What funny stories have you ever read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? A. the other, except for B. other, besides C. any other, except D. other, besides for 查看更多



When I was small, my mum used to give the family something special for meals —she would make breakfast food for dinner.  

I still remember one night my mum   31    some bread in front of my dad, something very burnt. I waited to see if anybody noticed. To my surprise, my dad just took his    32   , smiled at my mum and then turned to ask me how my day at school had been. I've   33   what I told him that night.   34   I do remember watching him put some butter on that bread. He  35   as usual, every single bit. 

 After dinner, my mum said   36  to my dad for burning the bread. And I never forget what he said, "I    37    burnt bread, dear. It doesn't matter at all. "

38    , I went to kiss Dad good light. I asked him if he really liked his bread burnt. He held me in arms and   39  , “Your mum worked very hard all day. She's really _40_. And you see—a bit of burnt food never hurt anyone!”

    Now I know life is not perfect. _41_ is perfect, either. As for me. 1 often forget birthdays or some other special days. But I've learned something _42_ over these years. What we really need is the understanding of each other, whether between a husband and wife, a parent and _43_ or just between two friends. This is the key to a happy  44  .

So don't get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember.    45  bread never hurt anyone. Be kind to those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you.

31. A. cooked      B. put  C. found  D. bought

32. A. glass        B. milk  C. spoon  D. bread

33. A. decided      B. known  C. forgotten D. imagined

34. A. But         B. So  C. Because   D. And

35. A. threw it away    B. ate it up   C. put it away   D. looked it up

36. A. hello        B. goodbye      C. no        D. sorry

37. A. hate         B. love    C. make       D. save

38. A. After school  B. Before dinner  C. Later that night    D. The next morning

39. A. shouted      B. said     C. laughed        D. continued

40. A. tired        B. excited    C. worried        D. interested

41. A. Everybody   B. Anybody   C. Nobody       D. Somebody

42. A. important    B. difficult    C. funny         D. easy

43. A. student      B. brother      C. sister        D. child

44. A. class        B. party         C. life        D. story

45. A. burnt        B. cheap       C. fresh        D. cold


Do you know apples? Have you ever e  1 apples? What funny questions! You know I’m t  2 about the apple products(产品) from the USA. Now, there are m  3 of apple fans in China. Many of t  4 are teenagers. The price of apple products is very h  5 , but people think they are b  6 modern and fashionable, as if they are from the future. It is said that there is a student who would like to s  7 his kidney(肾)to buy an i-phone. In fact, it is not n  8 for students to own the expensive mobile phones because even you can use the most common one to play games, chat on QQ with friends o  9 search on the Internet. The biggest use of a mobile phone is making c  10 and in most schools mobile phones are forbidden(禁止).


Do you know apples? Have you ever e  1 apples? What funny questions! You know I’m t  2 about the apple products(产品) from the USA. Now, there are m  3 of apple fans in China. Many of t  4 are teenagers. The price of apple products is very h  5 , but people think they are b  6 modern and fashionable, as if they are from the future. It is said that there is a student who would like to s  7 his kidney(肾)to buy an i-phone. In fact, it is not n  8 for students to own the expensive mobile phones because even you can use the most common one to play games, chat on QQ with friends o  9 search on the Internet. The biggest use of a mobile phone is making c  10 and in most schools mobile phones are forbidden(禁止).


In our solar system (太阳系), Earth and the other eight planets travel around the sun.. Unlike  Earth, Saturn (土星) has tings. The chart shows more ways in which Saturn and Earth are different.




Average distance(平均距离)from the SUII

93 million miles

890 million miles

Length (长度)of day

24 hours

10 hours 39 minutes

Length of year

365 days

about 10,585 days

Number of moons(卫星)



What it's made of

rock and water

gas (气体)(hydrogen and


1. From the chart we can know that Saturn is____________from the sun than Earth.

2. Saturn has____________than Earth.

3. A day on Saturn is shorter than a day____________

4. Earth is made of____________

5. There are____________ planets in our solar system besides(除了……还) Earth and Saturn.


1. time, a, to, breakfast, what, funny, make
2. the, he, on, early, watches, morning, TV, news
3. do, go, when, usually, to, you, bed
4. eat, at, seven-thirty, I, breakfast, around
5. busy, it, in, is, always, morning, the

