. BNever mind. CNo problem

3AJust so-so. BThank you. CI don't think so

4AGood luck to you. BCongratulations. CI'm sorry to hear that


5What does Jane most probably do?

AAn actress. BA director. CA pop singer

6What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

AClassmates. BTeacher and student. CTeacher and parent

7What colour will the robot change into when the man is sad?

AGreen. BBlue. COrange

8How does the woman feel?

ATired. BStressed. CSad

9Who needs help with English?

AJim. BAmy. CSandy

10What time is it now?

A440. B500. C520

11Where is the man's watch?

AOn the bedside table

BOn the desk

CIn the bag

12Why are the speakers in such a hurry?

ABecause they are late for school

BBecause they want to catch the train

CBecause they want to do exercise

13What does the woman advise the man to take?

ASome money. BSomething expensive. CFlowers or sweets

14Where does the dialogue most probably take place?

AAt a bus stop. BAt a theatre. CAt a bank



15Why won't they take a taxi?

ABecause there's no taxi nearby

BBecause it's not very far

CBecause it's expensive to take a taxi

16What are they going to do tomorrow afternoon?

AGo to school

BGo to the museum

CGo to a concert

17How much will the tickets cost them?

A150 yuan. B300 yuan. CNothing


18What's the woman's problem?

AShe feels nervous about the test

BShe doesn' t work hard

CShe has never taken any test

19What does the man think can help solve the woman's problem?

AGood luck. BDeep breathing. CKind advice

20What is the man's suggestion for getting good results in exams?

ATalking with others

BOften taking tests

CAlways working hard


21How many apples did the shopkeeper try to give the boy?

ATwo. BFour. CSix

22The boy's mother had got________her son got in the fruit shop

Aas many apples as

Bfewer apples than

Cmore apples than

23How much did the boy pay for the apples at last?

A2 dollars. B4 dollars. C6 dollars

24What do you think of the boy?

AImpolite. BSelfish. CSmart




1.A.I'm sorry.

B.You're welcome.

C.The same to you.

2.A.Yes, I have.

B.I'd love to.

C.No, I am not.

3.A.Yes, you can.

B.No, you can't.

C.I want to buy a jacket.

4.A.I found it at home.

B.I found it myself.

C.I found it yesterday.

5.A.99 yuan.

B.They were nice.

C.I have no money.


6.What's the matter with the girl?

A.She's badly ill.

B.She's angry with the man.

C.She'll go to see a doctor herself.

7.What does Mr.White mean?

A.He asks the woman to work hard.

B.He won't let the woman work for him.

C.The woman doesn't want to work any more.

8.What's the man going to do?

A.Ask Mary to mend the TV.

B.Ask Mary to turn off the TV.

C.Ask Mary to turn down the TV.

9.Who lives in England?

A.Robert's uncles.

B.Robert's parents.

C.Robert's grandparents.

10.How will Mr.Hunt go to London?

A.By car.

B.By air.

C.By train.


11.What are they going to do?

A.To take a walk.

B.To go to a party.

C.To buy a watch.

12.When did they get to the bus stop?

A.At 6∶35.

B.At 6∶45.

C.At 7∶35.

13.Why hasn't Rose had her watch?

A.She lost it yesterday.

B.She doesn't have a watch.

C.The watch doesn't work well.

14.How long has Rose had her watch?

A.For half a year.

B.For about a month.

C.For three months.

15.How will they go there?

A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By taxi.


16.Why are the husband and wife lucky and happy?

A.Because they live in a big house.

B.Because they have a lot of money.

C.Because they have many close friends.

17.What does Jim do?

A.He's a student.

B.He's a teacher.

C.He's a driver.

18.What's Lucy good at?



C.Playing basketball.

19.Why don't they see Bob very often?

A.Because Bob is too busy.

B.Because Bob isn't so friendly.

C.Because Bob lives far away from them.

20.What can we learn from the story?

A.They like to stay home alone.

B.They often have a get-together with their friends.

C.They don't have much time to meet each other.



    John doesn't like to go to school. His mother is worried about him.

    One morning she goes into John's room, turns on the light and says to him, "It's time to get up. You can't stay in bed all day. "

    But John doesn't want to get up. He turns the light off.

    "Don't go to sleep again. You'll be late for school again, " his mother says.

    Fifteen minutes later, John comes into the kitchen(厨房)and sits down at the table.

    "Hurry, it's eight o'clock, " his mother says to him.

    "There's no hurry, " John tells his mother. " I'm not going to school. "

    "Why not? Is it a holiday? "

    "No, it's not a holiday. "

    His mother sits next to him and takes his hand.

    "John, tell me what's wrong. Why do you hate(恨)school so much? "

  The son doesn't say anything. A few minutes later he says, "The teachers don't like me, and neither do the students. "

    "John, " his mother says, " I'm sorry about it, but you cannot stay at home. "

    "Why not? "

    "Because(因为)dear, there are two very good reasons(理由).

