A. ran B. walked C. jumped D. dropped 查看更多



What can people do when natural disasters (灾难)happen? Can we stop them? No, we can't. The only thing we can do is to 41  after the disasters.
Last year I met Mr. Flood. It started raining and   42  raining almost a month: the water on the streets got higher and higher every day. We used   43  instead of cars. We lost lots of things, including our businesses, our jobs and our homes.
Schools   44  and farms were destroyed. We ran out of food and clean water. In some places the water was higher than the buildings. I felt like we lived in a(n)  45 _ world.
Because of the flood, lots of  46  broke out. Because of the dead animals, some people  47  . The soil and other things made the water become very, very  48 _. That was in summer time, so though it was raining, the  49  was still high. The hot weather and really dirty water 50  the air very bad. Hospitals didn't have enough rooms for  51  .
When the flood was over, I looked around my city. The word “ 52 ” can describe the situation. Everything was destroyed and lots of people were sick, but we were very  53  .1 think.
We had to 54  our city, take care of the sick people, and start our schools again. I just 55 that one day, people can stop the natural disasters whenever they happen. After all, people are very clever.
【小题1】A. wake up       B. make up         C. clean up
【小题2】A. kept          B. finished          C. stopped
【小题3】A. bikes         B. trains            C. boats
【小题4】A. started        B. closed          C. opened
【小题5】A. water.        B. fire              C. ice
【小题6】A. happiness     B. illnesses          C. hardness
【小题7】A. ran          B. slept             C. died
【小题8】A. dirty         B. clean             C. clear
【小题9】A. temperature   B. weather           C. water
【小题10】A. had.         B. made             C. changed
【小题11】A. nurses       B. doctors            C. patients
【小题12】A. sad          B. beautiful          C. good
【小题13】A. weak        B. strong            C. happy
【小题14】A. rebuild       B. return            C. remain
【小题15】A. want         B. hope             C. see


When I was about 12, a girl in my class liked to point out my problems. I was too thin; I wasn't a good student; I talked too much; I was too __46__, and so on. At last, I became very angry and ran to my father.

He listened to me  47  . Then he asked, "Are these things true or not? Do you know what you are really like? Go and make a   48   of what she said and find the __49__ that are true. "

I did as he told me. To my great __50_ . 1 discovered that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldn't change (like being very thin). But there were things 1 could and wanted to change. For the _51__ time, I got a clear  52  of myself.

I brought the list back to Dad. He refused to take it. "That's just for you." he said. "You know the truth about _53_ better than anyone else. When people say something that is true about you, you should find it helpful. "

Our world is full of people who think they know your business. Don't _54_ and feel   55 . Listen to them.

(  )46. A. beautiful             B. proud     C smart  D. rich

(  )47. A. bravely H. happily    C. quickly   D. quietly

(  )48. A. joke    B. programme  C.list       D. record

(  )49. A. secrets B. mistakes   C. lessons   D. points

(  )50. A. surprise B. interest   C. opinion   D. fact

(  )51. A. first   B. second     C. next      D. last

(  )52. A. book    B. picture    C. drawing   D. notice

(  )53. A. yourselves B. myself  C. herself   D. yourself

(  )54. A. clean   B. open       C. close     D. wash

(  )55. A. hurt    B.safe        C. pretty    D.cheap


I didn’t cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled child. I just sat still and didn’t say anything.    

When Jenny was old enough, I sent her to a kindergarten(幼儿园). On the first morning, Jenny spent hours playing by herself. It seemed that she felt very(41).    

However, to my joy, Jenny’s classmates always (42) her, “You got all your spelling words right today!” In fact, her spelling list was the (43). Later, she faced a very painful (44) —— at the end of the term, there was a game which had (45) to do with physical education. But Jenny was (46) in it.    

My husband and I were anxious about the day. I wanted to let my child stay home! But my heart wouldn’t let me off that easily. So I (47) a pale, unwilling Jenny onto the school bus.    

At the kindergarten, I was quite worried because of her (48) action, Jenny would probably hold up her team. The game went well until it was time for the sack(麻袋)race. Surely Jenny would find it (49). Now each child had to climb into a sack, jump to the finishing line, return and climb out of the sack. I noticed Jenny standing near the end of her line of players.    

But as it was her turn to join, a change took place in her (50). The tallest boy behind Jenny placed his hands on her waist(腰). Two other boys (51) in front of her. The moment the player before Jenny stepped out from the sack, the two boys (52) the sack suddenly and kept it open while the tall boy lifted Jenny and (53) her into it. A girl nearby took her hand and supported her (54) Jenny got her balance. Then she jumped forward, smiling and proud. In the cheers of the teachers, schoolmates and parents, I silently thanked the warm, understanding people in life who made it  (55) for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings. Then I finally cried.

