A. The Great Green Wall. B. Some tall buildings. C. A high mountain. 查看更多



【小题1】Spring ______(来) after winter.
【小题2】Father’s Day is on the t______Sunday in June.
【小题3】_________(游泳) is good for our health. Do you want to have a try?
【小题4】Could you please speak more s__________, Tom? I can’t catch what you say.
【小题5】We are going to c________the hill. I am sure we will have a good time..
【小题6】Is there a ______(图书馆) in the new city? I want to borrow some books.
【小题7】The great wall was b_________ thousands of years ago.
【小题8】Tom is the captain of our school basketball team. And he is the t_______ of us all.
【小题9】Don’t be afraid of m_________mistakes because nobody can be right all the time.


【小题1】Spring ______(来) after winter.
【小题2】Father’s Day is on the t______Sunday in June.
【小题3】_________(游泳) is good for our health. Do you want to have a try?
【小题4】Could you please speak more s__________, Tom? I can’t catch what you say.
【小题5】We are going to c________the hill. I am sure we will have a good time..
【小题6】Is there a ______(图书馆) in the new city? I want to borrow some books.
【小题7】The great wall was b_________ thousands of years ago.
【小题8】Tom is the captain of our school basketball team. And he is the t_______ of us all.
【小题9】Don’t be afraid of m_________mistakes because nobody can be right all the time.


A: Tomorrow is   1  . We don't have to go to school and let's have a picnic.
B:   2    3   can we go?
A: To the   4 .
B:   5 , there are too many people at the beach. Let's go to the park.
A: How do we   6  there?
B: By bus.   7  is one at nine o'clock.
A:   8   do we meet?
B: Eight thirty at the bus stop. And I want to bring some   9  .
A: Then let  10  bring something to drink.
(     )1. A. Monday    
(     )2. A. Great    
(     )3. A. How      
(     )4. A. park     
(     )5. A. No       
(     )6. A. walk     
(     )7. A. The bus  
(     )8. A. How       
(     )9. A. chicken and dumplings   
(     )10. A. you                    
B. Saturday    
B. Oh dear     
B. When        
B. zoo         
B. Ok          
B. get          
B. He          
B. When         
B. desks and chairs   
B. him              
C. Wednesday    
C. Well        
C. Why            
C. shop         
C. That's right  
C. come           
C. It           
C. Where  
C. books and pens     
C. me                
D. Thursday             
D.Thank goodness       
D. Where               
D. beach                
D. Yes                
D. run                  
D. There                
D. When and where
D. water and porridge   
D. her                  


I’m having a great time in Hong Kong, __1__ I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai. Still, it’s a great place to visit and I’m lucky to be here for my _2__ English course. Some other students are learning Japanese. I might like to learn some too. What languages would you like to learn?

There’s just _3_ to see and do here. Last night I went to a Chinese musical concert. Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to. I prefer quiet, traditional music so the concert suited me just __4_. What kinds of music do you like?

Before the concert we went for Italian food. Do you like it? There __5__ lots of different kinds of food here. I don’t know what to try next. What kinds of food do you prefer?

My host family is taking me over to an Indian film festival next weekend. I’m not sure what to _6_ because I’ve never seen an Indian film. Have you? Some people say they’re boring, _7_ say they’re great. What kinds of films do you prefer?

1. A. although            B. because             C. so                     D. but

2. A. a six month           B. a six-month              C. six-month          D. six-months

3. A. a little                   B. too much           C. so many            D. so much

4. A. nice                   B. fine                   C. good                 D. great

5. A. will have           B. are                   C. have                 D. has

6. A. like                   B. prefer                 C. expect               D. try

7. A. the others             B. others               C. other                 D. the other



      The yearly Marathon (马拉松) in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to
follow behind   _1_   in an ambulance (救护车) in case any of them needed medical attention.
     "We're supposed to stay behind the last runner, so drive it    _2_  ," I said to the driver, Doug, as
the race started.
     The front-runners started to   _3_  and then my eyes were drawn to the woman    _4_  blue silk
running shorts and a white T-shirt.
     We knew we were already watching our "last runner." Her    _5_   were so crippled (残疾的) that
it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon.
     Doug and I  _6_  in silence when she slowly moved forward. Finally, she was  _7_  runner left
in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with respect as she pushed forward with great
determination through the last miles.
     When the finishing line came into sight, rubbish was everywhere and the    _8_   crowds had long
gone home. __9_  , standing straight and ever so proud stood a lone man. He was holding one  _10  
of a ribbon (缎带)of crepe paper (皱纹纸) tied to a post (标杆). She slowly crossed through, leaving 
  _11_   ends of the paper fluttering (飘扬) behind her.
     I do not know this woman's name, but that day she became part of my    12 _  a part I often depend
on. For her, it wasn't about    13_  the other runners or winning a prize, but about finishing    _14_  she
had set out to do, no matter what. When I think things are too difficult or I get those "I-just-can't-do-it,"
I think of the last runner. Then I realize how   _15_   the task before me really is.

(     )1. A. the runners
(     )2. A. happily  
(     )3. A. run    
(     )4. A. by       
(     )5. A. hands  
(     )6. A. drove    
(     )7. A. the only  
(     )8. A. tiring  
(     )9. A. Besides   
(     )10. A. end    
(     )11. A. either
(     )12. A. dream  
(     )13. A. following
(     )14. A. what    
(     )15. A. difficult

B. the drivers
B. slowly    
B. go      
B. with      
B. legs  
B. looked at
B. the next
B. waiting  
B. And      
B. part      
B. both     
B. study    
B. hoping  
B. that      
B. boring  

C. the crowds  
C. quickly  
C. disappear
C. for        
C. arms  
C. watched      
C. the first
C. cheering
C. However  
C. beginning  
C. each     
C. idea  
C. running    
C. how        
C. easy  

D. the volunteers  
D. quietly        
D. appear          
D. in              
D. body            
D. walked          
D. the back        
D. patient        
D. But            
D. start          
D. neither        
D. life            
D. beating        
D. why            
D. hard            