  First, you are thirty-five years old. Second. you are the school headmaster(校长), " says his mother.


  1. Why is John's mother worried about him?  

[  ]

  A. He cries a lot.    B. He cannot do his homework.

  C. He sleeps all day.   D. He does not like to go to school

  2. Why doesn't John want to go to school?  

[  ]

  A. He is ill.        B. He likes to stay in bed.

  C. He is not happy there.  D. It is a holiday.

  3. When does John's mother leave his room?  

[  ]

  A. 8:00  B. 7:45

  C. 8:15  D. Fifteen minutes later.

  4. What does John do at the school?    

[  ]

  A. He is a student.       B. He is an English teacher.

  C. He is the school headmaster. D. He doesn't do anything.

  5. How old do you think John is before you read the last part of the story?

[  ]

  A. He is about ten.    B. He is thirty-five.

  C. He is two years old.  D. He is over sixty.







2.A.go to the station

B.ask a question

C.take a vacation




4.A.I’m leaving by air.

B.Tom’s leaving by air.

C.They’re leaving together by air.

5.A.They will meet each other soon.

B.They met somewhere not long ago.

C.They haven’t seen each other for a long time.





7.A.I’m working.

B.I’m very well.

C.I’m busy now.

8.A.That’s right.

B.I don’t know.

C.Sorry, you’d better not.

9.A.Be careful!

B.Never mind.

C.Not at all.

10.A.Good idea!

B.Enjoy yourself!

C.Thank you!


11.What are they talking about?

A.A job.

B.A test.

C.A text.

12.Where do you think the woman will be tonight?

A.At a cinema.

B.At a friend’s.

C.At home.

13.What does the girl do before going to school?

A.Wash her face and eat breakfast.

B.Eat breakfast and help her mom.

C.Wash her face and cook breakfast.

14.Which season does Grandma like best?

15.Why does the woman go to see the doctor?


16.Which lesson are they going to learn?

A.Lesson 8.

B.Lesson 16.

C.Lesson 18.

17.What will the students do first?

A.Have a free talk.

B.Choose the best answer.

C.Listen to a conversation.

18.How often does Chris use the Internet?

A.Once a week.

B.Twice a week.

C.Once every two weeks.

19.What does Chris do online?

A.Chatting, shopping and reading books.

B.Watching films, making friends and chatting.

C.Listening to music, playing games and reading.

20.Where is the e-mail from?




21.What’s Bill’s trouble?

A.He can’t go to college in the United States.

B.He gets a headache and wants to see a doctor.

C.He doesn’t know which university to choose.

22.Who is asking Linda questions?

A.A friend.

B.Her brother.

C.A reporter.

23.What does Linda do?

A.She’s a singer.

B.She’s a student.

C.She’s a salesgirl.

24.Where did Linda buy the blouse?

A.At a small store.

B.At a big store.

C.In a supermarket.

25.How much is the hat?







1.A.It’s 100 yuan.

B.It’s red.

C.It’s over there.

2.A.No, you can’t.

B.Thanks a lot.

C.Hold on, please.

3.A.She is a good student.

B.I’m sorry to hear that.

C.What happened to her?

4.A.A bottle of milk.

B.It’s from China.

C.It’s made of glass.

5.A.By air.

B.Since 2000.

C.On the road.


6.What’s Tom good at?




7.What will the woman do?

A.She will do some housework.

B.She will change her clothes.

C.She will go to a party.

8.What’s behind the man and the woman?

A.A pretty cat.

B.A policeman.

C.A police car.

9.Why doesn’t the woman let the man take a look at the paper?

A.Because she doesn’t like him at all.

B.Because she wants to keep it secret.

C.Because she wants to show it to him later.

10.Where are they talking?

A.At home.

B.In the street.

C.On the telephone.


11.Where is Mary from?




12.Where do Mary’s grandparents live?

A.In the countryside.

B.In a big city.

C.In a small town near the city.

13.What are Li Lei’s family going to do in the summer?

A.They’re going to stay at home.

B.They’re going to visit Li Lei’s grandparents.

C.They’re going to take a trip to the south.

14.How many cities is Li Lei going to visit?




15.What are the boy and the girl mainly talking about?

A.Their holiday plans

B.Their school life.

C.The places of great interest.


16.What was the husband like?

A.He was large and fat.

B.He was tall and strong.

C.He was small and thin.

17.When did the man get his pay?

A.Every Friday.

B.Every month.

C.Every day.

18.What was his wife doing when the man hurried into the living room?

A.Listening to music and cleaning the room.

B.Watching TV and waiting for her husband.

C.Listening to the radio and eating apples.

19.How did the husband get the ten thousand dollars?

A.He saved the money little by little.

B.He got the money from his lottery tickets(彩票).

C.His father gave the money to him.

20.Why was his wife angry with him?

A.Because she thought he hadn’t given her all his money.

B.Because he kept much of his money himself.

C.Because he didn’t want to give the money to her.

