-Hello, may I speak to Jim? - . A. Who are you B. Jim is me C. I’m speaking D. Jim speaking 查看更多



补全对话 从方框中所给的选项中选择正确的句子补全以下对话(10分)

A:Hello! May I speak to Sally?

B:  38  May I take a message?

A:Yes. This is her friend Maria calling. Would you please ask Sally to bring a VCD of popular songs to the evening party tonight?

B:  39  Wait a moment. I’ll get a pen to write this down.“Maria called. You should bring a VCD of popular songs to the evening party tonight. Is it right?”

A:Yes.  40  You may also tell her to call me back if she has a chance.

B:All right.  41 

A:My number is 2385729. Now I’ll say it again 2-3-8-5-7-2-9.

B:OK, I think she will see the message when she comes back.

A:  42  Goodbye.


A:Thank you.

B:That’s right.

C:What’s your telephone number?


E:I’m afraid she is not in.

38.__________ 39.__________ 40._________ 41._________ 42._________



A. I am making a model robot.
B. Who are you?
C. Yes, I do.
D. What can robots do then?
E. Do you think that robots can do better than humans?
F. Who is that?
A: Hello! May I speak to Maria, please?
B: This is Maria speaking. 1______ 
A: This is Michael. Maria,could you practice the violin with me?
B: Sorry, I can't. 2______ 
A: Do you like robots?
B: 38 It's one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.
A: They are great. 3______ 
B: They can do many things. They may take the place of humans in some work situations.
A: That sounds good. 4______ 
B: Yes, I think so.
A :Oh, I see.



A: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Smith?

B: I’m sorry.    36   I think he will come back in an hour.   37 

A: That’s very kind of you. I’d like him to come to my birthday party.   38 

B: OK. Wait a minute, please! I’ll go and get a pen and a piece of paper. OK.   39    

A: 8765432. My name is Li Bai.

B: All right.   40 

A.   Could I take a message?

B.   He is at home.

C.   Please give me your phone number.

D.   Can I leave my telephone number for you?

E.   He isn’t here right now.

F.   It doesn’t matter .

G.   I’ll tell him to call you back.


(A New English-Chinese Dictionary is on sale in the Foreign Language Book Store. Dick is too busy to go there. He asks John to get one for him.)

A: Hello! May I speak to John, please?
B: This is John speaking.    【小题1】    
A: It’s Dick. I’m at home.
B:  【小题2】    
A: I’m looking after my mother.
B:  【小题3】    
A: She is ill. She has caught a bad cold.
B:  【小题4】   . Can I help you?
A: Yes, thank you. I hear a New English-Chinese Dictionary is on sale at the Foreign Language Book Store. Will you please go there and get one for me?
B:  【小题5】   . I’ll go right now.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You’re welcome.



A:Hello! May I speak to Mr. Smith?

B:I'm sorry._____ 1.____

A:When will he come back?

B:I think he'll be back in an hour.___ 2.____

A:That's very kind of you. I'd like him to come to my birthday party.3.

B:Certainly.__ 4.__I'll go and get a pen and a piece of paper. Now please give me your phone number.

A:7667569. My name is Liu Wei.

B:All right. _____5.____

A. Could I take a message?

B. Can I leave my telephone number for you?

C. Wait a minute, please.

D. He isn't here right now.

E. I'll tell him to call you back.