    41. A. excited      B. lonely       C. happy            D. weak

    42. A. greeted      B. expected         C. encouraged       D. followed

    43. A. easiest      B. longest      C. smallest    D. tidiest

    44. A. choice       B. problem      C. result           D. exam

    45. A. nothing      B. anything         C. everything       D. something

    46. A. forward      B. fast             C. behind           D. up

    47. A. threw            B. pushed       C. knocked      D. fixed

    48. A. slow         B. quiet            C. quick            D. secret

    49. A. stupid       B. simple       C. relaxing    D. difficult

    50. A. school       B. family       C. team         D. heart

    51. A. ran          B. lay          C. walked       D. stood

    52. A. picked up        B. gave up      C. cut up           D. made up

    53. A. drove            B. hid          C. put          D. hit

    54. A. when         B. until            C. after            D. unless

    55. A. popular      B. special      C. necessary        D. possible


What can people do when natural disasters (灾难)happen? Can we stop them? No, we can't. The only thing we can do is to  41   after the disasters.

    Last year I met Mr. Flood. It started raining and   42   raining almost a month: the water on the streets got higher and higher every day. We used   43   instead of cars. We lost lots of things, including our businesses, our jobs and our homes.

    Schools   44   and farms were destroyed. We ran out of food and clean water. In some places the water was higher than the buildings. I felt like we lived in a(n)  45 _ world.

    Because of the flood, lots of  46  broke out. Because of the dead animals, some people  47  . The soil and other things made the water become very, very  48 _. That was in summer time, so though it was raining, the  49  was still high. The hot weather and really dirty water  50  the air very bad. Hospitals didn't have enough rooms for  51  .

    When the flood was over, I looked around my city. The word “ 52 ” can describe the situation. Everything was destroyed and lots of people were sick, but we were very  53  .1 think.

    We had to 54  our city, take care of the sick people, and start our schools again. I just 55 that one day, people can stop the natural disasters whenever they happen. After all, people are very clever.

1.A. wake up       B. make up         C. clean up

2.A. kept          B. finished          C. stopped

3.A. bikes         B. trains            C. boats

4.A. started        B. closed           C. opened

5.A. water.        B. fire              C. ice

6.A. happiness     B. illnesses          C. hardness

7.A. ran          B. slept             C. died

8.A. dirty         B. clean             C. clear

9.A. temperature   B. weather           C. water

10.A. had.         B. made             C. changed

11.A. nurses       B. doctors            C. patients

12.A. sad          B. beautiful          C. good

13.A. weak        B. strong            C. happy

14.A. rebuild       B. return            C. remain

15.A. want         B. hope             C. see



What can people do when natural disasters (灾难)happen? Can we stop them? No, we can't. The only thing we can do is to 41  after the disasters.
Last year I met Mr. Flood. It started raining and   42  raining almost a month: the water on the streets got higher and higher every day. We used   43  instead of cars. We lost lots of things, including our businesses, our jobs and our homes.
Schools   44  and farms were destroyed. We ran out of food and clean water. In some places the water was higher than the buildings. I felt like we lived in a(n)  45 _ world.
Because of the flood, lots of  46  broke out. Because of the dead animals, some people  47  . The soil and other things made the water become very, very  48 _. That was in summer time, so though it was raining, the  49  was still high. The hot weather and really dirty water 50  the air very bad. Hospitals didn't have enough rooms for  51  .
When the flood was over, I looked around my city. The word “ 52 ” can describe the situation. Everything was destroyed and lots of people were sick, but we were very  53  .1 think.
We had to 54  our city, take care of the sick people, and start our schools again. I just 55 that one day, people can stop the natural disasters whenever they happen. After all, people are very clever.
【小题1】A. wake up       B. make up         C. clean up
【小题2】A. kept          B. finished          C. stopped
【小题3】A. bikes         B. trains            C. boats
【小题4】A. started        B. closed          C. opened
【小题5】A. water.        B. fire              C. ice
【小题6】A. happiness     B. illnesses          C. hardness
【小题7】A. ran          B. slept             C. died
【小题8】A. dirty         B. clean             C. clear
【小题9】A. temperature   B. weather           C. water
【小题10】A. had.         B. made             C. changed
【小题11】A. nurses       B. doctors            C. patients
【小题12】A. sad          B. beautiful          C. good
【小题13】A. weak        B. strong            C. happy
【小题14】A. rebuild       B. return            C. remain
【小题15】A. want         B. hope             C. see

